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Not so Smart park Have you ever drove into large parking lot not knowing that it is completely full?

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Presentation on theme: "Not so Smart park Have you ever drove into large parking lot not knowing that it is completely full?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Not so Smart park Have you ever drove into large parking lot not knowing that it is completely full?

2 Even though the lot was like this 30 mins back

3 SmartPark Smart Park tells you the location of open spots before you enter the lot It also identifies illegally parked vehicles taking 2 spots It uses a training image of empty lot Current image will be acquired periodically It compares the current image to the training image to identify empty spots It uses various DIP and analysis techniques

4 DIP Concepts Noise Removal Thresholding Erode and Dilate or Edge Detect Zero order moment Image arithmetic Intermediate Level Processing

5 Disability This program helps people who are disabled by telling them which spots are open The person can make a decision on which open spot to take, based on the persons preferences such as no stairs, closest spot, closest to building ramp or elevator

6 Programming Concepts On training image, Convert to gray scale if need be Remove noise Erode vertical lines to get horizontal lines Analyze the resulting image to eliminate duplicate lines Record the start and end coordinates …

7 Programming Concepts On training image, Erode horizontal lines to get vertical lines Analyze the resulting image to eliminate duplicate lines Record the start and end coordinates Calculate intersection and form rectangles Find area of individual rectangles

8 Programming Concepts On current image with cars, Convert to gray scale if need be Remove noise Threshold and convert to binary Calculate the foreground area of individual rectangles from the known coordinates …

9 Programming Concepts Analyze the results, If foreground area of a rectangle > 50%(?) of the total area of the original rectangle, the spot is taken, else it is open If there are foreground pixels of N width on either direction of a known line, the vehicle is parked illegally Further analysis

10 Demonstration During the demo, Users can choose from 4 different parking lots printed on white sheets Users can put hot-wheel cars where they want The program will tell the user the number and locations of open spots

11 Conclusion This program has real-life application Most people, not just handicapped, would like to know where an open parking spot is in a lot (I couldve used something like that this morning, parking at the lot across the street from East Deck, instead of having to circle back and forth or follow someone who looks like theyre driving off and leaving an empty space.) …

12 Conclusion Lot operators need not have to circle the lot to identify illegally parked vehicles Can be extended to enforce time limitation on parking spots Can be extended to analyze the % occupied during different hours and days for expansion purposes

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