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4x10 Surveys & Measurements November 2009 1. Employee Survey To measure personal impact of those who changed from 5x8 to 4x10 during the 4forMesa pilot.

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Presentation on theme: "4x10 Surveys & Measurements November 2009 1. Employee Survey To measure personal impact of those who changed from 5x8 to 4x10 during the 4forMesa pilot."— Presentation transcript:

1 4x10 Surveys & Measurements November 2009 1

2 Employee Survey To measure personal impact of those who changed from 5x8 to 4x10 during the 4forMesa pilot. – Estimate 1,040 employees made this change organization wide. 1,026 employees participated in survey. 2

3 Employee Survey I believe 4x10 schedule should continue. – True= 83% – False= 17% I am as or more productive working 4x10. – Strongly Agree/Agree= 76% – Neither Agree/Disagree= 11% – Strongly Disagree/Disagree = 13% 3

4 Employee Survey The 4x10 pilot has reduced my commuting costs. – Strongly Agree/Agree= 83% – Neither Agree/Disagree= 9% – Strongly Disagree/Disagree = 8% The 4x10 pilot has reduced my commuting time. – Strongly Agree/Agree= 67% – Neither Agree/Disagree= 18% – Strongly Disagree/Disagree = 15% 4

5 Employee Survey Due to the 4x10, I am looking for another job. – Strongly Agree/Agree= 3% – Neither Agree/Disagree= 12% – Strongly Disagree/Disagree = 85% Working a 4x10 has had a positive impact on my ability to balance work and family life. – Strongly Agree/Agree= 68% – Neither Agree/Disagree= 13% – Strongly Disagree/Disagree = 19% 5

6 Employee Survey I believe the 4x10 pilot has had a positive or neutral impact on external customer service. – Strongly Agree/Agree= 67% – Neither Agree/Disagree= 22% – Strongly Disagree/Disagree = 11% I believe the 4x10 pilot has had a positive or neutral impact on internal customer service. – Strongly Agree/Agree=70% – Neither Agree/Disagree= 19% – Strongly Disagree/Disagree = 11% 6

7 Employee Survey I view the 4x10 schedule as a benefit or perk of working for the City of Mesa. – Strongly Agree/Agree= 73% – Neither Agree/Disagree= 12% – Strongly Disagree/Disagree = 15% 7

8 Other Measurements Vacation time reduced. approx. 12,500 hours compared 2008. Sick time reduced approx. 5,600 hours compared to 2008. Overtime reduced approx. $1.6M compared to 2008 (PD not included in this figure) Building energy reduced. – 10 buildings impacted. Averaged 8.4% reduction. Approx. $53k savings. Other factors. Custodial services reduced $7,000 saved by reducing cleaning schedule. 8

9 Other Measurements Employee Commutes: – Miles saved = 1.3M – Time reduced/avoided = 32,800 hours – Fuel cost reduced/avoided = $154,440 Notes: Data taken from Mesas info. from Maricopa Trip Reduction survey: 15 miles; 21.5 minutes. Avg. mpg 20. Avg. fuel cost per gallon $2.25. 9

10 Directors Input Percentages below based on 23 departments. – 87% report a positive or neutral impact to providing customer service. 13% neither agree nor disagree. – 91% report positive or neutral impact to getting work accomplished within budget. 9% neither agree nor disagree. – 61% report positive or neutral impact to being able to meet deadlines; 26% neither agree nor disagree; 13% disagree. – 92% reported little or no impact on business critical internal services. 8% disagree. 10

11 Directors Input Large majority of feedback from staff is positive to very positive. Issues raised: – Parents with young children; childcare and family issues. – One dept. noted some productivity issues. – Another said there is a perception that 5x8s who used to work more than 8 hours per day are now working fewer hours. – Night school scheduling/homework difficulties. 11

12 Directors Input Flexibility offered, when reasonable and feasible. Some staff who made childcare adjustments early on have now become accustomed to the change. Depts. Working Fridays: – Appreciate catch up ability. Good desk work days. – Customer calls and walk ins down 50-70% on Fridays. – Except for 1 or 2 people, staff now know to call ahead to get info. and not wait until a Friday. 12

13 Directors Input Response if City were to return to 5x8: – Largely negative, significant disappointment, definite impact on employee morale. – One dept. says their staff would prefer 5x8s or 9-80 schedule. – Two depts. are evenly split. – One dept. not participating in pilot would participate in 4x10 if program continued. Transition period = response varied from one week to three months. 13

14 4x10 Surveys & Measurements November 2009 14

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