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1 Mark Hudson Technology Integration Consultant Dell Training Introduction to the Dell Intelligent Classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Mark Hudson Technology Integration Consultant Dell Training Introduction to the Dell Intelligent Classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Mark Hudson Technology Integration Consultant Dell Training Introduction to the Dell Intelligent Classroom

2 2 Technology Discussion/Ice Breaker 1.Are younger teachers better with technology than…? 2.Are students better with technology than teachers? 3.What are your goals for these sessions?

3 3 Agenda Welcome/Introductions Overview and Objectives What does an interactive classroom look like? Introducing the Dell Intelligent Classroom tools Seeing InterWrite in Action Best practices for the Document Camera Understanding the benefits of the Audio Enhancement system in your classroom Activity: Begin Creating Your Own Lesson

4 4 The Dell Intelligent Classroom

5 5 Intelligent Classroom Overview and Objectives Computer Labs Computers in Classrooms One Student: One Computer One Student: Multiple Devices Preparing for the 21 st Century Workplace

6 6 Meeting the Challenges Intelligent Classrooms TM : Engage, Involve & Assess

7 7 InterWrite Interactive Classroom

8 8 What does an interactive classroom look like? Seeing InterWrite in Action InterWrites Interactive Mode Investigating InterWrites Annotation and Editing Tools Investigating InterWrites Presentation Tools How have other teachers used InterWrite products in their classrooms? Activity: Creating Your Own Lesson

9 9 What Does an Interactive Classroom Look Like? Working in groups, brainstorm the characteristics of an interactive classroom. Discussion

10 10 Advantages of the Interactive Classroom Interactive whiteboards/pads and learning Student engagement Learner motivation Knowledge retention Learning styles and special needs Benefits to educators

11 11 InterWrite Hardware Board Pad PRS

12 12 Modes Interactive Mode Whiteboard Mode Office Mode Launch the Interactive Mode to learn, practice, and plan lessons even when not connected to the hardware

13 13 Interactive Toolbar html html Annotation Tools Editing Tools Presentation Tools File Management

14 14 Lesson Samples and Practice

15 15 Document Camera The Elmo TT-02 PDF Brochure presentation/TT02/index. htm presentation/TT02/index. htm Integration Tip: Have students place their class work under the camera for the entire class to review.

16 16 LCD Projector Epson EMP-S4 USER GUIDE Integration Tip: Student presentations, Video Pause and resume presentations instantly and easily with A/V Mute slide

17 17 Online Lesson Planning Resources Plurals – Language Arts focus. Elementary students are first asked to drag words with no endings into a box that automatically adds the appropriate plural ending (-s, -es, - ies) to the word. Then, students are asked to sort words by the ending added and to generate a spelling rule based on the categories created. Plurals Caterpillar Sequences – Math focus. By moving circles apart, elementary students can practice identifying and completing number sequences. Caterpillar Sequences Carrol Diags Shapes – Math focus. Middle-grade students are asked to sort the shapes into categories using mathematical terms such as symmetrical, asymmetrical, regular, irregular, and quadrilateral. Carrol Diags Shapes Illuminations – Math focus. NCTM standards based interactive website. Illuminations Diagramming an Atom – Science focus. Middle-grade students are asked to label elements such as protons, neutrons, and electrons. They are also asked to determine the atomic weight of elements using information gathered from the Periodic Table. Diagramming an Atom Introduction to Latitude and Longitude - Social Studies focus. Middle-grade students are asked to sort the shapes into categories using mathematical terms such as symmetrical, asymmetrical, regular, irregular, and quadrilateral. Introduction to Latitude and Longitude

18 18 Great Interactive Websites NCTM National Center for Teaching and Mathematics bank of lessons and interactive activities that address your math standards. ( NCTM Learn Alberta An interactive website broken down by grade level and subject area. ( Learn Alberta Futures Channel A large bank of real life applications for math and science content. Notice there are movies on careers in math and science! ( Futures Channel

19 19 Lesson Planning Resources Additional InterWrite Lessons and Activities can be explored by visiting the InterWrite Educator's Resource Center.InterWrite Educator's Resource Center. Working with a partner, spend a few minutes using page 12 of your Participant Workbook to investigate one or two of the following lessons created by teachers using InterWrite in their classrooms. Pay particular attention to how various InterWrite tools can be used to make lessons more interactive:

20 20 Investigating InterWrite Annotation and Editing Tools Tutorial: Annotation Tools ( m#annotation) m#annotation Tutorial: Editing Tools ( m#editing) m#editing While viewing the tutorials, use page 10 of your Participant Workbook to reflect on the instructional uses of InterWrites annotation and editing tools. After you view the video, if you have access to a computer that has the InterWrite Software Suite installed, follow these directions to experiment with annotation and editing tools on your own!

21 21 Investigating InterWrites Presentation Tools Tutorial: Create Blank Page Tool ( Tutorial: The InterWrite Image Gallery ( l) l Tutorial: The Reveal Curtain, Spotlight, and Zoom Tools ( While viewing the tutorials, complete page 11 of your Participant Workbook to reflect on the possible instructional uses of InterWrites presentation tools in your classroom. After you view the tutorials, if you have access to a computer that has the InterWrite Software Suite installed, follow these directions to experiment with presentation tools on your own!

22 22 Creating Your Own Lesson Time permitting, you are now going to write a lesson plan for an activity that will allow you to integrate an InterWrite product into your classroom. Remember to keep this lesson simple to avoid becoming overwhelmed. Focused practice with new skills will increase the likelihood that InterWrite tools become a permanent part of your instruction.

23 23 Student Response System

24 24 What are some ways that the PRS system could be utilized in your classroom?

25 25 Integrated the TurningPoint Student Response System PRS Overview Learning the PRS tools with PowerPoint Identifying and Analyzing Effective Lessons with the Student Response System Activity: Creating Your Own Lesson

26 26 Creating Your Own Lesson You are now going to write a lesson plan for an activity that will allow you to integrate an SRS into your classroom. Remember to keep this lesson simple to avoid becoming overwhelmed. Focused practice with new skills will increase the likelihood that the tool becomes a permanent part of your instruction.

27 27 Thank You Dell Professional Development SURVEY Bergen County Tech Session consultant: Mark Hudson October 14 - Session ID 8421 October 15 - Session ID 8422 Some of the questions may not apply to you; please answer accordingly and thank you for your participation: ID=223&Track=K-12/Classroom

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