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Title Slide Developing leadership in the Worthington community Discover Your Potential.

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Presentation on theme: "Title Slide Developing leadership in the Worthington community Discover Your Potential."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title Slide Developing leadership in the Worthington community Discover Your Potential

2 What is Leadership Worthington?  Organization focused on increasing personal leadership skills and advancing leadership goals within the community  A community network of leadership-minded colleagues  Open to Worthington area residents or employees

3 Discover Your Potential Mission and Vision To enhance the understanding of leadership qualities and develop individual and group leadership potential in order to create a better Worthington area community. To reveal leaders who inspire, innovate and connect. Our Mission Our Vision

4 Discover Your Potential Leadership Worthington Goals  Enhance quality of individual and organizational leadership  Promote understanding of issues and resources specific to Worthington area  Visibly and positively effect community through programs developed as class projects  Provide community with skilled leadership base for the future

5 Discover Your Potential Adult Programs  Nine-month program begins in mid-September  Focus on self-understanding of leadership style  Explore community businesses, government, schools and service agencies  Community Service Projects – All students participate  Involvement/support in many community events

6 Discover Your Potential Youth Leadership Programs  Six-week program offered each fall and spring  Open to high school sophomores, juniors and seniors  8 th Grade Summer Program  Focus is on skill-building and service opportunities

7 Discover Your Potential Who Participates in Our Adult Program? Worthington School District Residents/Employees Representatives from:  Business  Education  Government  Media  Civic groups  Community organizations  School System

8 Discover Your Potential Adult Program Format  Two-day retreat in September  14 afternoon/evening classes  Project presentations at Annual Meeting in May

9 Discover Your Potential Adult Program Sessions Include:  Self-assessment & Presentation skills  Leadership Ethics  Worthington history  Municipal structure and issues  Leadership styles  Creating Community  Human services  Community diversity  Education in Worthington  Business in Worthington area  Boardmanship & Trusteeship

10 Discover Your Potential Adult Class Projects  Self-assembled project teams of 3 - 6 classmates  Project theme and scope determined by team  Projects benefit community and serve as laboratory for practicing leadership skills  Successful past projects include Service Day, 4 th of July Picnic, Firefighter’s Memorial, Fido Fest, Community Spelling Bee and the Leadership for a Lifetime Award Program & more

11 Discover Your Potential What is the Commitment?  Attend and actively participate in all sessions  Miss no more than 3 sessions  Participate as team member in group project  $700 tuition – Scholarships/Payment plans are available. Many students are sponsored by their employer.  Challenge to Succeed!

12 Discover Your Potential Support from City of Worthington  Worthington City Council has supported LW for 12 years  Support Level has ranged from $5,000 to $10,000  Provides a variety of resources for LW Events and programs  City Funding comprises 15% of our annual budget  Remaining 85% is internally raised by LW

13 Discover Your Potential Return on Investment  Building Alumni Base  Service to the Community  Service Learning Projects for Youth  Strengthened Businesses  Economical Benefits  Civic Well-Being

14 Discover Your Potential Alumni Base  More than 375 Graduates since 1991 serving in community organizations… –City Council –Library Board –PTA’s –Worthington Youth Boosters –Lions International –Rotary –and more!

15 Discover Your Potential Services to the Community  More than 65 Adult Class Projects  3 to 5 Projects per Class  Various Community Events  Support for various Non-Profits  Service Learning Projects for Youth

16 Discover Your Potential Strengthened Local Businesses  Direct Benefit to Businesses with Graduates  Highly Applicable Skills  Graduates span wide array of industries  Represented in Private & Public Sectors  Non-Profit Organizational Support

17 Discover Your Potential Economical Benefits  Connects Businesses to Community  Employee Turnover Reduced  Businesses Less-Likely to Relocate

18 Discover Your Potential Civic Well-Being Organizations that benefit by our graduates… - American Red Cross - Big Brothers/Big Sisters - Habitat For Humanity - Rotary / Lions Clubs - Dozens of Worthington Non-Profits - Central Ohio Diabetes - Buckeye Ranch - Many more!

19 Discover Your Potential Thank You! Leadership Worthington is grateful for past support of our program.

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