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Classroom Wordlist Session 2 مرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش علوم پزشکی.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Wordlist Session 2 مرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش علوم پزشکی."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Wordlist Session 2 مرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش علوم پزشکی

2 Session 221/2/2013 Dear colleagues These words have been provided on your conversations in this session. What is needed from you is to read them one more time and fill in the blanks.

3 Parts of SpeechWordsParts of SpeechWords NounSelf-esteemAdjectiveStylish NounPolarAdjectiveNeat NounIndicationVerbProtect AdjectiveLooseNounInattention NounIdentityNounSlave NounShow offAdjectiveHenpecked AdjectiveCasualVerbRetaliate VerbJudgeAdjectiveJuvenile --NounConvention Session 221/2/2013

4 LooseIdentityIndicationJudgeCasualPolarSelf-esteemConvention JuvenileRetaliateHenpeckedSlaveInattentionProtectNeatStylish Show off 1. Dark green leaves are a good ………………… of healthy roots. 2. Some of the boys tried to involve me in their ………………… activities, but I wasn't interested. 3. She was wearing a ………………… black woolen dress. 4. Getting a job did a lot for her ………………… 5. A man who is ………………… is always being told what to do by his wife, and is afraid to disagree with her. 6. An annual ………………… of the World Bank. Session 221/2/2013

5 Session 221/2/2013 7. Garlic was once thought to ………………… people against evil spirits. 8. As our climate warms up, the ………………… ice caps will begin to melt. 9. You should never ………………… a person by their looks. 10. Jean felt more comfortable in ………………… clothes. 11. The islanders are proud of their strong regional ………………… 12. Henry VIII's ………………… to business was a constant irritation to his servants. LooseIdentityIndicationJudgeCasualPolarSelf-esteemConvention JuvenileRetaliateHenpeckedSlaveInattentionProtectNeatStylish Show off

6 Session 221/2/2013 13. You have to be a bit of a ………………… to be an actor. 14. ………………… clothes are big and do not fit your body tightly. 15. The British government ………………… by breaking off diplomatic relations. 16. His clothes were always ………………… and clean. 17. A ………………… is owned by another person and works for them for no money. LooseIdentityIndicationJudgeCasualPolarSelf-esteemConvention JuvenileRetaliateHenpeckedSlaveInattentionProtectNeatStylish Show off

7 Answers Session 221/2/2013

8 Session 221/2/2013 1. Dark green leaves are a good Indication of healthy roots. 2. Some of the boys tried to involve me in their Juvenile activities, but I wasn't interested. 3. She was wearing a Stylish black woolen dress. 4. Getting a job did a lot for her Self-esteem. 5. A man who is Henpecked is always being told what to do by his wife, and is afraid to disagree with her. 6. An annual Convention of the World Bank.

9 Session 221/2/2013 7. Garlic was once thought to Protect people against evil spirits. 8. As our climate warms up, the Polar ice caps will begin to melt. 9. You should never Judge a person by their looks. 10. Jean felt more comfortable in Casual clothes. 11. The islanders are proud of their strong regional Identity. 12. Henry VIII's Inattention to business was a constant irritation to his servants.

10 Session 221/2/2013 13. You have to be a bit of a Show off to be an actor. 14. Loose clothes are big and do not fit your body tightly. 15. The British government Retaliated by breaking off diplomatic relations. 16. His clothes were always Neat and clean. 17. A Slave is owned by another person and works for them for no money.

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