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Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering CPEG EVENT August 21, 2012 EEEL 210.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering CPEG EVENT August 21, 2012 EEEL 210."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering CPEG EVENT August 21, 2012 EEEL 210

2 Important Regulation Changes Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering PhD Admission: Old system: Students applying for PhD are admitted as MSc with the possibility of later transfer to PhD. The transfer requires the completion of the MSc course requirements, a GPA >3.5 and the consent of the supervisor. New system : The route through the old system is still in place, but students who hold an MSc with a GPA>3.5 (or equivalent) or BSc with outstanding standing can be admitted directly to PhD. Grades: A grade of B- is not anymore a concern as long as the student maintains a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Any grade of C+ or lower is indicative of failure and the course will not count towards the degree requirement. The student may be required to withdraw if the GPA falls below 3.0 or a grade of C+ or lower is received.

3 Important Regulation Changes (continued) Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering ENCH607 : This course will not count towards the degree requirements of MSc and PhD students. Thesis: Paper/Manuscript based. Electronic submission.

4 Thesis/Candidacy Exams Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Exam/Transfer: Completing all course requirements with the proper GPA. -Background knowledge credit. -ENCH601 Seminar. Candidacy Exam: The exam cannot be scheduled till the supervisory committee has formally approved the research proposal and the topics of the exam have been defined. All course requirements including ENCH601 should have been successfully completed (grades posted). Candidacy Exam Result: Post 2008 students regulations are different from pre-2008 ones. Detailed Information: A link for students and supervisors with details for the requirements and steps for setting exams is on the Department web-page:

5 Thesis/Candidacy Exams (continued) Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

6 Scholarships Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering UofC-Open Doctoral: Highly competitive and based on FGS quota. Department: New guidelines regarding the maximum amount (10K) the time in program (24m for MSc and 48m for PhD as of January) and the status (working or part time). Applications are reviewed and ranked by the Scholarship Committee. Criteria: GPA, Publications, Reference letter, Awards, Proposal. Importance of having a complete application. External: NSERC A.I. Vanier

7 Scholarships (continued) Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering NAMECurrent Deg.Highest Deg.GPA GPA (BSc)Awards Journal PapersProceedingsAbstractsReference 12 17.46/20.0 6 7 4.42/5.0 4 8 5 4 3.0/4.0 3.5/4; 18.6/20 3.74/4.0 4 2 1 5 3.5/4.0 3.34/4.3 1 1 4.0/4.0 2 1 3.9/4.0 1 2 Multiple authors. Accepted, submitted, to be submitted, in preparation. UofC/University presentations. No pages numbers. Not proper list of awards. Not proper reference form. Not meeting the requirements.

8 TA/Top-up/Work Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering TA: The support received (min 21k/year) includes money received for TA’ing Courses. However, some professors may consider TA as an additional Support. Top-up of Scholarship: Rules vary from a Professor to the other. It is important to discuss this with your supervisor. Work (FT/PT): It is necessary to inform and discuss this with your supervisor. You must inform the Graduate Program Director, and if needed change your status.

9 Teaching Assistantship Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Should be taken seriously as part of your training. Poor performance will result in removing the TA privilege. If not available, inform the GPA before duties are assigned. After a duty is assigned, inform the course coordinator of any changes. The signed contract should be taken seriously by both parties.

10 Miscellaneous Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Make sure to take the Whmis safety training a.s.a.p. Keep your visa status up-to-date. Fill the annual progress report on time and take it seriously. When you send an e-mail for an inquiry, always include you ID# …and visit the Department web-page more frequently.

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