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Catalyst – August 5 2, 2009 What are the FOUR characteristics of a good procedure? UNIT 1 QUIZ RESCHEDULED TO THURSDAY!!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Catalyst – August 5 2, 2009 What are the FOUR characteristics of a good procedure? UNIT 1 QUIZ RESCHEDULED TO THURSDAY!!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Catalyst – August 5 2, 2009 What are the FOUR characteristics of a good procedure? UNIT 1 QUIZ RESCHEDULED TO THURSDAY!!!!

2 Front DoorProjector 2nd Period Group 3 Katty, Isaiah, Nicolette, Robin Group 2 Darren, Whitnie, Isaac Group 1 Neron, Tre, Denny, Chelsea J. Group 6 Jared, Brittanee, TKeyah, Reshad Group 4 Keith, Jessica, Arethia, Sidne Group 9 Group 8 Group 7 Kerrie, Jenny, Joseph, Corian Group 5 Dorian, Elesha, Chelsea C., Chevalius

3 Front DoorProjector 4th Period Group 3 Tashica, James, Kennesha, Seandell Group 2 Chelsea, Duan, Victoria, Shanta Group 1 Brittanny V., Brandon, Katelynn, Queirra Group 6 Darionne, Jordan J., Dajaelle, Kathy Group 5 Frank, Amanda, Kevin, Brittany P. Group 4 Phillip, Jordan T., Keyera, Fatina Group 9 Kawanna, Davida, Cole Group 8 Brett, Stephanie, Tia, DeJonnaie Group 7 Antrashion, Jayde, Lee

4 Honors Catalyst – August 5 2, 2009 What are the FOUR characteristics of a good procedure? What should our GLE mastery goal be? (We still havent decided!) UNIT 1 QUIZ RESCHEDULED TO THURSDAY!!!!

5 Front DoorProjector 3rd Period Group 3 Jessie, Jeremy, Devone, Tonisha Group 2 Emanuel, Jalen, Antoinette, James Group 1 Willie, Justin, Thien, Michael Group 6 Group 5 Jonas, Sean, Bridget, Christan Group 4 William, Jonathon, Maya, David Group 9 Group 8 Group 7

6 Todays Agenda Catalyst Finish procedure for Mystery Goo (5 min) How to work in Ms. Strohs lab Make Mystery Goo! What is an independent and dependent variable? Foldable Time! Progress Reports Exit Question

7 Todays Objectives SWBAT plan a step-by-step procedure for making Mystery Goo. SWBAT identify independent and dependent variables in a controlled experiment.

8 Available Materials Corn starch Water Graduated cylinder Beaker Cup Spatula Measuring cup Gloves Apron Goggles Can you think of anything else you might need?

9 Mystery goo! (30 minutes) Gather materials for your experiment. Talk over the procedure with your group before you begin. Clean up Beakers must be washed thoroughly. Place them upside down on the paper towels. Wipe down your desks and floors.

10 Mystery Goo Hypotheses Lets talk about the goo some more. What would have happened if we added more water? How would you test it? What would have happened if we added more corn starch? How would you test it?

11 Experimentation Key Point #1: A proper experiment always has an independent variable, dependent variable, and control group. Scientists will change one thing and measure something else. If Mr. Jhaveri wears his basketball shoes, then he will score more points in a game.

12 Variables Independent Variable: The thing that I change Basketball Shoes Dependent variable: The thing that is measured Points *Remember variables are always nouns!!

13 Good experiments… ONLY CHANGE 1 THING!! You must keep everything else constant, or your data may not be valid! Control Group: The group without the independent variable. What was the control group in the basketball experiment? IMPORTANT!!!

14 Practice Do older microwaves give off more radiation? What is the independent variable? IV = DV = Microwave Age Radiation

15 Practice Are there more love bugs in the summer or the winter months? What is the dependent variable? IV = DV = Season Amount of love bugs

16 Practice Students of different ages were given the same puzzle to assemble. The puzzle assembly time was measured. IV = DV = Age Puzzle Assembly Time

17 If there are more students, then there will be more school buses. IV = DV = Amount of students Number of school buses

18 If the cost of beignets increases, then fewer will be sold. What depends on what? IV = DV = Cost of Beignets Amount of Beignets sold

19 IV = Number of free agents DV = Games Won If the Saints sign more free agents, then they will win more games.

20 Foldables! First flap: Real-life scenario in hypothesis form Second Flap: Define and identify independent variable Third Flap: Define and identify dependent variable Fourth Flap: Define and identify control group

21 Foldables! First flap: If I use more minutes, then my cell phone bill will increase. Second Flap: DEFN, IV: number of minutes I use Third Flap: DEFN, DV: amount of my cell phone bill Fourth Flap: DEFN, Control group: number of minutes I usually use

22 Exit Question Identify the independent variable, dependent variable, and control group in the following scenario. Dr. Ayaad believes that eating artichokes can decrease cholesterol. Dr. Ayaad recruited two sets of patients of equal age and health and she gave one group a normal diet and another an artichoke- filled diet. She then measured the patients cholesterol 2 weeks later.

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