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When does sharing make sense? Click to listen to story.

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Presentation on theme: "When does sharing make sense? Click to listen to story."— Presentation transcript:

1 When does sharing make sense? Click to listen to story.

2 Small Groups Timer

3 Review Games Vocabulary & Amazing Words: Arcade Games Jigword Matchword Speedword Wordsearch Word Web Spelling City – Voc. Spelling City- Amazing Spelling Words: Speedword Word Web Quia Games Spelling City High Frequency Words: Fill-in-the Blank Spelling City

4 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Vocabulary Words buried dam lodge challenge halfway embarrassed Amazing Words conflict inhabit resolve coax ramp startle serape vacation

5 Turtle’s Race with Beaver High Frequency Words toward ago word whole above enough

6 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Spelling Words her curl person skirt nurse purse dirt turtle turn hamburger birth surface serve perfect curb Word Wall Words him truck gum sale same

7 Big Question: When does sharing make sense? Monday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Friday

8 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Monday Morning Warm-Up People either live alone or with others. Animals usually share their space. When does sharing make sense?

9 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Monday Morning Warm-Up People either live alone or with others. Animals usually share their space. When does sharing make sense?

10 Today we will learn about:   new amazing words,   r-controlled er, ir, ur   sequence, and   singular and plural nouns

11 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Amazing Words

12 conflict con - flict A conflict is a struggle or fight, especially one that goes on for a long time. My brother and I always have a conflict over whose turn it is to do the dishes. Sometimes a simple argument can develop into a real conflict.

13 inhabit in – hab - it When you inhabit a place, you live in it. Lots of fish inhabit that lake. That big cactus is inhabited by many different desert animals.

14 resolve re – sol - ve If you resolve something, you make a decision or you solve or fix a problem. We were arguing about what to do until my dad came and resolved the problem. I resolved to study harder for the next test.

15 Click to listen to song.

16 r-Controlled er, ir, ur barn sport chore Today we’ll learn about r-controlled er, ir, and ur and the sounds they stand for.

17 earth A single vowel followed by the letter r has a sound that is neither short nor long, but r- controlled. germ her person bird first thirsty burn curve nurse

18 r-Controlled er, ir, ur burn barn fern dirt When the letters u, e, or i are followed by r, they usually have an r- controlled sound.

19 r-Controlled er, ir, ur You can blend longer words with the /er/ sound by dividing them into smaller chunks, or syllables. We usually divide words between two consonants. Read one syllable at a time and then blend them together. en / ter

20 r-Controlled er, ir, ur burn fern dirt enter third hurt clerk nurse verse summer corner tender birth

21 r-Controlled er, ir, ur chirp surf perch first urge winter person survive twirl

22 r-Controlled er, ir, ur building words e – i – u c – d – h p – r - s - t

23 Making Words Worksheet Making Words Worksheet

24 Word Reading germ herd sherbet burn carport circus stern border tuck curb turn curler girl first thick

25 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Spelling Words her curl person skirt nurse purse dirt turtle turn hamburger birth surface serve perfect curb Word Wall Words him truck gum sale same

26 Word Family Word – him (online dictionary) (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends dim Jim Kim rim Tim whim brim skim slim swim

27 Word Family Word – him brim brim, breem swim rim

28 Word Family Word – truck (online dictionary) (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends duck muck puck suck tuck yuck Chuck cluck pluck snuck stuck

29 Word Family Word – truck duck muck pluck puck

30 Let Talk About Working Together!

31 Sequence Sequence is the order in which things happen. When you read, think about what happens first, next, and last in a story. Look for clue words such as while, soon, after,then, and before to help you understand when things are happening. When you retell a story, use words like first, next, and last to show the sequence.

32 Read-Aloud Frog’s Lily Pad

33 Daily Fix-It two turtle talked to hur Two turtles talked to her. she askked about his family? She asked about his family.

34 Grammar: Singular and Plural Nouns A noun is a person, place, animal, or thing. A proper noun is a special name for a person, place, animal, or thing. A singular noun names one person, place, animal, or thing. A noun that names more than one is called a plural noun.

35 Grammar: Singular and Plural Nouns You usually just add -s to show more than one. bear – bears tree – trees rabbit – rabbits lamp – lamps shoe - shoes

36 Grammar: Singular and Plural Nouns If the noun ends in s, ch, sh, or x, add –es to the noun to show more than one. fox – foxes bus – buses box – boxes dish – dishes

37 Grammar: Singular and Plural Nouns Sometimes we use one noun to name a group of people or things. These are called collective nouns. Each word names a group of more than one, but the noun is still singular. team family herd class flock government committee

38 Wrap Up Your Day! r-controlled er, ir, ur r-controlled er, ir, ur Sequence Sequence Let’s Talk About It! Let’s Talk About It! Tomorrow we will read about a turtle and a beaver that need to share a pond. Tomorrow we will read about a turtle and a beaver that need to share a pond.

39 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Monday Journal Topic List ways people can solve a conflict.

40 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Tuesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about Turtle and Beaver. We will read about how they compete in a race that is not just for recreation. What are some times you have been in a race?

41 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Tuesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about Turtle and Beaver. We will read about how they compete in a race that is not just for recreation. What are some times you have been in a race?

42 Today we will learn about:   new amazing words,   r-controlled er, ir, ur   sequence,   summarize,   high-frequency words,   vocabulary words, and   singular and plural nouns

43 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Amazing Words

44 coax When you gently talk someone into doing something, you coax that person. My brother coaxed me into letting him ride my bike. Mom sometimes has to coax the baby into eating.

45 ramp A ramp is a slope or slant that connects two different levels. Cars go down a ramp from the street to the parking garage. At the pool, you can slide down a ramp into the water.

46 ramp

47 startle star - tle When you startle someone, you surprise and shock them very suddenly. The huge boom of thunder startled me so that I dropped my glass. The dog’s sharp bark startled the children.

48 Read-Aloud A Ducky Day

49 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Spelling Words her curl person skirt nurse purse dirt turtle turn hamburger birth surface serve perfect curb Word Wall Words him truck gum sale same

50 Word Family Word – gum (online dictionary) (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends bum hum sum chum drum glum scum slum strum swum

51 Word Family Word – gum slum chum drum scum slum strum

52 r-Controlled er, ir, ur When the letters u, e, or i are followed by r, they usually have an r- controlled sound. When you come to a new word, look at the letters from left to right and think about the vowel sounds. Say the sounds in the word to yourself and then read the word.

53 r-Controlled er, ir, ur squirt verb purse winter circus murmur birthday

54 r-Controlled er, ir, ur nerve first burden confirm Thursday clerk

55 Listen to listen to poem.

56 r-Controlled er, ir, ur Find the r-controlled words in “Sisters Who Share.” sisters share mother disturb hers dirt furry shirt firm Fern germ

57 r-Controlled er, ir, ur: disturb, shirt, dirt, hers, furry, germ, firm, Fern erirur

58 r-Controlled er, ir, ur: disturb, shirt, dirt, hers, furry, germ, firm, Fern erirur disturb

59 r-Controlled er, ir, ur: disturb, shirt, dirt, hers, furry, germ, firm, Fern erirur shirtdisturb

60 r-Controlled er, ir, ur: disturb, shirt, dirt, hers, furry, germ, firm, Fern erirur shirt dirt disturb

61 r-Controlled er, ir, ur: disturb, shirt, dirt, hers, furry, germ, firm, Fern erirur hersshirt dirt disturb

62 r-Controlled er, ir, ur: disturb, shirt, dirt, hers, furry, germ, firm, Fern erirur hersshirt dirt disturb furry

63 r-Controlled er, ir, ur: disturb, shirt, dirt, hers, furry, germ, firm, Fern erirur hers germ shirt dirt disturb furry

64 r-Controlled er, ir, ur: disturb, shirt, dirt, hers, furry, germ, firm, Fern erirur hers germ shirt dirt firm disturb furry

65 r-Controlled er, ir, ur: disturb, shirt, dirt, hers, furry, germ, firm, Fern erirur hers germ Fern shirt dirt firm disturb furry

66 r-Controlled er, ir, ur She held the purse next to her skirt. A nurse is a good person to help you. Watch the turtle walk across the dirt path.

67 Sequence Sequence is the order in which things happen. When you read, think about what happens first, next, and last in a story. Notice clues from the pictures to tell about the order of events. Look for clue words to help you understand when things are happening: while, soon, after,then, before, first, next, and last

68 Summarize A summary is a short retelling of the main points of a story. Summarizing in your own words as you read can help you remember the main events in a story. Ask yourself what the characters want, what the problem is, and how the problem is solved.

69 Build Background

70 Turtle’s Race with Beaver High Frequency Words toward ago word whole above enough

71 High-Frequency Word Review enough beautiful toward work above build ago bear word animals whole though

72 Vocabulary Words buried - covered dam – something that blocks the flow of water lodge – a beaver’s den challenge – to invite someone to take part in a game or an argument halfway – in the middle embarrassed – uncomfortable or ashamed

73 Beavers, Beaver Dams & Lodges

74 Vocabulary Words My friend wanted to ____ me to a race. My friend wanted to challenge me to a race. She wanted to run all the way to the beaver ___. She wanted to run all the way to the beaver lodge. We raced past a ____ made of rocks. We raced past a dam made of rocks.

75 Vocabulary Words I stopped when I saw something almost ___in the mud. I stopped when I saw something almost buried in the mud. I was ___ when my friend raced past me. I was embarrassed when my friend raced past me. I raced only ____, but I found a big prize—a gold rock! I raced only halfway, but I found a big prize—a gold rock!

76 Daily Fix-It they were siting in the dert They were sitting in the dirt. turtle took a purse Turtle took a purse.

77 Singular and Plural Nouns A singular noun describes one person, place, animal, or thing. A plural noun describes more than one person, place, animal, or thing. Add an –s to most singular nouns to make them plural. If the noun ends in x, ch, s, sh, or ss add an –es to make it plural.

78 Singular and Plural Nouns SingularPlural floor

79 Singular and Plural Nouns SingularPlural floorfloors

80 Singular and Plural Nouns SingularPlural floor tax floors

81 Singular and Plural Nouns SingularPlural floor tax floors taxes

82 Singular and Plural Nouns SingularPlural floor tax face floors taxes

83 Singular and Plural Nouns SingularPlural floor tax face floors taxes faces

84 Singular and Plural Nouns SingularPlural floor tax face glass floors taxes faces

85 Singular and Plural Nouns SingularPlural floor tax face glass floors taxes faces glasses

86 Singular and Plural Nouns SingularPlural floor tax face glass brush floors taxes faces glasses

87 Singular and Plural Nouns SingularPlural floor tax face glass brush floors taxes faces glasses brushes

88 Singular and Plural Nouns SingularPlural floor tax face glass brush watch floors taxes faces glasses brushes

89 Singular and Plural Nouns SingularPlural floor tax face glass brush watch floors taxes faces glasses brushes watches

90 Singular and Plural Nouns SingularPlural floor tax face glass brush watch book floors taxes faces glasses brushes watches

91 Singular and Plural Nouns SingularPlural floor tax face glass brush watch book floors taxes faces glasses brushes watches books

92 Wrap Up Your Day! High-Frequency Words High-Frequency Words Summarize Summarize Let’s Talk About It! Let’s Talk About It! Tomorrow we will hear about a duck family that needs help. Tomorrow we will hear about a duck family that needs help.

93 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Tuesday Journal Topic Write about a time you had a disagreement with someone.

94 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Wednesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about a duck who lays her eggs in an odd place. The mother duck wants to protect her babies from hazards. Why might the baby ducks be skittish?

95 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Wednesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about a duck who lays her eggs in an odd place. The mother duck wants to protect her babies from hazards. Why might the baby ducks be skittish?

96 Today we will learn about:   new amazing words,   contractions,   r-controlled er, ir, ur,   high-frequency words,   time and space words for sequence, and   singular and plural nouns

97 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Amazing Words

98 serape ser - ape A serape is a shawl or blanket that people can wear over their shirts. Serapes are worn in Latin America and usually have bright colors, often stripes. Mom got a serape in Mexico that she wears sometimes instead of a sweater. A girl at school has a serape with red and green and yellow stripes.

99 serape

100 vacation va – ca – tion A vacation is a time away from school or your usual duties. When you take a vacation, you can say you vacation. Our family vacationed at the lake last summer. It was the first vacation we ever took away from home.

101 Read-Aloud A Ducky Day

102 Contractions Two WordsContractions

103 Two WordsContractions does not

104 Contractions Two WordsContractions does not doesn’t

105 Contractions Two WordsContractions does not who is doesn’t

106 Contractions Two WordsContractions does not who is doesn’t who’s

107 Contractions Two WordsContractions does not who is she is doesn’t who’s

108 Contractions Two WordsContractions does not who is she is doesn’t who’s she’s

109 Contractions Two WordsContractions does not who is she is I will doesn’t who’s she’s

110 Contractions Two WordsContractions does not who is she is I will doesn’t who’s she’s I’ll

111 Contractions Two WordsContractions does not who is she is I will I am doesn’t who’s she’s I’ll

112 Contractions Two WordsContractions does not who is she is I will I am doesn’t who’s she’s I’ll I’m

113 Contractions Two WordsContractions does not who is she is I will I am should not doesn’t who’s she’s I’ll I’m

114 Contractions Two WordsContractions does not who is she is I will I am should not doesn’t who’s she’s I’ll I’m shouldn’t

115 Turtle’s Race with Beaver High Frequency Words toward ago word whole above enough

116 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Spelling Words her curl person skirt nurse purse dirt turtle turn hamburger birth surface serve perfect curb Word Wall Words him truck gum sale same

117 Word Family Word – sale (online dictionary) (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends bale Dale gale tale whale scale stale

118 Word Family Word – sale bale whale pan scales scale bathroom scale

119 Time & Order Words for Sequence Sequence is the order in which things happen and clue words can help readers understand when things are happening. One day, Turtle and Beaver raced across the pond. Beaver was gone the next morning.

120 Time and Order Words for Sequence long ago every year many days that night spring winter the next week

121 Daily Fix-It he was nammed beaver He was named Beaver. turtle gav him a mint? Turtle gave him a mint.

122 Singular and Plural Nouns A singular noun describes one person, place, animal, or thing. A plural noun describes more than one person, place, animal, or thing. Add an –s to most singular nouns to make them plural. If the noun ends in x, ch, s, sh, or ss add an –es to make it plural.

123 Singular and Plural Nouns The cat played with the ball. The cats played with the balls. The dog chewed the stick. The dogs chewed the sticks. The turtle liked the rock. The turtles liked the rocks. The beaver cut down the bush. The beavers cut down the bushes.

124 Wrap Up Your Day! Sequence Sequence Fluency Fluency Let’s Talk About It! Let’s Talk About It! Tomorrow we will read a selection about ponds. Tomorrow we will read a selection about ponds.

125 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Wednesday Journal Topic Write about a time when you shared something.

126 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Thursday Morning Warm-Up Turtles and beavers live in ponds. What other things live in ponds? Today we will read about things that live near ponds as well as things that live under the surface of ponds.

127 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Thursday Morning Warm-Up Turtles and beavers live in ponds. What other things live in ponds? Today we will read about things that live near ponds as well as things that live under the surface of ponds.

128 Today we will learn about:   r-controlled er, ir, ur   The Secret Life of Ponds,   singular and plural nouns   following and giving directions

129 Read-Aloud Harry Shares His Room

130 Sentence Reading You’re getting dirty from planting the birches, firs, and other trees. Uncle Herb is going to buy that great big farm, the tractor, and the horses before winter. The day I missed the bus, forgot my art project, and dropped the urn was the worst day ever.

131 Sentence Reading You may pick either the dark red purse or the purple skirt for the wedding. I had to laugh when the large perch ate the worm from the fishing line and flopped back into the water! This is the second time this summer that Carla and Bert will be working at our family store.

132 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Spelling Words her curl person skirt nurse purse dirt turtle turn hamburger birth surface serve perfect curb Word Wall Words him truck gum sale same

133 Word Family Word – same (online dictionary) (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends came dame fame game name tame shame blame flame frame

134 Word Family Word – same flame Picture frame frame chair car frame quilt frame glass frames door frame



137 Daily Fix-It his kids hade a new hom His kids had a new home. he asked if she wanted it He asked if she wanted it.

138 Singular and Plural Nouns A singular noun describes one person, place, animal, or thing. A plural noun describes more than one person, place, animal, or thing. Add an –s to most singular nouns to make them plural. If the noun ends in x, ch, s, sh, or ss add an –es to make it plural.

139 Singular and Plural Nouns cat, roads, pedals, bike, dresses, door, beaver, lodge, serapes, friends, races, turtle SingularPlural

140 Singular and Plural Nouns cat, roads, pedals, bike, dresses, door, beaver, lodge, serapes, friends, races, turtle SingularPlural cat

141 Singular and Plural Nouns cat, roads, pedals, bike, dresses, door, beaver, lodge, serapes, friends, races, turtle SingularPlural cat roads

142 Singular and Plural Nouns cat, roads, pedals, bike, dresses, door, beaver, lodge, serapes, friends, races, turtle SingularPlural cat roads pedals

143 Singular and Plural Nouns cat, roads, pedals, bike, dresses, door, beaver, lodge, serapes, friends, races, turtle SingularPlural cat bike roads pedals

144 Singular and Plural Nouns cat, roads, pedals, bike, dresses, door, beaver, lodge, serapes, friends, races, turtle SingularPlural cat bike roads pedals dresses

145 Singular and Plural Nouns cat, roads, pedals, bike, dresses, door, beaver, lodge, serapes, friends, races, turtle SingularPlural cat bike door roads pedals dresses

146 Singular and Plural Nouns cat, roads, pedals, bike, dresses, door, beaver, lodge, serapes, friends, races, turtle SingularPlural cat bike door beaver roads pedals dresses

147 Singular and Plural Nouns cat, roads, pedals, bike, dresses, door, beaver, lodge, serapes, friends, races, turtle SingularPlural cat bike door beaver lodge roads pedals dresses

148 Singular and Plural Nouns cat, roads, pedals, bike, dresses, door, beaver, lodge, serapes, friends, races, turtle SingularPlural cat bike door beaver lodge roads pedals dresses serapes

149 Singular and Plural Nouns cat, roads, pedals, bike, dresses, door, beaver, lodge, serapes, friends, races, turtle SingularPlural cat bike door beaver lodge roads pedals dresses serapes friends

150 Singular and Plural Nouns cat, roads, pedals, bike, dresses, door, beaver, lodge, serapes, friends, races, turtle SingularPlural cat bike door beaver lodge roads pedals dresses serapes friends races

151 Singular and Plural Nouns cat, roads, pedals, bike, dresses, door, beaver, lodge, serapes, friends, races, turtle SingularPlural cat bike door beaver lodge turtle roads pedals dresses serapes friends races

152 Follow and Give Directions When you give directions, you tell someone how to do something. You always start with the first step. Then you tell the second step. The steps should be short and clear. Then you tell the final step. Sometimes directions have more than three or four steps. When you listen to directions, you follow the steps one at a time in the order given.

153 Wrap Up Your Day! Text to Self Text to Self Let’s Talk About It Let’s Talk About It We have heard a story about a boy who learns to share. Tomorrow we will hear about Harry again. We have heard a story about a boy who learns to share. Tomorrow we will hear about Harry again.

154 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Thursday Journal Topic List animals that inhabit your neighborhood.

155 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Friday Morning Warm-Up This week we read about animals and people who didn’t want to share their ponds, decks, and rooms. Then things usually got easier. How do you usually feel when you share?

156 Today we will learn about:   r-controlled er, ir, ur   high-frequency words,   vocabulary words,   amazing words,   singular and plural nouns, and   alphabetical order to the second letter

157 Read-Aloud Harry Shares His Room

158 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Spelling Words her curl person skirt nurse purse dirt turtle turn hamburger birth surface serve perfect curb Word Wall Words him truck gum sale same

159 r-controlled er, ir, ur The first nurse was stern. The clerk in the purple shirt sold us the skirt. The water began to swirl and churn. Did you hear the crickets whir and chirp in the ferns?

160 Turtle’s Race with Beaver High Frequency Words toward ago word whole above enough

161 High-Frequency Words enough, ago, whole, above, toward, word In a kingdom long, long ____, High __ the mountains and snow, Lived a king with a ____ lot of seeds—and so, He gave his ___to the people below, That he would give them ____ seeds to plant and grow. Then he threw the seeds ___ the people below!

162 High-Frequency Words enough, ago, whole, above, toward, word In a kingdom long, long ago, High above the mountains and snow, Lived a king with a whole lot of seeds—and so, He gave word to the people below, That he would give them enough seeds to plant and grow. Then he threw the seeds toward the people below!

163 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Vocabulary Words buried dam lodge challenge halfway embarrassed Amazing Words conflict inhabit resolve coax ramp startle serape vacation

164 Daily Fix-It they walked to the dame They walked to the dam. turtle likked it very much Turtle liked it very much.

165 Alphabetical Order: Second Letter Alphabetical order is helpful because it makes information easier to find. Alphabetical order is used in dictionaries, glossaries, and encyclopedias. Put these words in alphabetical order: leech water lily cattail

166 Alphabetical Order: Second Letter Sometimes you will need to alphabetize words that start with the same letter. If the first letter is the same, look at the second letter to decide which will come first. green frog giant water bug

167 Review Games Vocabulary & Amazing Words: Jigword Spelling Words: Quia Games Spelling City High Frequency Words: Hot Potatoes (fill-in-the-blank)

168 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Friday Journal Topic Write about when you resolved a conflict.

169 Turtle’s Race with Beaver Related Links: Beavers Reptile Games & Info. Reptiles on Brain PopBeavers Reptile Games & Info. Reptiles on Brain Pop United Streaming Video Animal Profiles: Turtles

170 APTPlus Videos (Password Required) APTPlus Videos (Password Required) How They Live: Beavers [17:46] Wetlands, The [13:00] World of Nature: Beavers: Builders or Destroyers? [15:00] Dr. Dad's PH3: Episode 10: Animal Architecture [14:45] in this Series Freshwater Wetlands: Rivers and Streams [10:00] Animal Profiles: Water Animals of the Cascades [12:00]

171 We are now ready to take our story tests. Story test Story test Classroom webpage, Classroom webpage, Student page, Student page, Taking Tests Taking Tests AR AR Other Reading Quizzes Other Reading Quizzes Quiz # 904615 Quiz # 904615 How They Live: Beavers [17:46]

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