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TAFE Directors Australia International engagement in the Asian Century TDA 2013 National Conference - Brisbane.

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Presentation on theme: "TAFE Directors Australia International engagement in the Asian Century TDA 2013 National Conference - Brisbane."— Presentation transcript:

1 TAFE Directors Australia International engagement in the Asian Century TDA 2013 National Conference - Brisbane

2 TDA international cooperation Formal agreements and associations with:  American Association of Community Colleges  Association of Community Colleges Canada  Association of Colleges (UK)  Chile Ministry of Education  China Education Association for International Exchange  Commonwealth Secretariat, UK  Commonwealth Association of Polytechnics in Africa  Community College Baccalaureate Association  India Ministry of Human Resource Development & Ministry of Labour and Employment  Kasipkor Holdings, Republic of Kazakhstan  Korean Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training  Mongolian Ministry of Education  Indonesian Ministry of Education & Culture and Ministry of Manpower &Transmigration  UNESCO UNEVOC  World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics

3 TDA cooperative agreements & associations

4 Forms of cooperation  Consultancies (Mongolia, Taiwan)  Joint research (China, India, Indonesia, UK)  Leadership & mentoring programs (China, India, Indonesia)  Missions & delegations  Networks (East Asia Summit, UNESCO, World Federation of Colleges & Polytechnics)  Projects (Chile, China, Kazakhstan, USA)

5 TDA Asian Century Business Engagement Project 2013 - 2014

6 TAFE offshore engagement Partnership agreements (TDA 2011 survey – 41 respondents) 247 active partnerships 40 countries 58,516 students studying offshore China - 95 India - 28 Korea - 16 Singapore - 11 Indonesia - 9 PNG - 8 Malaysia - 8 Japan – 5 Sir Lanka – 5 UAE – 5 Vietnam - 5

7 Methodology ◦ Survey of all TAFEs – current offshore partnerships ◦ Literature search and review ◦ Interviews with selected TAFEs, Austrade, AEI & AusAID personnel, offshore partners, state & territory agencies, peak bodies, other international agencies Timing ◦ Survey: now ◦ Interviews: September – December 2013 ◦ Draft report: February 2014 ◦ Final report: May 2014 Current as at 12 March 2013

8 Contacts Peter Holden +61 2 9217 3181 (direct office line) +61 (0)405 081 780 (mobile/cell phone) Jessica Davis +61 2 9217 3186 (direct office line) +61 (0) 409 826 375 (mobile/cell phone)

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