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N E W O F F I C E S F O R Electricity Headquarters Jelf Taylor Crescent Old Fort Complex Excerpts from Presentation 1: 15 March 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "N E W O F F I C E S F O R Electricity Headquarters Jelf Taylor Crescent Old Fort Complex Excerpts from Presentation 1: 15 March 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 N E W O F F I C E S F O R Electricity Headquarters Jelf Taylor Crescent Old Fort Complex Excerpts from Presentation 1: 15 March 2010

2 C o n t e x t M a p

3 S i t e A n a l y s i s

4 O F M P r e c i n c t F r a m e w o r k P l a n - U P O P S - Derek White

5 O F M P r e c i n c t F r a m e w o r k P l a n - Derek White


7 Option 1 - Control Centre : 2 storey addition 3000sq.m over two additional floors, added at 5 th and 6 th level. New parking in 2 storey parking structure, Lower Ground level as semi- basement with canopy covered Upper Ground deck (150 bays net gain). Service Costs - Extra lift shaft required. Advantages – maximises existing infrastructure; no increase in travel distances, potential to revitalise existing CC image. Disadvantages – relatively high infrastructure cost; poor orientation; significant internal office re-shuffle required. Masabalala Yengwa Ave Archie Gumede Pl Potential to cover site extents Jelf Taylor Pl

8 Option 2 – HQ : single storey additions with South tower 1100sq.m over 2 single storey extensions to existing low wings. 1900sq.m over 3 floors in a tower to the south, arranged to form new central Atrium for HQ link ups. New parking in 2 storey parking structure, Lower Ground level as semi-basement with canopy covered Upper Ground deck (150 bays net gain). Service Costs - New lift required; Bridge & /or Atrium for HQ connections. Potential for office & court module to continue in phases (as roll-out Option). Advantages – maximises existing infrastructure; creates new Southern face; potential to revitallise existing HQ image; good inter-building circulation. Disadvantages – relatively high infrastructure cost, poor orientation on low wings. Masabalala Yengwa Ave Archie Gumede Pl Potential to cover site extents Jelf Taylor Pl

9 C O N T R O L C E N T R E A D D I T I O N S Electricity Headquarters Jelf Taylor Crescent Old Fort Complex Excerpts from Presentation 2: 19 April 2010

10 B r i e f O v e r v i e w Agreement arising out of Presentation 1:  1 st phase development of additional floor area on top of Control Centre  2 nd phase pursuit of a new office block link south of the existing Headquarters Building Need for long term plans plus quick wins to fix shortage of office accommodation and parking.

11 C o n c e p t : M a s s i n g Dynamic play of a glass box on top of a solid element Estudio Campo Baeza; De Blas House; Spain; 2000 Additions could be a lightweight counterpoint to the existing solid structure Control Centre Building

12 R e s p o n s e t o O r i e n t a t i o n Proposal - Envelop both new and the existing building elements in solar protection screens Morphosis SF Federal Building; San Francisco; 2007 Control Centre Building

13 S o l a r S c r e e n s StudioMAS; Circa-on-Jellico Use of decorative solar screens to shade external structure – facebrick & glass. Shading reduces direct heat load on the building which in turn reduces load on Air Conditioning system’s electricity consumption, particularly during peak load times. This passive cooling, is an important retrofit on the poorly orientated Control Centre building. Reducing and delaying temperature peaks Dogen Media House; Istanbul; Turkey

14 D e s i g n C o n c e r n s  Move away from long passage arrangement with cellular offices to either side  Improve views across the width of the structure  Radically improve quality of work environment  Optimise solar control while increasing day lighting into spaces/passageway  Create better integration between floors

15 C o n t r o l R o o m C o n c e p t Architecture Department – Refurbishment of former Materials Workshops into workspaces connected around a central double volume atrium, with mezzanine levels around. OFMP, Durban, 2007 Double volume work spaces – functional connectivity / staff interaction

16 C o n t r o l C e n t r e F i t t i n g s Contemporary control consoles and projection display walls Existing Control Room’s manual display walls

17 F o r m 2 nd Phase

18 V e r t i c a l A d d i t i o n s Section View north over roof Roof designed to be jacked up Interior roof space and column grid

19 F o r m

20 T h e w a y f o r w a r d Discussion Parking provision and redevelopment of the area to the North West and West of Control Centre is dependent on the adoption of a Framework plan (currently being developed by Derek White of Architecture Department). Network Control Brief to be developed, and supply of available office area strategised. Agreement Architectural concepts agreed. Phasing agreed as: Phase I - 2 storey additions to the Control Centre building and sun control to existing facades. Phase II - refurbishment of portions of the existing CC building that have been vacated by functions moving to the new levels Phase III - new build office to the South of Elec. HQ building, built on a parking structure. Internal office redistribution & rationalisation – Architects / consultant responsibility. Agreed that parking arrangements should be finalised once Control Centre extensions underway.

21 C O N T R O L C E N T R E A D D I T I O N S Electricity Headquarters Jelf Taylor Crescent Old Fort Complex BRIEF DEVELOPMENT PHASE

22 P l a n n i n g R e q u i r e m e n t s

23 V e r t i c a l A d d i t i o n s 5 th & 6 th Floor Plan: Mezzanine level interaction with 5 th floor

24 I n t e r n a l R e f u r b i s h m e n t s 3 rd & 4 th Floor Plan: Mezzanine level interaction with 3 rd floor

25 T h e w a y f o r w a r d Agreement Expanded Network Control utilises all available space on 5 th & 6 th floors. Remaining Network Control & expanded ICT, along with Call Centre (relocated from rented accommodation at SmartExchange on Dr A B Xuma Rd) utilises all available space on 3 rd & 4 th floors. New centrally located lift desirable – costings to be confirmed. New entrance ‘face’ along with foyer upgrade - in line with new image. Agreed that parking arrangements should be finalised once Control Centre extensions underway.

26 C O N T R O L C E N T R E A D D I T I O N S Electricity Headquarters Jelf Taylor Crescent Old Fort Complex Design Review 16 July 2010 Design Precepts

27 P a r a m e t e r s - C o n t r o l l e r D e s k

28 P a r a m e t e r s - C o n t r o l R o o m s

29 D e t a i l i n g – S u n L o u v r e s Equinox - 3pm – 400mm louvre at 300ccs spacing

30 P l a n n i n g P a r a m e t e r s

31 P r o p o s e d C i r c u l a t i o n

32 P l a n n i n g P a r a m e t e r s

33 C o n t r o l R o o m V o l u m e t r i c P a r a m e t e r s

34 M a s s i n g P a r a m e t e r s

35 S o l a r P r o t e c t i o n P a r a m e t e r s

36 D e s i g n P r e c e d e n t Morphosis SF Federal Building; San Francisco; 2007 Control Centre Building

37 C O N T R O L C E N T R E A D D I T I O N S Electricity Headquarters Jelf Taylor Crescent Old Fort Complex

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