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TOURISM AFRICA 2006 Geneva-Palexpo 12-09-06 What can tourism do for entrepreneurship ? SETTING THE SCENE.

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Presentation on theme: "TOURISM AFRICA 2006 Geneva-Palexpo 12-09-06 What can tourism do for entrepreneurship ? SETTING THE SCENE."— Presentation transcript:

1 TOURISM AFRICA 2006 Geneva-Palexpo 12-09-06 What can tourism do for entrepreneurship ? SETTING THE SCENE

2 TOURISM AFRICA 2006 Geneva-Palexpo 12-09-06 I.C.T Service-oriented industry International Heterogeneous Intangibility Perishable Tourism Tourism is also i nformation : SETTING THE SCENE

3 TOURISM AFRICA 2006 Geneva-Palexpo 12-09-06 SETTING THE SCENE Tourism is mainly an opportunity for development The world’s ‘largest industry’, a pillar of economic sustainable development (Foreign currency, employment) specially for LDCs The world’s ‘largest industry’, a pillar of economic sustainable development (Foreign currency, employment) specially for LDCs One of the few possible and sustainable means of economic diversification and source of wealth for the LDCs One of the few possible and sustainable means of economic diversification and source of wealth for the LDCs A crucial role to play in rising people above the poverty threshold A crucial role to play in rising people above the poverty threshold However … However … UNEVEN DISTRIBUTION OF BENEFITS UNEVEN DISTRIBUTION OF BENEFITS

4 TOURISM AFRICA 2006 Geneva-Palexpo 12-09-06 l Minimizing leakages and maximizing the linkages encourage the development and participation of local SMEs. Increased participation through ICT networks. Increased participation through ICT networks. l Bridging the digital divide brings additional freedom and greater autonomy to destinations, assisting them to reorganize their. l Bridging the digital divide brings additional freedom and greater autonomy to destinations, assisting them to reorganize their market. l A tremendous opportunitynormous impact of ICTs in market structure, business environment and consumer behavior. l A tremendous opportunity: enormous impact of ICTs in market structure, business environment and consumer behavior. Tourism is product i nformation ( i.c.t) and opportunity Service-oriented International Heterogeneous Intangibility Perishable Tourism Context

5 TOURISM AFRICA 2006 Geneva-Palexpo 12-09-06 ICT for Tourism, Tourism for development, E-tourism for all THE UNCTAD E-TOURISM INITIATIVE Impact of digital innovation on processes and organizational configurations in the tourism industry E-tourism: Paving the ground to autonomy and success for developing destination countries Demand Supply

6 TOURISM AFRICA 2006 Geneva-Palexpo 12-09-06 ShorterFrequentindependent Custom i zed Thematic Web Last-minute Zapping DEMAND on line l l Explosion of connectivity l l Direct and differentiated access to tourist (segmentat i on) l l New competitors (e-mediaries) & new business models l l Channel & price competition l l New products SUPPLY Context

7 TOURISM AFRICA 2006 Geneva-Palexpo 12-09-06 ShorterFrequentindependent Custom i zed Thematic Web Last-minuteLDCs and developing countries still kept out of the competition or information windows Zapping SUPPLY DEMAND A B Context

8 TOURISM AFRICA 2006 Geneva-Palexpo 12-09-06 Internal Leakages: import component, royalty payments. External Leakages: control of i nflows and outflows by vertically integrated operators. Invisible Leakages: tax evasion, non-sustainable use of destination resources. Context I.C.T - leakages + linkages

9 TOURISM AFRICA 2006 Geneva-Palexpo 12-09-06 l l To integrate developing countries into the competition and to empower them to respond to new demand l l To lead ICT-driven innovation in tourism through the design and implementation of new e-business models contributing to minimize leakages and maximize linkages; l l To promote new forms of sustainable cooperation and co- opetition schemes l l To build on human capital for ICT development and diffusion l l To develop a FOSS knowledge based destination management system What is the UNCTAD E-tourism initiative about ?

10 TOURISM AFRICA 2006 Geneva-Palexpo 12-09-06 Demand Supply The UNCTAD replicable model Strategy in action A market Partnership A method A tool

11 TOURISM AFRICA 2006 Geneva-Palexpo 12-09-06 More information ?

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