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Ms Hoefferle Sophomore English.  Mini Lesson: Roman Coins 1.Traditionally feature a profile of a head and sometimes a name on one side. 2.Profiled head.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms Hoefferle Sophomore English.  Mini Lesson: Roman Coins 1.Traditionally feature a profile of a head and sometimes a name on one side. 2.Profiled head."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms Hoefferle Sophomore English

2  Mini Lesson: Roman Coins 1.Traditionally feature a profile of a head and sometimes a name on one side. 2.Profiled head is usually of a god or goddess; showing a living person was a sign of arrogance. Inquiry : How can examining the five movements of Act 1 scene 2 develop a deeper understanding of the characters and their interactions in William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar ?

3  In 43 or 42 BCE, Brutus issued a very famous coin, a denarius. One side is profiled with his name, the other side daggers, a freedom cap, and a reference to the Ides of March. Question for Thought How does the issuing of this coin reflect Brutus’ arrogance? Inquiry : How can examining the five movements of Act 1 scene 2 develop a deeper understanding of the characters and their interactions in William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar ?

4  Coin Creation ProjectDue: Monday Think of the characters in act 1, scene 2, as subjects of coins. On one side would appear the person’s name and the profile of a head, perhaps of a god. Choose one of the following characters whom you feel would be arrogant enough to depict himself or if he would choose a god. How would his name be represented? On the other side would be key symbols. Consider what symbols would most effectively represent the character’s achievements or reputation. Characters : Caesar, Brutus, Cassius, Anthony Challenge : You may use clay, cardboard, or any other appropriate medium for your final products. Remember, your grade will reflect the effort, which you put forth! Inquiry : How can examining the five movements of Act 1 scene 2 develop a deeper understanding of the characters and their interactions in William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar ?

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