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Group 4 Project. Why? Scientific investigations of today involve teamwork which, like the Group 4 Project, is interdisciplinary. The underpinnings of.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 4 Project. Why? Scientific investigations of today involve teamwork which, like the Group 4 Project, is interdisciplinary. The underpinnings of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 4 Project

2 Why? Scientific investigations of today involve teamwork which, like the Group 4 Project, is interdisciplinary. The underpinnings of teamwork are: communication and respect for each other. Used to address aims 7, 8 and 10 7 ICT 8 Moral, ethical, social, economic & environmental aspects of science 10 Interdisciplinarity

3 IA Requires it! Personal Skills Only assessed once Only assessed during the G4P Only one criterion …3 aspects (2 marks each) 10h maximum on the PSOW Used to address internationalism Self motivation/perseverance Collaboration/team work Self reflection


5 Personal skills – G4P Levels / marksAspect 1Aspect 2Aspect 3 Self-motivation and perseverance Working with a teamSelf-reflection Complete / 2Approaches the project with self-motivation and follows it through to completion. Collaborates and communicates in a group situation and integrates the views of others. Shows a thorough awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses and gives thoughtful consideration to their learning experience. Partial / 1Completes the project but sometimes lacks self- motivation. Exchanges some views but requires guidance to collaborate with others. Shows limited awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses and gives some consideration to their learning experience. Not at all / 0Lacks perseverance and motivation. Makes little or no attempt to collaborate in a group situation. Shows no awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses and gives no consideration to their learning experience.

6 Group 4 Specifics Three phases: planning, action, evaluation Same mark on two 4 PSOWs (biology, chemistry, physics) Form multi-disciplinary groups of 4 from posted class lists. Group must be multigrade (2 gr 11s, 2 grade 12s. See posted class-lists and sign-up sheet in hallway outside rm 207) Arrange a meeting time with your group and decide on a course of action as you research the assigned question.

7 The Question? Change... Where, When, What?

8 If you were to return to any period of history, Where would you go... When in history would you return... What changes would you make to bring about a change in our current environmental or technological state? Hypothesize as to what the positive impact and the negative impact of changes you make in the past might have for the future. Include communication with contacts in the country chosen.

9 The Particulars: Evaluation Your group response should be presented in the form of one of the following... A web-site A blog A Facebook student group You will present the above as part of a group oral presentation. (Be sure to show evidence as to what your proposed changes might bring about.)

10 Team Evaluation Form Download from Dunamis


12 Post weekly log file on Dunamis Oral Presentation Feb 17th Group presents project... Where, When, What? Discuss your findings and how you arrived at your final product... Show data, web-site, blog, or Facebook page. Include communication with contacts in country chosen Take questions from peers and teachers present.

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