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Being Resourceful in the Digital Age Amanda Ehlers, CTEP-AmeriCorps Jen Vanek, Educational Consultant to DEED, MDE and MLC

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Presentation on theme: "Being Resourceful in the Digital Age Amanda Ehlers, CTEP-AmeriCorps Jen Vanek, Educational Consultant to DEED, MDE and MLC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Being Resourceful in the Digital Age Amanda Ehlers, CTEP-AmeriCorps Jen Vanek, Educational Consultant to DEED, MDE and MLC

2 “Technology Literacy Uses”  Direct instruction of a tech skill. Purpose is to teach that particular skill. “Adapting Uses”  Controlled opportunity to apply/practice a tech skill “Transforming Uses”  Opportunities for learners to choose & creatively apply/use tech skills

3 Technology Literacy Uses  General one-to-one tutoring  Keyboarding  Beginners workshops/lessons

4 Adapting Uses  Exercises to practice different commands or tasks in Word  Copy & paste, highlight & delete, etc within the context of writing a thank you note  Assignments on Google Docs  Repetition with clicks required to use Google docs  Online mouse-ing games  Online keyboarding lessons and games

5 Transforming Uses  Students start Distance Learning programs, after computer practice  Students ask and seek answers to their own “how to” questions  Students develop visuals through technology to assist in public speaking practice  Students use job search and application tools independently

6 Check out some of the resources we use in our Digital Education Lab  DEL workshops and lessons  Computer skills links  Distance Learning: LearnerWeb - USA Learns -

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