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Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness

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Presentation on theme: "Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness
COM Data Dashboard Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness

2 What is COM Data Dashboard
Contains research and statistics on: -Student Demographics Student Enrollment -Student Achievement Course Retention Course Success Cohort Tracking Student Persistence Degrees/Certificates Awards Program Review

3 How can Data Dashboard be used? Examples
The Data Dashboard contains demographic data and passing rates for courses at College of Marin, and is accessible through the intranet. Data Dashboard can permit a snapshot of which students are enrolled in the course so that instructors can be aware of instructional modifications they may wish to make to maximize effectiveness. The Dashboard can also be used to encourage data-driven discussion among instructors around reaching particular groups of students.

4 Limitations Live data (as of this moment) Waiting time
Access on Campus network only

5 Access to ARGOS/Dashboard
ARGOS account COM intranet

6 1: Select term(s) 2: Click on the black dot 3: Results of chart dimension 4: change chart dimension

7 1: Select term(s) 2: Click here to execute 3: Results of enrollment

8 1: Select term(s) 2: Click here to execute 3: Results of course success

9 1: Select start term and end term
2: Select Subject and Course for the start term 5: Select Subject and Course for the end term 3: Click on “Show Column One” to execute 6: Click on “Show Column Two” to execute 7: Results of Cohort Tracking 4: Results of Cohort Tracking

10 Tips and Tricks Open the Hidden Information Multiple Selections
Hold “Control” and make selection Hold “Shift” and make selection

11 Practice Pick one page Follow the direction: step 1, step 2, …
Then click around and play 

12 Feedback What works? What changes are needed? What can we improve?
Suggestions? 15 min; 1:45pm What works? (training, dashboard system, …) What changes are needed? What can we improve? (training, dashboard system, …) What’s next step?

13 Agenda What is COM Data Dashboard Access to ARGOS/Dashboard Demo
Practice Feedback Agenda overview Background of developing Dashboard Strategic Plan Action Steps—developing IT based data system that can help us tracking student success Topic overview—institutional overview, enrollment, and student achievement Live data (as of this moment) Waiting time 1. Background of developing Dashboard (3min; 1:00pm) 2. Access to ARGOS/Dashboard (5 min; 1:03pm) 3. Demo (15 min; 1:10pm) 4. Practice (20 min; 1:25pm) 5. Feedback (15 min; 1:45pm)

14 Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness December 15, 2011
COM Data Dashboard Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness December 15, 2011

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