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Introductions Purpose To increase the success rate for students taking basic skills English and Math classes How we do this Provide in-class support,

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Presentation on theme: "Introductions Purpose To increase the success rate for students taking basic skills English and Math classes How we do this Provide in-class support,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Introductions Purpose To increase the success rate for students taking basic skills English and Math classes How we do this Provide in-class support, and outside 1-on-1 and small group tutoring Dedicated Tutors are “dedicated” to an assigned class and work with the students in that class exclusively

3 Our Focus Students who could take advantage of tutoring but who don’t know how tutoring can help them or are afraid to ask for assistance

4  In class presence  Develop strong rapport with students in assigned class  1-on-1 or small group tutoring  Teamwork with instructor  Understand class content well



7 Math 85 Math 95 CRN 11509115101025811512 First census 32253734 Withdrawals (W’s only) 40117 #students finished Course 28252627 Passed grade with C or better 20212017 % pass rate 71%84%77%63%

8 Pay - College Skills English DTs Tutoring time: 17 weeks/3 hours per week (flexible) = IS pay rate (~$19-20/hr)  can log 2-6 hours per week on your time card  not to exceed 51 total hours per class › Tutor Time Sheets – attach a copy with timecard › Timecard Meeting time: Up to 9.5 hours for meetings with instructor and DT group meetings  4 hours training session (new)  2 hours Instructor-DT meetings  3.5 hours DT group meetings; must attend

9  What are you paid for? › Attend class – as instructor directs › Outside class 1-on-1 tutoring and small group tutoring › Meet with your instructor; strategies/tactics › Prepare any outside material (consult your instructor first) › Participate DT group moodle page › Meeting bi-monthly with other DTs – brief discussions on challenges/solutions › Special meetings (group DT & f2f with instructor) › Student Survey and rough tally (end-of-term) › Maintain a professional attitude and approach

10 Process  Time cards to Mina › Essential to follow this procedure as required by payroll  Timecard deadlines for each month  Day before or day-of by 3PM  If you are late, you won’t be paid until the next month  Mina cannot process late time cards  Timecards  Tutoring Hours – IS Rate / Attach sticky note: Class + DT tutoring hours  Meeting Hours – Professional Expert Rate /DT C.S. English  See samples in packet  Hand in Tutor Time Sheets attached to timecards  Make a copy of everything you give to Mina – good record keeping  PAFs – need to sign with Mina (only once/at beginning of the semester)


12 Those who easily ask for help Those who  don’t know how to ask for help or are afraid to ask, or  don’t know how tutoring can help them = Target for DTs Those who will never ask for help

13  Students’ perspective [video clip]

14 Student feedback Sp2013 Students’ survey end-of-term


16  a great tutoring session, but how do I get the students to come ? › Work w/Instructor  can request Ss to meet with DT for a “sign-off” at a point in the writing process  can have DT return to Ss drafts with comments/Ss meet with DT then  attend class on “outline” day or peer tutoring day to do in- class tutoring  (Eve section) With instructor permission, DT can pull Ss from class and have tutoring session › Set-up “Buddy System” 2 Ss sign-up for a session and help each other be sure to attend together › Be sure to frequently remind Ss when you are tutoring; use moodle messages › Other ideas ….

17  Interacting with Students › On class assignments › Refer Ss to campus resources  Interacting with Instructors › Best Practices › Common Pitfalls  Interacting with other DTs

18  DT Project moodle Web page › Resources, Forum, Student Surveys › For our use as DT group [DT Project]  DTs need to check our moodle web page once/week  When you post on moodle, all DTs and instructors receive the message  Individual Class moodle Web pages › Instructor needs to OK; IT adds you as a participant  Get the class roster  Send messages to individuals or group, i.e. tutoring time for coming week

19  Video – How to Tutor – Not!  Activity – Conducting a Great Session

20  Construct your schedule  Identify work space with students  Find DT peers  Get familiar with DT Training manual and moodle site resources  (English) Read Spring 2013 DT Report  Stay in touch – moodle DT webpage, listserv › Post model (sample) writing on DT webpage (over term) › Check DT moodle page once a week  See Mina – sign PAF  Questions – email/call DT Coordinator


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