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EU LIFE “Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come” Niall Benson Heritage Coast Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "EU LIFE “Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come” Niall Benson Heritage Coast Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU LIFE “Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come” Niall Benson Heritage Coast Officer

2 Firstly: Who are we and why are we here? Otherwise… Introductions and expectations?

3 Background to the LIFE fund  The Single European Act in 1986 gave EU environmental policy a legal basis which, along with the Fifth Environment Action Programme (approved in 1993), set the context for the LIFE funding mechanism.  LIFE is derived from the French: L’Instrument Financier pour l’Environnement.  LIFE has existed in various forms since 1992. It is the sole EU financial instrument dedicated to the environment, including climate change. The current Programme runs until end of 2013 with a budget of 2.1 billion euros.

4 Current programme closed - New programme about to start with first call expected late 2014 Themes of last programme LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity thematic sections offering a selection of projects and their results: Biodiversity issues; Habitats; Management tools; Species LIFE+ Environment thematic sections offering a selection of projects and their results: Air and Noise; Climate change – Energy; Environmental management; Industry-Production; Information-Communication; Land-use and Planning; Risk management; Services and Trade; Waste; Water

5 Good things! (Christmas past & present) One of the more user friendly funding streams Significant scale - € 1m+ Delivers significant improvement > 75% funded 40% of grant paid up front! Only three formal claims across the project – Monitoring as best practice

6 The new LIFE Regulation – 2014-20 New Regulation proposes an increase in the budget to €3.05 billion, aiming to have ‘a more strategic, simplified and flexible approach’.  Changes : – new emphasis with a sub programme on climate change; – new type of project, ‘Integrated Projects’ (more in next slide); – flexible top down, strategic approach to setting priorities; – retention of national allocations for the environment for first 4 years; – enlargement of territorial scope; – Co-financing rates slightly increased – 60% for CC subtheme for first 4 years; and 55% subsequently Draft Regulation largely been agreed but yet to be voted/discussed at European Parliament. Formal Council (MS) then signs it off. (as at 30/9) LIFE aims for simplification and complementarity

7 Creation of two sub-programmes: LIFE sub-programme for Climate Action (€0.9bn) LIFE sub-programme for Environment (€2.7bn) Total proposed budget of € 3.6bn (2014-2020)

8 A new type of project: ‘Integrated Projects’ Integrated projects aim to implement projects that integrate environmental policy across relevant policy areas, probably on a larger territorial scale. They are intended to encourage a strategic approach to environmental and climate issues which will more effectively link together a variety of programmes and, if practicable, different funds.

9 The LIFE climate sub-programme: Specific priority areas Climate Change Mitigation contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions Climate Change Adaptation supports efforts leading to increased resilience to climate change Climate Governance and Information

10 LIFE support arrangements in the UK Defra want to improve the number of quality LIFE+ applications – only 50 - 60% of UK projects from the ‘national allocation’ gets funded each year. Information Day and Application workshops planned for end- 2013/2014 Extra training - log frame analysis, financial management, electronic networking, social media 2014 applicants will need to submit a ‘Concept form’ describing their project in early 2014, to UK NCP, to be eligible for mentoring Mentoring support - help with project management, policy areas, EU added value. Sample LIFE applications online Next LIFE call expected from Commission Spring/Summer 2014

11 Over to you? So what’s on your Christmas list? Questions? Anecdotes Experience Project ideas Collaboration Other Partners – blind date risk

12 Further information? LIFE website Directorate General Climate Action website LIFE National Contact Point Thanks to Beta Europe Ltd for use of their material

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