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Evaluation & Sanitization 1/29/2010 Sam Creech MCITP, ATACP-2008 Lindsey Bean-Kampwerth OTD, OTR/L.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluation & Sanitization 1/29/2010 Sam Creech MCITP, ATACP-2008 Lindsey Bean-Kampwerth OTD, OTR/L."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluation & Sanitization 1/29/2010 Sam Creech MCITP, ATACP-2008 Lindsey Bean-Kampwerth OTD, OTR/L

2 Walton Options for Independent Living Presents: Sanitization at our Center By: Sam Creech, MCITP, ATACP-2008

3 CIL Unrestricted Funds  Government cuts  Non-profit to Profit  Business venture

4 STAR (Southeastern Technology Access and Reuse) Network Outcome  Maximized independence through AT/DME Services for individuals with disabilities in underserved communities of Georgia as well as the Southeast.

5 STAR Network Outcome Measures  AT service access  Distribution of AT/DME reuse equipment  Reuse equipment is at a lowered cost  Consumer independence or increased activities in their education, community or work roles  Improved quality of life and prevents institutionalization

6 HubScrub  Sanitization  Easy to use  Affordable  Quick

7 HubScrub - Continues  HubScrub’s innovative spray system  Spray pressure  Computer controlled dispensing of chemicals  Spacious wash chamber

8 HubScrub - Continues  Chemicals  EPA Standard

9 The Process  Equipment Collection  Equipment evaluation  Designating area – Clean/Dirty

10 The Process - Continues  Tracking Equipment  Individual Assessment  Equipment Redistribution

11 Thank You!!!!

12 Sanitizing and Evaluation of Equipment Lindsey Bean Kampwerth, OTD, OTR/L January 29, 2010

13 We accept…  Manual & Power wheelchairs  Hospital beds  Canes, crutches, walkers  Scooters  Raised toilet seats & commodes  Shower chairs & shower benches  Reachers  Recreation devices  Cushions

14 Current Data Collection for Reutilized AT  Upon Donation –Donor demographics (i.e. name, address, phone number etc.) –Type of equipment being donated

15 Who Evaluates & Where  One of our 4 AT repair technicians will evaluate the equipment

16 Inventory Data – Equipment Evaluation 14 Point Check  Tips/grips  Rear tires  Anti-tippers  Wheel locks  Push button  Caster tires  Bearings  Front Riggings  Upholstery  Axles/Axle Plates  Positioning devices  Arm Rests  Manual Tilt/Recline  Cushion/Back

17 Gathering Information on the Equipment  Mobility Device Intake Form  General DME Intake Form  Pricing Form (forms are on our website)

18 Mobility Device Intake Form  ID # of device, condition of equipment, weight limit of device, repair costs and what we charge  Includes specific information on devices such as: –Power wheelchairs (battery type, width, depth, height, device weight, tilt/recline/elevation, FWD/MWD/RWD, folding or take apart, special seating)

19 Mobility Device Intake Form –Scooter (battery type, weight, break apart, swivel seat, dimensions, FWD/ or RWD, small/standard/heavy duty base) –Manual wheelchair (width, depth, weight, foldable, sling/rigid seat, footrests, pediatric/adult/heavy duty, special seating, standard or lightweight)

20 General DME Intake Form  ID # of device, condition of equipment, weight limit of device, repair costs and what we charge  Includes specific information on devices such as: –Seating cushions/supports (width, depth, height, air/foam/gel) –Cane/crutch/walker (metal or wood, single tip or quad cane, underarm or forearm, wheels and seat)

21 General DME Intake Form –Raised toilet seat or bedside commode (padded, height adjustable, arm rails, drop arm, back) –Shower chair or bench (hole cutout, padded, back, height adjustable, wheels) –Hospital Bed (full or semi electric or manual, length, width, depth and height) –Other (description of device)

22 Sanitization  We sanitize anything and everything we can!  This means that if it can be properly sanitized, evaluated, repaired and distributed we will.  For example, we can’t accept foam mattress for beds because we can not sanitize them.

23 Where We Sanitize  We have a sanitization room –This includes a steam room, washer & dryer and the Hub Scrub. –We have paid approximately $700 from 2008 to the present for the Hub Scrub cleaning products. –We clean 25-30 pieces of equipment in a month with one person devoted to cleaning.


25 Sanitization  Sanitization –Cleaning Checklist  Disinfected  Cover washed  Axles cleaned

26 When We Sanitize  When the equipment has completely gone through the intake process and is repaired and ready to go. –If the equipment gets used for a demonstration or learning function is it re-cleaned. –After sanitized, equipment is bagged and placed in a is bagged and placed in a separate space away from separate space away from dirty equipment. dirty equipment.

27 Any Questions?  Director of AT- Carla Walker –  Occupational Therapist- Lindsey Bean – 

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