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In Defense of Food Day 4. Warm-up Analyze the cartoon below. Share your thoughts in a one paragraph journal response.

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Presentation on theme: "In Defense of Food Day 4. Warm-up Analyze the cartoon below. Share your thoughts in a one paragraph journal response."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Defense of Food Day 4

2 Warm-up Analyze the cartoon below. Share your thoughts in a one paragraph journal response.

3 Today’s Goals!  Review current issues  School nutrition discussion  Brainstorm goals for change  Who can help us make a difference  Letter writing skills

4 Students Can Make a Difference  Read about students who have taken “green” to a new level.  wp-content/uploads/santa-monica- press1.pdf wp-content/uploads/santa-monica- press1.pdf wp-content/uploads/santa-monica- press1.pdf

5 Case Study-What Role Can You Take?  TTRKSV4 TTRKSV4 TTRKSV4

6 School Nutrition Discussion  What are the current options you have in your daily lunch choices?  Are there any healthy options?  Are there any organic options?  Is the food from local growers?  Where would you get information on what is currently offered in the cafeteria?  What can you do to help bring healthy options into our school?

7 Making Change Brainstorm  In your group brainstorm ways we can make a difference on our campus and in our community.  Be ready to share ideas with the class.

8 Make Change!  Discuss your concerns with your school's decision makers:  the school food services director;  the principal;  the PTO/PTA;  school board members.  Organize a committee. Enlist other parents, teachers and staff to join.  Recruit members from the community who will be helpful such as a pediatrician, nurse or nutrition expert. Identify students to serve on your committee or help with the project. Student participation is key!  Involve the media. Write letters to the editor about the problems you see and ways that you feel they can be corrected. Cite statistics. Send press releases to local newspapers and radio stations to announce events or important meetings. Suggest your local paper do a feature story on school lunches. If the school has a newspaper, get students to write articles on the need for organics.  Write letters to public officials to help change public policy. Be sure to include letters from the students.  Stay tuned to the process. Whether your school agrees to ban some junk foods, discontinue vending services, change the cafeteria menu, or whatever, stay involved. Keep your commitment intact to oversee the process and to step in if implementation doesn't go as expected.  Inspire others. Celebrate all victories no matter how small. Tell your story to the media. Share your story with others such as...

9 Be Informed!  Know the reason for organics at schools. Use the information from the following sources to build your case and become informed:  Beyond Pesticides —  National Farm to School —  Organic Valley —  —  All Organic Links page —  Organics Consumers Association —  Generation Green —  The Eat Well Guide —  Fresh Baby —  Whole Foods Market —  Stonyfield Farm —

10 Writing a Business Letter An important aspect of any campaign is enlisting qualified people to help! Learn how to write a business letter so your voice can be heard and taken seriously! An important aspect of any campaign is enlisting qualified people to help! Learn how to write a business letter so your voice can be heard and taken seriously!  Consult your English Resource Booklet to practice your letter writing skills.  ssletter/preview.weml ssletter/preview.weml ssletter/preview.weml

11 Homework  Visit each website on the list (in powerpoint on wikispaces) and a short paragraph describing what you learned from the site. One paragraph per website.  Use information from class discussions and websites researched to create logos argument  Complete your final draft of letter to the board. Should use Ethos, Pathos, and Logos!

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