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Spanish/American War “Splendid Little War” (1898) *American Imperialism- US in the 1890’s wanted to compete with European Industrial nations and gain control.

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish/American War “Splendid Little War” (1898) *American Imperialism- US in the 1890’s wanted to compete with European Industrial nations and gain control."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish/American War “Splendid Little War” (1898) *American Imperialism- US in the 1890’s wanted to compete with European Industrial nations and gain control of other lands and people *Spain- was a weak international power with colonies 1) Identify Yellow Journalism and the Cuba Libre Movement 2) Identify the three reasons the US wanted to go to war and one event that pushed the US to declare war on Spain. 3) Analyze how the three motives of Imperialism were all factors in the cause and effect of the Sp/Am War.

2 Cuba- colony of Spain, fighting a second war of independence –Cuba Libre- Cuban freedom movement that attracted Americans attention by publishing stories in US newspapers –Reconcentrado- Spain set up “Concentration Camps” (prison for civilians) in Cuba Analyze why would Americans be so offended after seeing these photos of reconcentrado in Cuba? Explain what Americans can do to help Cubans? –50,000 women and children died in Havana’s Camp

3 America’s Response- Americans wanted to go to war with Spain and “free” Cuba (Why?) –Proximity- Cuba is close to US –Oppression- of Cubans upset America’s idea of freedom –Yellow Journalism- stories that exaggerated news to gain more readers How does the painting of the USS Maine explosion painting demonstrate “Yellow Journalism”? *These storied created American sympathy for Cuba

4 –Can you identify any past actions against the US that caused the US to go to war? War Triggers –DeLome Letter- letter by Spanish official that insulted the President –USS Maine- naval ship that blew up in Havana *US newspaper made it look like a Spanish mine blew up the ship *Reality- 1976 report said the ships boiler (gas tank) blew –“Remember the Maine” became the US battle cry –1 mil. Americans volunteer to fight (300,000 fight in war, ¼ Af./Am.)

5 War breaks out –Philippines- Spanish colony off Asia, 1st fighting in war Battle of Manila- US “New Navy” (steel ships) defeats Spanish navy (wooden sailing ships) –Cuba- US army was unprepared to fight but won with larger numbers (17,000 us vs. 2400 Sp. *US naval blockade prevented Sp. Troops from entering Cuba –Treaty of Paris- US wins war (379 Americans die in battle, 5,400 from disease) Spain loses Cuba, Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam

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