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…they shall see God Mt 5:8. What is purity?  Pure: Gr Katharos> clean, without blemish, without admixture, without alloy, sterling in quality, purged.

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Presentation on theme: "…they shall see God Mt 5:8. What is purity?  Pure: Gr Katharos> clean, without blemish, without admixture, without alloy, sterling in quality, purged."— Presentation transcript:

1 …they shall see God Mt 5:8

2 What is purity?  Pure: Gr Katharos> clean, without blemish, without admixture, without alloy, sterling in quality, purged of undesirable elements, language which is void of all colloquialisms, unsullied, untarnished.

3 Old Testament meanings…  1. Ceremonial purity, ceremonial washings, observance of rules & regulations (i.e. ritual conduct)  2. Spiritual purity, blamelessness in face of a charge of misconduct, sense of innocence, upright, clear in God’s sight

4 Ritual observance…  A few examples from Leviticus:  Eating of certain animals  Ritual washings before meals  7 days uncleanness for touching a dead body  Ceremonial rituals before day of atonement

5 Life & conduct v mind & heart  Jesus totally contradicted the official & orthodox concept of purity with two words…pure in heart  Jews believed in the outward rituals for purity  Jesus said, “Not so!” if the heart was not right

6 The purity Jesus speaks of…  Blessed are those whose thoughts & motives are absolutely untainted, without mixture, genuine & sincere.  We must let the Holy Spirit be honest with us in His examination of our heart

7 Who could achieve that kind of purity?  Jesus was stating that no matter how “perfect” the outside looked, there was no way to the purity that this Beatitude demands other than death of self AND life unto God thru Christ  When Christ rules a person’s heart, his actions become less polluted

8 The promise to “see”  11 Kings 25:19 “men of the King’s presence”  Men have always desired to see God  Ex 33:18 – “Show me thy glory”  Ps 17, 41, 63, 140 – “to see thy face, to dwell in thy presence, to stand in thy presence.”

9 To see God…  1 Cor 13:12 “Now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then shall I know even as I am known.”

10 Our challenge…  When was the last time you “saw” God, where you came into the presence of a holy God whose love exposed the impurities of your heart & mind?

11 The blessing…  Eph 1:18-21

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