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FORMATIONS AND NUMBERING AT THE SNAP A scrimmage kick formation is a formation in which no player is in position to receive a hand-to-hand snap from between the snapper’s legs and at the snap either: A) A player is in position with a knee on the ground 7 yards or more behind the LOS in position to be the holder and receive the long snap and with another player 3 yards or less behind that player in position to attempt a place kick OR B) A player is 10 yards or more behind the LOS and in position to receive the long snap.

NUMBERING EXCEPTIONS FOR SCRIMMAGE KICKS On 1st, 2nd or 3rd down. If team A sets or shifts into a field goal type scrimmage kick formation (see A on previous slide), the snapper may be numbered 1-49 or and must be between the ends and is an ineligible receiver unless the pass is touched by B. Team A must have 4 players numbered on the Line-Of-Scrimmage. (7-2-5 exception) On 4th down or during a kick try, if A sets or shifts into either scrimmage kick formation, any A player may be numbered 1-49 or A player in the game under this exception must assume an initial position on his Line-Of-Scrimmage between the ends and he remains an ineligible forward pass receiver for the entire down (even if he shifts to an eligible position before the snap) unless the pass is touched by B. (7-2-5 exception) The snapper is afforded protection when team A is in either scrimmage kick formation (9-4-6) ( ).

K may punt, drop kick or place kick from in or behind the neutral zone before team possession has changed. R may catch or recover a scrimmage kick in the field of play and advance unless: 1) It is during a try 2) R has given a valid or invalid fair catch signal K may catch or recover a scrimmage kick and advance if it is in or behind the neutral zone (during a try is excluded). K may catch or recover a scrimmage kick beyond the neutral zone or expanded neutral zone provided the kick has been touched by R who was clearly beyond the neutral zone at the time of the touch. If R is the 1st to touch a scrimmage kick beyond the neutral zone, it will be a new series for whichever team has possession at the end of the play. R’s touching of the kick is ignored if it is caused by K legally batting or muffing the ball into R or K pushing or blocking R into contact with the ball.

K’s catch or recovery beyond the neutral zone causes the ball to become dead. If K is 1st to touch a scrimmage kick beyond the neutral zone, it is a spot of 1st touching. Touching is ignored if R pushed or blocked K into contact with the ball. R may take the ball at any spot of 1st touching or may take the result the play. The right of R to take the ball at the spot of 1st touching is cancelled if R touches the kick and thereafter during the down commits a foul OR if ANY penalty committed during the down is accepted. The neutral zone does not expand into the end zone. The touching of a low scrimmage kick by anyone is ignored if the touching occurs in or behind the expanded neutral zone. A scrimmage kick Out-Of-Bounds between the goal lines, dead inbounds without possession or joint possession the ball is awarded to R.

6 TOUCHBACK It is a touchback if: any scrimmage kick which is not a scoring attempt or a grounded 3-point field goal attempt breaks the plane of R’s goal line unless R chooses a spot of first touching. It is a touchback if: a 3-point field goal attempt breaks the plane of R’s goal and thereafter touches a K player in flight or breaks the plane of R’s goal and is unsuccessful. If any scrimmage kick becomes dead in the KICKERS end zone without player possession, it is either a safety or touchback (8-5-2 and 8-5-3).

7 FAIR CATCH Any Receiver may signal for a fair catch while any legal kick is in flight The receiver who has given a valid or invalid Fair Catch signal is prohibited from blocking until the kick has ended. It is a Fair Catch & the ball is dead if any receiver gives a valid Fair Catch signal & catches a scrimmage kick beyond the Neutral Zone to the Receiver’s goal line. Only the receiver who gives a valid signal is afforded protection. If the kick is caught by a teammate, it is not a Fair Catch but the ball becomes dead. After a valid or awarded Fair Catch, Team A may choose to snap or free kick anywhere between the in-bounds line. These choices remain until a foul free or an inadvertent whistle free down is completed. No receiver may advance the ball after a valid or invalid Fair Catch signal has been given by any member of the receiving team. While a scrimmage kick is in flight beyond the Neutral Zone to the Receiver’s goal line no team K player shall touch the ball or a Receiver in position to catch the kick (unless blocked into or to ward off a blocker) Exception: K may catch, touch, muff, or bat a scrimmage kick in flight beyond the neutral zone IF NO R PLAYER IS IN POSITION TO CATCH THE BALL. Illegal Fair Catch signal is any signal given AFTER the runner has possessed the scrimmage kick. Live Ball Foul. NOT PSK. SPOT FOUL UNDER ALL BUT ONE Invalid Fair Catch signals are any signal that does not meet the requirements of a valid signal OR any signal after the kick has TOUCHED a receiver or any signal after the kick has TOUCHED the ground. This may be PSK.

8 Touching of a scrimmage kick by Team R
There are five possible outcomes after Team R touches a scrimmage kick. Team R touches a low scrimmage kick in or behind the neutral zone and Team K recovers. The touching of a low scrimmage kick in or behind the neutral zone by either team is ignored. If K recovers in or behind the neutral zone, they may advance. Team K must make the line-to-gain to retain possession. If K recovers beyond the neutral zone, it is 1st touching and the ball is dead and cannot be advanced. Team R’s ball at the spot of 1st touching or recovery. The kick is touched by Team R behind the neutral zone and recovered by Team K behind the neutral zone. The touching by Team R is ignored. Team K may advance the ball but must reach the line-to-gain to retain possession. The kick is touched by Team R behind the neutral zone and recovered by Team K beyond the neutral zone. Team K’s recovery is 1st touching and the ball is declared dead when Team K possesses the kick. Team R’s touching behind the neutral zone is ignored, it is Team R’s ball, 1st and 10 at the spot of recovery. The kick is touched by Team R beyond the neutral zone and is recovered by Team K beyond the neutral zone. The ball is declared dead when Team K recovers the kick beyond the neutral zone. A new series will be awarded to the team in possession at the end of the down after Team R touches a kick in advance of the neutral zone. Team K’s ball 1st and ten at the spot of recovery. The kick is touched beyond the neutral zone by Team R and is recovered by Team K behind the neutral zone. Team K may advance the ball and will have a new series if they retain possession of the ball when the down ends.

A foul by R (other than illegal substitution or illegal participation) when the foul meets all these requirements. (2-16-2h). During scrimmage kick plays other than a try or SUCCESSFUL Field Goal. During a scrimmage kick and the ball crosses the Expanded Neutral Zone. During a scrimmage kick and the foul occurs beyond the Expanded Neutral Zone. During a scrimmage kick and the foul occurs before the end of the kick. K will not be next to put the ball in play. If any of these elements are missing it is NOT A PSK FOUL. Any foul committed during the kick that is not a PSK Foul is administered as a Loose Ball Play. Any Foul committed after the kick has ended is administered as a running play.


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