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Understanding SMS and Other Events June 6 th, 2012 by Sylwia LaBudde.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding SMS and Other Events June 6 th, 2012 by Sylwia LaBudde."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding SMS and Other Events June 6 th, 2012 by Sylwia LaBudde

2 What is SMS ? – Sustainability Metrics Scorecard Set of goals (e.g. WWMC, HHH, Clean up, Stakeholder Meetings, Learners to Leaders, NOVs…) Information for the scorecard is reported to Smithfield Foods in two ways: 1.Web Metrics Incident Reports: location personnel “report and incident” system generates emails 2.Web Metrics Surveys: location personnel fill out monthly surveys users generate charts and extract numerical data Does 1 = 2 ????? Does 1 = 2 ????? by Sylwia LaBudde

3 Environmental / Regulatory Spill Release Near Miss NOV NOV Rescinded Regulator Visit / Audit Information Received / Potential NOV Odor, Noise, or 3 rd Party Concern Spill Release Near Miss NOV NOV Rescinded Regulator Visit / Audit Information Received / Potential NOV Odor, Noise, or 3 rd Party Concern SMS & Other **SMS** - Helping Hungry Homes (HHH) **SMS** - Community Clean Up **SMS** - World Water Monitoring Challenge **SMS** - FFA or 4-H Event **SMS** - Stakeholder Meeting **SMS** - Environmental Project Submitted **SMS** - Health & Wellness Program **SMS** - Nutrition Assessment **SMS** - Learners to Leaders Award, Recognition, or Other Event Non-SMS Event **SMS** - Helping Hungry Homes (HHH) **SMS** - Community Clean Up **SMS** - World Water Monitoring Challenge **SMS** - FFA or 4-H Event **SMS** - Stakeholder Meeting **SMS** - Environmental Project Submitted **SMS** - Health & Wellness Program **SMS** - Nutrition Assessment **SMS** - Learners to Leaders Award, Recognition, or Other Event Non-SMS Event by Sylwia LaBudde

4 Select the location where event occurred (IOC ECs have multiple locations) Select date when the event occurred, NOT when it is being reported Select the type of incident according to the reporting protocols **Optional** Add additional recipients that are NOT on the distribution list Describe the incident in detail – check protocols for requested information Add additional notes if needed Attach documents

5 by Sylwia LaBudde Spill – reportable spill of a liquid or solid material Release – reportable release of a gas or vapor material Near Miss – spill or release below the RQ (reportable quantity) - value within 10% (but not over) permit limits

6 by Sylwia LaBudde Potential NOV – lab results, tests, or other data indicating potential permit exceedence or regulatory non-compliance NOV – received a letter from regulatory agency citing a violation NOV Rescinded – received a letter from regulatory agency rescinding a previously issued violation

7 by Sylwia LaBudde Regulator Visit / Audit – visit, audit or inspection by an outside agency Odor, Noise, or other 3 rd Party Concern – odor, noise, or any other incidents conveyed by a 3 rd party. Includes emails, phone calls and/or letters from:  private citizens  businesses  regulators  local government

8 by Sylwia LaBudde **SMS** Please enter the number of pounds of food contributed through Helping Hungry Homes (Pounds only count if they are donated through Helping Hungry Homes program) Food DonationsPounds

9 by Sylwia LaBudde **SMS** Please record the number of Community Beautification events that members of the facility have participated in THIS MONTH (road cleanups, park restoration, etc) One event per year is expected for each plant. Community Clean Up Count

10 by Sylwia LaBudde **SMS** Please enter the number of WWMD (World Water Monitoring Challenge) events that the facility participated in THIS MONTH. One event per year is expected per plant) WWMC eventCount

11 by Sylwia LaBudde **SMS** Please put in the number of FFA events that the plant has participated in for THIS MONTH (acceptable events include: Speaking, Judging a competition, or financially sponsoring an FFA event. 2 events per year is expected per plant) FFA EventCount

12 by Sylwia LaBudde **SMS** Please enter the number of community stakeholder meetings hosted by the facility THIS MONTH. (acceptable meetings include; speaking at the Lions club, Rotary, etc - having any type of open invite to discuss sustainability initiatives with the general public) These are NOT meetings with employees, stockholders, etc - these are meetings that speak to the public in your local town. 2 per year Stakeholder meeting Count

13 by Sylwia LaBudde **SMS** Please enter the number of environmental Award Applications submitted to Smithfield Foods Environmental Affairs - THIS MONTH The expectation is at least one application received per plant Environmental Award Application Count **SMS** Please enter the number of environmental or sustainability award applications submitted to third-party (state or trade association are both acceptable) THIS MONTH. The expectation is at least one application per plant annually. 3rd Party ProjectCount

14 by Sylwia LaBudde

15 **SMS** On an IOC marketing/business development basis, did you assess nutritional issues (salt content, low fat, lack of allergens) in designing products to address health and wellness (is there a process to continue to integrate these aspects into the product development process)THIS MONTH? The expectation is that you will do this at least once a year. IOC Diet Considerations Count

16 by Sylwia LaBudde **SMS** Please enter the number of New Employee Health & Wellness Programs (not individual events) within your IOC developed THIS MONTH. Submit an incident notification for each new program with a detailed description in the “**SMS** - Health & Wellness Program” category. The goal is for each IOC to develop at least one (1) Employee Health & Wellness Program per fiscal year (May-April). IOC Employee Health & Wellness Program Count **SMS** Please enter the number of New Community Health & Wellness Programs (not individual events) developed/sponsored by your IOC THIS MONTH. Submit an incident notification for each new program with a detailed description in the “**SMS** - Health & Wellness Program” category. The goal is for each IOC to develop or sponsor at least one (1) Health & Wellness Program aimed at creating health & wellness culture in our communities per fiscal year (May-April). IOC Community Health & Wellness Program Count

17 by Sylwia LaBudde

18 QUESTIONS? by Sylwia LaBudde Understanding SMS and Other Events June 6 th, 2012

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