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How to document your role in education: the teaching dossier

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1 How to document your role in education: the teaching dossier
Anita Rachlis MD

2 Objectives To understand the scholarship of teaching
To review the Teaching Dossier purpose component parts teaching activities to include evaluation of teaching To provide helpful hints

3 The scholarship of teaching
“A scholarship of teaching is not synonymous with excellent teaching” “All faculty have an obligation to teach well, to engage students, and to foster important forms of student learning…such teaching is a good fully sufficient unto itself.

4 The scholarship of teaching
When it entails, as well, certain practices of classroom assessment and evidence gathering, when it is fully informed not only by the latest ideas in the field but by current ideas about teaching in the field, when it invites peer collaboration and review, then teaching might be called scholarly, or reflective or informed.

5 The scholarship of teaching
But in addition to all of this, yet another good is needed, one called the scholarship of teaching, which we describe as having three central features of being public, open to critique and evaluation, and in a form that others can build on. A fourth attribute…is that it involves question-asking, inquiry and investigation, particularly around issues of student learning.” Hutchings, P and Shulman, L. Teaching among the Scholarships, Change, Sept 1999

6 Purpose of the Teaching Dossier
the purpose is to make significant chunks of what educator’s do available for peer review. Only when we have something to value, will we have something to evaluate…and we can not value something that we can not share, exchange, and examine Lee Shuman “The educator’s portfolio” 1990

7 Why do you need a Teaching Dossier?
Documentation of what educational activities you engage in as a: clinician-scientist/investigator clinician-educator clinician-teacher Annual activity review Three year review Promotion MainCert validation

8 Teaching Dossier Faculty
Career advancement Academic dossiers Teaching dossiers

9 The Teaching Dossier includes…
all teaching and student assessment activities administrative, organizational, and developmental aspects of education educational research activities related to medical education research and development national and international organizations whose activities relate to medical education research and development

10 The Teaching Dossier includes…
national and international conferences and workshops relating to medical education research and development external consultancies relating to medical education research and development education-related honours and awards

11 Begin with Introductory statement
provides the reviewer with a clear and accurate picture of your perspective on your educational contributions and their impact “executive summary of the dossier” don’t assume that it will be obvious from the dossier Reflective statement your philosophy of education

12 Philosophy of Education
the goal of any educator is to change learner’s knowledge, attitudes and/or behaviors in a predetermined direction Bland CJ et al. Successful faculty in academic medicine: essential skills and how to acquire them. Springer 1990 instruction, in turn, is influenced by the values, beliefs, prior experiences, and knowledge of the individual faculty member each faulty member must be able to articulate her/his philosophy of education

13 Identify your personal philosophy of education
Philosophy of adult education inventory – Lorraine Zinn PhD liberal adult education (expert) behaviorist adult education (manager) progressive adult education (organizer) humanistic adult education (facilitator) radical adult education (coordinator)

14 Educational activities summary
Organize each academic year under the following categories undergraduate education postgraduate education graduate education continuing education related academic activities

15 Educational activities summary (example) Undergraduate education 2005-6
Year 1 Metabolism and nutrition lectures 2 x 1 hr PBL 8 x 2 hr ASCM clinics 6 x 3 hr 20 hrs 18 hrs Year 2 Foundations of Medical Practice Lectures 4 x 1 hr PBL tutorials 12 x 2 hr 28 hrs Year 3 Medicine Clerkship Seminar Program 3 x 1 hr Examinations 6 hrs Year 4 Seminar Program 4 x 1 hr Observed Clinical Skills 12 hrs

16 Educational activities summary (example) Undergraduate education 2005-6
Administrative, Organization, Development Member, undergraduate curriculum faculty development committee Member, Metabolism and Nutrition course committee Awards Academy teaching award Aikins Award nomination

17 Educational activities summary (example) Graduate education 2005-6
Graduate students supervised (list names, dates, level – M.Sc. or Ph.D. Level of supervisory responsibility (principal supervisor or member of committee) Graduate courses taught, dates (courses in School of Graduate studies) Administrative, Organization, Development Graduate student coordinator, Institute of Medical Science Awards Nominated for Silverman award

18 Educational activities summary (example) Postgraduate education 2005-6
Hematology ward rounds, 4 hours per week 96 hrs Hematology seminars, 3 sessions x 1 hour x 6 18 hrs MKSAP review with residents, date 3 hrs Examinations, interns/residents 3 hrs Administrative, Organization, Development Member, Internal Medicine PGY1 interviewing team, UT Member, Postgraduate Education Committee, SWCHSC Awards Inpatient teaching award, Dept of Medicine, SWCHSC

19 Educational activities summary (example) Continuing education 2005-6
Certification and chemotherapy seminars for nurses Date hrs Date hr Hematology Update, Saturday at the University Transfusion Medicine, Family Medicine Clinic Day, William Osler Health Centre Administrative, Organization, Development member of course planning committee, Saturday at the University Awards Nominated for a Woolf award: individual teaching

20 Educational activities summary (example) Academic Activities Related to Education 2005-6
_________ Research approaches in health manpower development: some alternatives. Education and the Health Professions 2004;12:31-5 Member of Program committee Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Annual Meeting 2004 Consultant – The Medical Council of Canada

21 Educational activities summary (example) Supporting documentation
copies of teacher/course evaluations, and/or summaries of the results unsolicited letters acknowledging outstanding educational contributions sections of reports of reviews that include citations relating to outstanding educational contributions course outlines, course materials, publications, etc

22 Helpful tips keep every piece of documentation
don’t assume that someone, somewhere will have a copy for you

23 Helpful tips seek to participate in courses that have formal systematic evaluations of teaching as part of your teaching responsibility for teaching activities that are not yet formally evaluated, seek your own input from learners about your teaching don’t assume that everything will be evaluated encourage your learners to complete their evaluations of your teaching

24 Evaluation of your teaching
“if it’s worth doing, it’s worth getting feedback” peer evaluation presentations course/lecture content publications student evaluation


26 A simple evaluation form
What were the (1,2,3…) things you liked best about this session? What were the(1,2,3…) things you think could be improved or changed? What were the (1,2,3…) most important things you learned in the session?

27 Helpful tips actively seek documentation if it has not been provided to you evaluations from CE events letters of acknowledgement of significant education administrative activities department/division reviews maintain list of learners taught by year and by course (some of them will be your references for promotion) don’t forget your role in formal mentoring relationships

28 Awards find out what awards you may be eligible for
hospital department/division university division faculty: undergraduate, postgraduate, continuing education academy find colleagues to support your application and nomination for these awards if you are not successful, get feedback try again!

29 Helpful tips seek assistance, on an ongoing basis, with your hospital’s Teaching Effectiveness Committee representative(s)

30 Teaching Effectiveness Committee
Chair: Anita Rachlis Mount Sinai Hospital: Hillar Vellend UHN: Robert Richardson Danny Panisko Toronto Rehab: Barry Goldlist St. Michael’s Hospital: Robert Hyland Jeffery Zaltzman Martin Schreiber WCH: Gary Sibbald Anna Day SBHSC: Mary Bell Steve Shumak Peeter Poldre

31 In summary….. enhance your teaching skills professional development
self-reflection improve skills offers interaction with colleagues with similar interests

32 Opportunities for professional development
Texts and journals Newble and Cannon, A handbook for medical teachers, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Fourth edition 2001 Alguire et al., Teaching in your office, American College of Physicians, American Society of Internal Medicine, 2001 ABC of learning and teaching in medicine, BMJ 2003 Educational meetings CAME AAMC Ottawa conference Workshops Stepping stones teacher training program/workshops

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