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WHY FORM A CSTA CHAPTER? Fran Trees, CSTA Chapter Liaison Joe Kmoch, Milwaukee, WI

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Presentation on theme: "WHY FORM A CSTA CHAPTER? Fran Trees, CSTA Chapter Liaison Joe Kmoch, Milwaukee, WI"— Presentation transcript:

1 WHY FORM A CSTA CHAPTER? Fran Trees, CSTA Chapter Liaison Joe Kmoch, Milwaukee, WI (

2 CSTA Local Chapters A CSTA chapter is a local branch of CSTA designed to facilitate discussion of local issues, provide member services at the local level, and to promote CSTA membership on the national level. Can promote the adoption and implementation of CS K-12 Standards

3 3 CSTA Regional Chapters  Kentucky  Maryland  Massachusetts  Michigan  Missouri  New Hampshire  New Jersey  New Mexico  New York (Long Island, Western NY, Lower Hudson Valley) Arizona Arkansas California (4) Canada-Alberta Colorado Connecticut Florida Georgia Illinois North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania South Carolina Texas (2) Utah Virginia (2) Washington

4 4 CSTA Chapters… Provide professional development opportunities for K – 12 computing teachers. Membership K – 12 computing teachers 2- and 4- year college professors

5 5 CSTA Chapter Activities include Computer contests for Middle School/HS students Programming Web Technologies Robotics Gaming Professional Development Workshops Greenfoot (Java) Scratch CS Principles Course Modules Gaming Cryptography Robotics App Inventor Android

6 6 CSTA Chapter Activities include Activities to encourage computing Girls Have 'IT' Day Career Day CS Ed Week December 9 – 15, 2012 I pledge to participate in and/or support (no donation required) Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek), December 9- 12, 2011, to raise awareness of the role computing plays in all our lives and to promote computer science education for all students.

7 7  Approved use of the CSTA name  Unlimited use of CSTA Chapter logo for identification  Listing of regular meeting times/activities on the CSTA Chapters Webpage and in CSTA Voice  Advice and support from a special CSTA Chapter Liaison  An avenue to meet and work with K-12 computing teachers  Contact information for all CSTA members in local region upon request.  CSTA Promotional materials  Opportunity for chapter president to attend leadership events  Publicity of PD opportunities in the region  Facilitation of connections to local post-secondary institutions interested in K-12 issues CSTA Chapter benefits

8 8  Have a minimum of 5 members, not all from the same institution  Hold regular membership meetings  Have identified leadership structure (all chapter officers must be CSTA members in good standing)  Formal set of bylaws meeting a set of conditions  Provide standardized, on-going communication to members ...other obligations CSTA Chapter obligations

9 Careers Resources The “IT is all about me poster invites students (especially young women) to consider a career in the computing disciplines and makes connections between popular professions and computer science. The Imagine Your Future in Computing brochure helps students make connections between the technologies they use every day and the courses and the career opportunities available to them. The Computing Careers and degrees brochure provides key information about computing careers and educational pathways.

10 10 Ways College Faculty Can Help The New Educational Imperative: Improving High School Computer Science Education, 2006 1. Support HS CS education – require entering students to have at least 1 CS course 2. Provide different entry points based on computing experience 3. Interact with local HS teachers – invite them to the college, speak at local schools, send students to speak at local schools 4. Provide details as to anticipated CS skills for incoming students 5. Start student-to-student (college-to-HS) mentorship programs, particularly for female and minority students

11 10 Ways College Faculty Can Help The New Educational Imperative: Improving High School Computer Science Education, 2006 6. Create and support professional development opportunities for teachers 7. Provide info about computer careers and computing education to counselors, teachers, students 8. Ensure that Schools of Education are preparing teachers to teach CS 9. Help schools obtain new technology resources by working together on grant applications 10. Read and share the updated Model Curriculum for K-12 Computer Science Education

12 Summary What can YOU do? Be aware that the problem begins in elementary school Open a dialogue with a local school (college faculty) or your school administration (teachers) Provide / take advantage of professional development opportunities for teachers Join CSTA… It’s FREE! Stay up to date on CS “happenings” in K-12 Volunteer to assist on a project Help start / support a local CSTA chapter

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