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CLIMATE SURVEYS 2013-2014. Survey Window The SAC Climate Survey window will be Feb. 24-April 4 The Title I Parent Survey will be conducted April-May These.

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2 Survey Window The SAC Climate Survey window will be Feb. 24-April 4 The Title I Parent Survey will be conducted April-May These instructions are regarding the SAC Climate Survey only

3 Survey Information Utilize the AdvancED Online Climate Survey for your stakeholders ​ Once the window closes, all survey data will be available on the AdvancED website. Most stakeholders will use the online survey through AdvancED. AdvancED combines faculty and staff surveys. Various student surveys are available online. Non-English versions of the survey are only available in paper format and must be scored through AdvancED.

4 Online Survey Links Parent Survey Staff Survey Student Survey (Early Elementary) Student Survey (Elementary) Student Survey (Middle and High)

5 Evaluative Criteria In order to reach a level 4 rating when completing the Stakeholder Evaluative Criteria the minimum responses for each population are as follows: Parent Questionnaire: equal to or greater than 20% Student Questionnaire: equal to or greater than 40% Staff Questionnaire: equal to or greater than 60%

6 Online Survey

7 Spanish Survey (Paper Only)

8 Flyer Customize to your needs

9 Parent Letter Edit the parts in red

10 New Smyrna Resources Parent Newsletter to inform about survey Parent Survey Q&A to define vocabulary

11 Citrus Grove Resources SAC Parent Info Sheet Survey Glossary to define vocabulary

12 Sample Surveys

13 Optimizing Responses Use ConnectED to notify parents and other groups where to find the survey Have teachers bring their laptops to a faculty meeting and use a portion of the time to complete the survey Have students complete the survey through classes that have computers or on a rotation basis in the classroom Have computers available to parents during a night event or after a SAC meeting Have computers available to parents who come to check-out their students

14 Survey Results Survey reporting can be accessed at any time during and after the survey administration process; however, survey results are only loaded into reporting every 24 hours. What do results look like? What is the best way to share them?

15 Results




19 Scoring Paper Surveys WARNING: Scoring must be done by AdvancEd and takes a minimum of 15 business days!

20 Sharing Results SAC Chairs and Principals should review the entire survey together first. Survey results are public record. Initial survey results must be shared with your stakeholders before the end of the school year, for instance in your May SAC meeting. Results may also be shared via newsletter, email, ConnectED, or school website. Complete results should be shared at your first SAC meeting of the new school year in preparation for the writing of your SIP.

21 Sensitive Results For the multiple choice section, use any of the AdvancED reports to share information. For the open-ended section, type up the most common comments to share with your SAC. Have a complete survey results copy available in the front office for use if a parent should ask to review it. Suggest an appointment to review it with a school official if necessary in order to be able to talk through sensitive or negative comments.

22 Contact Info If you have questions or would like additional assistance: School Improvement Office: call (386)734-7190, Ext. 20674 Email Detrice Toby or Kati Dyer District Accreditation Office Call (386) 734-7190, Ext. 20571 Email Debbie Lookingbill or Lyndi Goepfert

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