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Cycling in Los Angeles Results from the LA Bike Count, LA Bike Survey, and data from the 2000 Census.

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Presentation on theme: "Cycling in Los Angeles Results from the LA Bike Count, LA Bike Survey, and data from the 2000 Census."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cycling in Los Angeles Results from the LA Bike Count, LA Bike Survey, and data from the 2000 Census

2 Background The 2000 Census reported just over 9,000 Angelenos commute to work by bicycle. The 1999 median household income for Los Angeles according to the 2000 Census is roughly $36,500. The LACBC conducted bicycle counts at 50 intersections throughout LA in Sept. of 2009. The count was conducted over two weekday peak time periods (morning and evening commute) and one midday weekend time period. Over 14,000 cyclists were counted. In Nov. – Dec. of 2009 I conducted a survey of Los Angeles area cyclists to understand their experience, preferences, and knowledge of safety. The survey was conducted online and had over 800 respondents.

3 Project Purpose Compare Census data on ridership and income level Are there correlations between income, ridership and where survey respondents are located? How does income and ridership relate to placement of existing bicycle infrastructure? Examine Bike Count data How does ridership relate to existing bicycle infrastructure? Where are there differences in time period and how does it relate to infrastructure? Does the count data relate to the Census data and where survey respondents are located?

4 Skills Utilized Inset Map Graduated Symbols Attribute sub-sets selections Boundary sub-sets selections Geocoding Buffer

5 How do Survey Respondents relate to Median Income by Census Tract? How do Survey Respondents relate to Journey to Work by Bicycle by Census Tract?



8 AM Count Data Compared to Journey to Work by BikePM Count Data Compared to Journey to Work by Bike

9 Weekend Midday Count Data Compared to Journey to Work by Bike Total Weekend Cyclists: 6,907 Total PM Cyclists: 4,964 Total AM Cyclists: 2,647 Total Cyclists All Count Times: 14,517 Percentage of Cyclists per Time Period


11 Next Steps Analyze differences in data based on proximity to bicycle infrastructure further Focus analysis on specific area(s) Further explore how additional survey data relates to Census and LA Bike Count Data

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