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Disaster Management in Education - National Perspective

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1 Disaster Management in Education - National Perspective
GoI – UNDP, DRM Programme

2 Disasters both manmade and natural have affected mankind since time in memorial

3 Some recent disasters…..
Earthquake in Pakistan – 2005 Earthquake and tsunami in the Indian coast Gujarat Earthquake Floods in Mumbai, West Bengal Cyclone: Rita, Wilma etc….. Fire: Kumbakonam, Dabwali Terrorist attack: Chechnya And the list goes on and on……………

4 Disasters occur in varied forms Some are predictable in advance Some are annual or seasonal Some are sudden and unpredictable Floods Days and weeks Earthquakes Seconds/minutes Cyclones Days Droughts Months

5 Why is Disaster Management Important to Us?

6 57% of the land area is prone to Earthquakes
12% to Floods 8% to Cyclones 70% of the cultivable land is prone to drought 85% of the land area is vulnerable to number of natural hazards 22 states are prone to multi hazards. WHY? And WHAT about Man made Disasters?


8 Fig: 2.1.6



11 Am I safe in my school?

12 Tenth Five Year Plan emphasizes on:
Planning for safer national development Disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness measures Capacity building Training and education at all levels

13 4 Major areas of concern are:
Inclusion of disaster management in school curriculum Disaster management, awareness and preparedness in schools. Safety of school from natural hazards – structural and non structural. Preparation of the Disaster Management Plans at school level

14 What is a safe school? A safe school is either a school which is located in a hazard free area, or one that has been constructed to withstand the hazard to which it is exposed. A safe school will not collapse or get affected if a disaster happens.

15 Government of India initiatives: 1) Inclusion of disaster management in school curriculum
The process was initiated with a set of recommendations to be put in place by the state govt. from Home Secretary to the Chief Secretaries of the states- one of them being DM in EDUCATION. Introduction of DM in Class VIII, IX and X as part of the frontline curriculum by CBSE. Many of the state Boards have already introduced DM in school syllabi.

16 Syllabus Class VIII Being prepared – a vital part of disaster management Earthquakes Cyclones Floods Droughts and Manmade Disasters

17 Class IX Being a disaster manager – Understanding key terms.
Components of disaster management Introduction to disaster risk management – Understanding disaster mitigation. Specific hazards and mitigation. Earthquake, landslide, food, cyclone and drought Preventing common manmade disasters Fire, rail and road accidents, terrorist attacks

18 Class X Introduction Tsunami - the killer sea wave Survival skills
Alternative communication systems….during disasters. Safe constructional practices Sharing responsibilities Planning Ahead

19 Class XI – (Sociology and Geography) Sociology
Introduction Child rights and emergencies Gender and Disaster Management Role of Community in disaster Management Role of Local Level institutions in Disaster Management

20 Class XI - Geography Introduction to concepts Flood Cyclone Earthquake
Tsunami Landslide

21 2) Disaster management - awareness and preparedness in schools.
Teachers training programme 33 teachers’ trained so far by CBSE Training of teachers by the States. Disaster Management NOT a subject but………….. A NECESSARY LIFE SKILL

22 School safety weeks and months observed
Training on Self Defence by Civil Defence in NP Girls Senior Secondary School.

23 Training on fire safety

24 Development of coloring book for the primary section

25 3) Preparation of School DM plans
Schools to prepare DM plans based on the hazard that they are vulnerable to. More than 500 plans have been prepared

26 Steps for preparation of DM Plans
Sensitisation meeting for awareness Teachers, School Management and students. Formation of School Disaster Management Committee School principal Vice principal Sub Divisional Magistrate of the area DEO (District Education Officer) President of Parents Teachers Association Parents (1-2) Local Medical Officer Market trader association Fire Officer Police Members of Civil Society (NCC,NSS, Red Cross, Scouts and Guides) 4 Students

27 Steps for preparation of DM Plans (cont…)
3. Hazard identification History of disasters Identification of potential hazard Preparation of seasonality calendar 4. Inventory of resources 5. Mapping Social Mapping Resource Mapping Vulnerability / Risk Mapping Safe and Opportunity Mapping

28 Social Mapping - Schools
Class rooms in the school building Laboratories Play Ground School Canteen Library

29 Resource Map - Schools Human resources School Buses Generators
Fire extinguishers Stretchers Drinking water sources Health Centre in the school

30 Vulnerability/ Risk Map - School
Children in pre- school and primary section Physically challenged Identification of potentially vulnerable areas in the school

31 Safe and Alternate route Mapping
Identification of safe places in the school Alternative staircases/ routes to be identified

32 6. School DM Team Early Warning Team Activity/ Event Organising Team
School teacher Student (3 nos. most communicative) Activity/ Event Organising Team Disaster management teacher Art and Craft teacher Music teacher Prefects/ active students

33 School DM Team: Search and Rescue Evacuation All class teachers
Sports teachers Male teacher Prefect (students 2nos) Evacuation All class teachers

34 School DM Team…….. First Aid team
Resident doctor of the school/medical consultant Teachers 2nos. Students 2 numbers (10th / 12th class)

35 Disaster DM Team…. Fire safety Site security team Teachers (2 numbers)
Students (4 numbers, 10th class) Site security team School security staff Teacher (1 numbers) Students (2 numbers)

36 7. Training of School Disaster Management Teams
Search and Rescue First Aid Trauma Counseling Fire fighting

37 8. Planning to be disseminated to everyone in the School.

38 Drills to be carried out twice a year Drills should be hazard specific
9. Mock Drill Drills to be carried out twice a year Drills should be hazard specific

39 10. Plan Updation Plans to be updated every six months
Plan to be approved by the Disaster Management Committee

40 N.C Jindal School DM Plan - Delhi


42 Senior section….


44 NCERT initiatives Development of training modules for the teachers and teacher educators’. Safety in Schools Midday meals Health, well being and safety of students

45 Safety of School buildings
Focus on structural and non-structural safety.

46 Mexico Earthquake School Building

47 Non - structural safety

48 Because books represent a considerable mass, strong anchorage and bracing of the shelves in both main directions is necessary

49 A glance into this side street reveals a vast amount of fallen façade materials. Rescue work, fire trucks access, etc. is seriously hampered.

50 Making Schools Safer Before the Next Disaster Strikes
Bicycle rickshaw driver taking children home after School. New Delhi. Making Schools Safer Before the Next Disaster Strikes

51 Thank You

52 Contact Details:

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