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Oh No!!! They Want ME to Talk!!!! Nancy F. Barrett EdD April 22, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Oh No!!! They Want ME to Talk!!!! Nancy F. Barrett EdD April 22, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oh No!!! They Want ME to Talk!!!! Nancy F. Barrett EdD April 22, 2009

2 Goals 1.Understand the presentation development process 2.Identify ways to use education concepts to enhance teaching 3.Incorporate practical strategies to improve presentations

3 Four-Step Development Process Planning Development Handouts Presentation

4 A. Planning 1. What is the topic ? How much do I already know? What resources do I already have? What else do I need and where do I find it?

5 A. Planning 2. Who is the audience ? What do they want to know? How much do they already know? How are they going to use the information?

6 Four-Step Process Planning Development Material Presentation

7 B. Development 1. Decide on goals 2. Organize 3. Use cognitive strategies 4. Follow PPT guidelines

8 Goals 1.Understand the presentation development process 2.Identify ways to use education concepts to enhance learning 3.Incorporate practical strategies to improve presentations

9 How Do We Learn? Doing (Kinesthetic) Hearing (Auditory) Seeing (Visual) Handout Presentation Slides Gagne, R., Briggs, L., and Wager, W. (1988). Principles of Instructional Design. New York: Holt, Reinhart.

10 Cognitive Strategies Defined Internal processes by which learners select and modify their ways of attending, learning, remembering and thinking. 1 Organize and understand information 2 1 Gagne, Brigg, and Wagner, p. 67 2 West, Farmer and Wolff

11 Ways to Enhance Learning Miscellaneous Metaphors Imagery West, C., Farmer, J. and Wolff, P. (1991) Instructional design: Implications from cognitive science. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. Sorting and organizing Advance organizers Chunking Spatial (visual organizers) Tables Concept maps

12 Four-Step Development Process Planning Development Material Presentation

13 C. Materials Optional Electronic is useful Presentation Handout PPT guidelines

14 PPT Guidelines

15 An Example...

16 The estimated fetal radiation exposure from the combination of a CXR, V/Q scanning, and pulmonary arteriography is less than 500 mrad (Toglia, M et all. N Engl J Med 1996). 100 to 200 times less than the dose thought to produce a significant risk of fetal anomalies. Small increase in the risk of childhood leukemia from 1 in 2800 to 1 in 2000 (Mole, RH. Br J Cancer 1990). Compare with the 15 percent risk of maternal mortality if pulmonary embolism is not diagnosed and treated. There has been no reported harmful effects from MR imaging of the pregnant woman or fetus (Duncan, KR. Br J Hosp Med 1996; 55:178). Safety studies - at or below 1.5 Tesla magnetic field strengths. There may be an increased risk of tissue heating at higher field strengths. National Radiological Protection Board: MRI to be avoided in the first trimester it should be considered in the first trimester when the benefit exceeds the theoretic risk (pregnant women with suspected appendicitis in whom the appendix cannot be visualized by US) Diagnosis of VTE during pregnancy and puerperium

17 Fetal radiation exposure from CXR, V/Q scanning, and pulmonary arteriography: 100 to 200 times < significant risk. 1 Small increase in the risk of childhood leukemia 2 No reported harmful effects from MR imaging of the pregnant woman or fetus. 3 Avoid MRI in the first trimester 4 Diagnosis of VTE during pregnancy and puerperium

18 References (include at end) 1. Toglia, M et all. N Engl J Med 1996. 2. Mole, RH. Br J Cancer 1990. 3 Duncan, KR. Br J Hosp Med 1996; 55:178. 4. National Radiological Protection Board (needs citation)

19 Four-Step Development Process Planning Development Material Presentation

20 D. Presentation Practice Equipment Space

21 In Summary 1.Understand the presentation development process 2.Identify ways to use education concepts to enhance teaching 3.Incorporate practical strategies to improve presentations

22 If you: 1. Plan A. Topic B. Audience 2. Develop A. Goals B. Organization C. Learning Strategies D. Presentation Guidelines 3. Identify Appropriate Material 4. Practice


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