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What have you learned lately? Make a list!! Board Work.

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Presentation on theme: "What have you learned lately? Make a list!! Board Work."— Presentation transcript:

1 What have you learned lately? Make a list!! Board Work

2 Dimensions of Learning Authors : Robert J. Marzano and Debra J. Pickering with Daisy E. Arredondo, Guy J. Blackburn, Ronald S. Brandt, Cerylle A. Moffett, Diane E. Paynter, Jane E. Pollock, and Jo Sue Whisler Microsoft images and clipart used with permission.

3 Dimensions of Learning Maureen Bagg ( Maria Kotz ( Sharon Miller ( Jan Dahlstrom ( Louise Mattioli ( Diana Pearson( This Microsoft Powerpoint presentation collection was created by these Kenosha Unified School District No. 1 Dimensions of Learning Trainers:

4 Use Knowledge Meaningfully Extend and Refine Knowledge Acquire and Integrate Knowledge Habits of Mind Attitudes and Perceptions Dimensions of Learning

5 Dimension 2 n Thinking Involved in Acquiring and Integrating Knowledge

6 What do we ask students to know and be able to do? Total Body of Content Knowledge Essential, Enduring Content We Plan For and Assess


8 CONTENT STANDARDS What are the ESSENTIAL and ENDURING skills and knowledge a student should know and be able to do?

9 CONTENT BENCHMARKS At each grade level, what are the ESSENTIAL AND ENDURING skills and knowledge a student should know and be able to do?

10 What Do You Teach ? Total Body of Content Knowledge Essential, Enduring Content We Plan For and Assess

11 What have you learned lately?

12 Dimension 2

13 Declarative Knowledge n “Know stuff”

14 Declarative Knowledge “Know Stuff” What are the rules? What type of equipment do I need? n Constructing Meaning n Organizing Information n Storing Information

15 Procedural Knowledge n Know “how to do stuff”

16 Procedural Knowledge “Know How To Do Stuff” How do I pass the ball? How do I shoot a free throw? n Constructing Models n Shaping n Internalizing

17 Dimension 2 n Declarative Knowledge “Know stuff” n Constructing Meaning n Organizing Information n Storing Information n Procedural Knowledge “Know how to do stuff” n Constructing Models n Shaping n Internalizing

18 Declarative or Procedural? n List the characteristics of a short story n Write a haiku poem n Write down the four major causes of air pollution n Describe the safety steps for working with a bandsaw n Turn on and shut down a computer n Prepare a slide for use on a microscope n Point to the constellation Orion n Solve for x, given y n Write a unit plan

19 Dimension 2 n Declarative Knowledge n Concepts/General izations n Organized Facts n Factlets n Procedural Knowledge n Macroprocesses n Strategies n Directions

20 DeclarativeProcedural KWL Three Minute Pause Concept Attainment Graphic Representations Linking Access a Variety of Senses Reciprocal Teaching Before, During, and After Think aloud as you demonstrate a skill or process Students create flow charts Rehearse Practice

21 On a sheet of paper, classify examples of content knowledge you plan to use in your unit: Declarative Procedural

22 Planning for Declarative Knowledge Unit Topic Which general topics will be the focus of the unit?

23 Specific Information Specific Information Specific Information Specific Information Topic What specific key information should be integrated and acquired?

24 Identifying Specific Information Within a General Topic n descriptions of specific people, places, and things ? n time sequences ? n processes or casual networks? n problems and solutions? n generalizations or principles? n concepts ? In this topic are there: Specific Information Specific Information Specific Information Specific Information Topic

25 At the end of a poorly planned unit, “factlets” are randomly stored in the student’s brain. f ff ff f f f F F F F,f= factlets

26 A better organized unit will lead students to an awareness of key ideas and the relationship among these ideas. Time Sequence Problems and Solutions F F F Problems fff

27 Concepts ff f When information goes beyond facts and includes concepts and generalizations, transfer occurs from topic to topic. Generalization

28 Colorado History Concepts:Topography, natural resources, culture Generalizations:Topography and natural resources influence the culture of a region. Organized Facts:Sequence of Events Cause and Effect Factlets:There are mountains. Miners came. There was gold.

29 Why is it important to construct meaning?

30 Constructing Meaning For Declarative Knowledge

31 Constructing Meaning n Use the three- minute pause n Experience content using a variety of senses n KWL strategy n Concept Attainment n Reciprocal Teaching n Before, During, After

32 3 Minute Pause Ask students to do the following: n Summarize what they just experienced n Identify interesting aspects of what they just experienced n Identify confusions and try to clear them up

33 Access a Variety of Senses

34 K-W-L What I Know or What I Think I Know What I Want To Know or What I Think I’m Going To Find Out What I Learned

35 Concept Attainment Exercise: Examples:Nonexamples:

36 Organizing Declarative Knowledge



39 Dimension 2 Acquiring and Integrating Knowledge Organizing n Alcohol is a dangerous drug. –Support 1 __________________ –Support 2 __________________ –Support 3 __________________ n Alcohol is a dangerous drug. –Support 1 __________________ –Support 2 __________________ –Support 3 __________________ ALCOHOL Brain Liver Circulation Stomach

40 Pictographs can organize information graphically

41 Pictograph Recycle Saves

42 Graphic Organizer Alcohol Circulation Stomach Brain Liver

43 Graphic Organizer Alcohol is a Dangerous Drug: Support 1: Support 2: Support 3:

44 Visual Organizer n With your partner, select a concept that is often difficult to teach in your area. Prepare a visual representation or graphic that will help students better understand that concept.

45 Storing Declarative Knowledge


47 Think, Pair, Share n With your tablemates, discuss some of the strategies you use to encourage students to remember important factual knowledge or concepts and ideas?

48 Mnemonic Strategies n My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas. n ROY G BIV

49 n Link Strategy n Chunking n Formal Systems for Storing Info –rhyming pegword –number/picture –familiar place

50 Link Strategy Create this picture in your head: n A brown Jersey cow n A Jersey cow named Georgia n See her standing on one hind leg, balancing on “The Big Apple” n She is wearing yellow underwear

51 n She is singing Christmas Carols, hear them. n Under her right foot is a Virginia ham; smell and taste it. n In her left hand is a pen. n With her pen she is connecting dots in the air. n The picture formed by the dots is becoming clear. n It’s a long winding road. On the road is Marilyn Monroe going to Mass.

52 Link Strategy for the 13 Colonies n George = Georgia n Jersey Cow = New Jersey n The Big Apple = New York n Christmas Carols = North and South Carolina n Yellow underwear = Delaware n Virginia ham = Virginia and New Hampshire n pen = Pennsylvania n connecting dots = Connecticut n road = Rhode Island n Marilyn = Maryland n Mass = Massachusetts

53 Pegword Strategy n onebun n twoshoe n threetree n fourdoor n fivehive n sixsticks n sevenheaven n eightplate n nineline n tenhen

54 Which is easier to store? n 5039429706 n fbimtvjfkhifi n 689345290 or n 503-942-9706 n fbi mtv jfk hifi n 689-34-5290. Pat Wolfe

55 The Brain Looks For Chunks A chunk is a group of items we can remember as if it were a single item. Short term memory can remember about 5 to 7 chunks

56 Organizing and Storing Declarative Knowledge n With your partner, develop an example for organizing or storing declarative knowledge in your content area. n Be prepared to share your idea with the group

57 Dimension 2

58 Procedural Knowledge n Constructing Models n Shaping n Internalizing

59 Constructing Models for Procedural Knowledge n Use “thinking aloud” to demonstrate a new skill or process n Use a list of steps n Use/create flow charts n Use mental rehearsal of steps involved in a skill or process

60 n Demonstrate and provide practice in the important variations of the skill or process n Point out common errors and pitfalls n Practice the procedure in many different ways Shaping Procedural Knowledge

61 Internalizing Procedural Knowledge n Help students set up a practice schedule. n Have students chart their accuracy when practicing new skills or process. n Have students chart their speed when learning a new skill or process.

62 Practice Does Not Make Perfect, But Permanent Internalizing Procedural Knowledge

63 Practicing Procedural Knowledge n Green Team: How to Properly Use Chopsticks n Red Team: How to Make Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches for 300 Students n Blue Team: How to Braid Hair (any style) n Pink Team: How to Do Origami n Orange Team: How to Double-Dutch Jump Rope

64 Planning for Procedural Knowledge n Think of a procedure you’ll be teaching during this course and answer the following 4 questions:

65 1.Which skills and processes do students really need to master? 2.How will students be aided in constructing models? 3.How will students be aided in shaping the skill or process? 4.How will students be aided in internalizing the skill or process?

66 DeclarativeProcedural KWL Three Minute Pause Concept Attainment Graphic Representations Linking Access a Variety of Senses Reciprocal Teaching Before, During, and After Think aloud as you demonstrate a skill or process Students create flow charts Rehearse Practice

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