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Södra Skog Swedish Hardwood A successful business concept Hardwoods are good Lithuania 18-19 October 2011.

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1 Södra Skog Swedish Hardwood A successful business concept Hardwoods are good Lithuania 18-19 October 2011

2 Södra Skog SÖDRA  Forest owners economic association  To provide service for the members  To maximice the value of the forest owners wood  Certified PEFC and FSC

3 Södra Skog Our own industries are the base  5 pulpmills 3 in sweden 2 in norway  9 sawmills softwood  2 sawmills hardwood  Sodra interior  House elements  Energy- electricity and heat  10 000 ha in Sweden 21000 ha Estonia 9000 ha Latvia

4 Södra Skog We are working in Götaland  Main office Skogsudden Växjö  3 Regional offices  19 forest districts  3000 employes including industries  Almost al cutting done by contractors

5 Södra Skog Result 2010  Profit 2 027 miljons SEK  Payback on invested capital 15%  Payback on delivered wood 12%

6 Södra Skog SÖDRA Forestowners economic association  51 000 memebers  An averege of 50 hectars productive forest land  17% broadleaved trees  150 000m3/year as sawtimber the rest as pulpwood and bioenergy  Total use 2 500 000 m3 of wood

7 Södra Skog A proud forest owner  Oak, Querkus robur  120 years old  Value 800 euro  High quality stem 9m

8 Södra Skog Hardwoods, a complex structure  Many species 15-20 in the northern hemisphere  More than 100 in the south  The caracters vary a lot between different species  Big variation in quality within the species/speciesgroup  Geographically deverisfied  High demands in handling and logistics  A variable market with fashon trends  Corect volym, demanded quality, just in time to a competitive price  Many owners, small stands  Often very high biodiversty in mixed broadleaved forests

9 Södra Skog

10 We have simplified the demands  9 tree species can be delivered in one pile  Smallest volume 5 m3  Easier quality demands length 2.6-3.2m diameter min 16 cm  Sum of all branches=double topdiameter  50% of diameter can be red/brown center 50mm rot  We sort out the logs species quality diameter length at the sawmill Södra Skog

11 We work with many species  Oak, Querqus robur the most important economically  Birch, Betula verucosa the biggest volume  Beach Fagus silvatica, Alder Alnus glutinosa, Aspen Populus tremula, Ash Fraxinus exelsior are also common  Elm Ulmus glabra, Cherry Prunus avium and Maple Acer platanoides are more rare and exclusive

12 Södra Skog Hardwoods used for a variety of products  High quality Desgin furniture and interior products  Good quality furniture and massive flooring  Medium quality Outdoor products  Lower quality Parquett flooring and blindwood  Bad quality glued fingerjoints Boarders between different qualities vary with market

13 We have our own industries as a base  70 % of the oak is used in our own products, the rest within swedish floormaking.  30% of other treespecies are used in our own products. Remaining volumes exported to asia  Lower qualities used as emballage  More and more volume exported as readycut pieces branches and other low qualityparts to energy Södra Skog

14 Sodra Interior-formed to get closer to the customer  Sodra interior Grimslöv-panels and flooring  Södra interior Växjö-glued fingerjoints and boards  Directly to the buildingmarkets in nordic countries and GB  Special products for asian market  Sauna products Södra Skog


16 SÖDRA a uniqe chain of custody Södra Forest Södra Gapro Djursdala Södra Gapro Grimslöv Customers and buildingmarkets Certified according to PEFC and FSC

17 Södra Skog General demands FSC and PEFC  A higher percentage broadleaved trees  Restricted use of chemicals  Restrictions using non native treespecies  5% of your area as protected forest  Key habitats, old growth trees and dead wood should be protected  Areas with species on the national Red data list

18 Södra Skog Sustainable forestry  SÖDRA holds and pays for the certificate  The forest owner gets 20 SEK extra per m3 for double certificate  High production of usable wood, high biodiversity with preserved ecosystems

19 Bioenergy our third business area  Chipwood for heating and electricity  Firewood  Pellets from sawdust  Woodchemistry on the move  First out celulosefiber of birch for fabric Södra Skog


21 Working with broadleaves….. To be competitive you need  Longterm investments  Best technology and efficient logistics  Defined qualities for different use  High environmental responsibility  Product development  Marketing  Design  Export

22 Södra Skog

23 For the Future  We need broad products with a big volume  We need high quality products with a high value  We need a good craftmanship  We need to continously work with the relationship betweenSawn timber pulpwood and bioenergy  We need constant improvments finding the weak spots

24 Södra Skog


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