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2011-01-31Fredrik Paulsson2 Associate Professor at Interactive Media and Learning (TUV/IML), Umeå University in Sweden. Convener of the Learning Infrastructure.

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Presentation on theme: "2011-01-31Fredrik Paulsson2 Associate Professor at Interactive Media and Learning (TUV/IML), Umeå University in Sweden. Convener of the Learning Infrastructure."— Presentation transcript:


2 2011-01-31Fredrik Paulsson2 Associate Professor at Interactive Media and Learning (TUV/IML), Umeå University in Sweden. Convener of the Learning Infrastructure Research Group (LIR).

3 WILD Wiring the Learning Infrastructure: Connecting Digital Learning Resources to the Curriculum – A Curriculum Cloud Service on the Semantic Web Fredrik Paulsson Umeå universitet, IML Blogg: E-post: Fast facts… -A 4 year research project -(Re-)Started in 2011 -Run by the Learning Infrastructure Research Group (LIR) at Umeå University -1 PhD student and 2 researchers -Besides research we are producing a Cloud Service (not just a prototype)

4 4 2011-02-14Fredrik Paulsson Introduction - What are we doing?

5 5 2011-02-14Fredrik Paulsson What is “the Curriculum”? - from a Swedish point of view

6 6  Basic Metadata Markup (RDF/XML)  Machine readable content and partly machine processable*.  Detailed Metadata Markup (RDF/XML)  Making the content machine processable at a detailed level (i.e. Objectives, central content and concepts, and knowledge criteria).  Web-friendly API:s (REST)  Content/service accessible for other Web Services to be included into ”mashups”.  Tools for annotating curriculum and syllabus  Annotate and add metadata to national and local steering documents (e.g. for teachers, subject experts, publishers).

7 7 2011-02-14Fredrik Paulsson Main objective(s) of the WILD-project Make the school curriculum digitally useful – Machine-readable and machine-processable by the use of Semantic Web technologies – Hence: meaning for humans (i.e. students and teachers) as well as for machines (i.e. software and services). –Making the curriculum/steering Documents ” usable ” by wiring other digital services to the curriculum. Make the curriculum a part of schools “ information ecology ” Teachers should be able to actually use the steering documents when teaching by connecting pedagogical activities and resources to the steering documents. Provide tools to analyze visualize the curriculum (for students, parents etc.)

8 8 2011-02-14Fredrik Paulsson We want others to create added value by integrating and using our Curriculum Service in new digital (mashed-up) services for schools! Or in other words:

9 9 2011-02-14Fredrik Paulsson The Curriculum Cloud Service - Two scenarios (or is it three?) and a demo (or is it two?)

10 10 The Curricullum as a Cloud Service Styrdokument Online The Curriculum Browser API:s level 1 & level 2 (RESTFul) Semantic Web Data (RDF/Linked Data) The Spider Publisher X Web Service Y (For Personal Development Plans) All learning resources that match Objective x and Mark Criteria y for 9th grade. All Knowledge Demands in Math 5th grade that matches Learning Resource x 1- Central Concepts and Knowledge Demands in Math 6th grade, that are relevant for PDP- aim X. 2- Search for Learning Resources as in scenario 1 (above) API (RESTFul) Scenario 1: 0-2 Years - Browse and explore - Analyze - Work with quality - Annotate and create dynamic links to other data and info. -Jämföra styrdokument internationellt (PISA mm) -Koppling till prov och bedömning -Utöka sökningen i spindeln för att skapa pedagogiskt kontext/paketering MLR (SWE)

11 11 Fredrik Paulsson Demo-time Connecting WILD to Digital Learning Resources by mashing up two services on the web: the Spider and WILD The Wild Curriculum Browser (ugly as hell, but it partly works)

12 12 Styrdokument som ”molntjänst” Styrdokument Online Styrdokuments- utforskaren API:s level 1 & level 2 (RESTFul) Semantic Web Data (RDF/Linked Data) Spindeln Läromedelsförlag X Webbtjänst Y Alla lärresurser som motsvarar syfte x och betygskriterium y för åk 9. All kunskapskrav i matte åk 5 som motsvarar lärresurs x 1- Centrala begrepp och kunskapskrav i matte åk6, som är relevanta för IUP-mål X. 2- Sök lärresurser motsvarande 1 (ovan) API (RESTFul) Scenario 1: 0-2 år -Utforska styrdokument -Analysera styrdokument -Kvalitetsarbete -Annotera och skapa kopplingar till annan info. -Jämföra styrdokument internationellt (PISA mm) -Koppling till prov och bedömning -Utöka sökningen i spindeln för att skapa pedagogiskt kontext/paketering

13 Packaged as IMS CC by the Spider Kalles Digital Learning Resources The Spider Searches for Learning Resources... 1 2 Example 3 Publishing House X Web Services Services Inc. Metadata (LOM/DC/MLR) Local Super Resources Cloud services INC....and finds loads of them... Slussas vidare för betalning/nedladdning/ åtkomst 3 4 OER Y Digital ID and SSO

14 14 WiMUPPLE!

15 15 2011-02-14Fredrik Paulsson Deliverables Digitized Steering/Curriculum Documents. Preferably in a standardized data format. We are exploring the Curriculum Exchange Format, CEF as the basis (but this is still a fairly open issue...) –Semantic Web technology: An RDF-binding to CEF for machine Processable Semantics*. A methodology* for analyzing and adding metadata and annotations to the Curriculum. Tools* for markup and annotation (for contributing to the metadata ecology). A basic structural and descriptive markup* of the curriculum documents. For others to use and improve. A set of API:s for interacting with the curriculum service. I.e. an interface for other services to use. A couple of example services that builds upon those API:s and the curriculum service. *Currently ongoing work

16 Questions? 2011-01-31

17 17 2011-02-14Fredrik Paulsson Contact information Fredrik Paulsson Umeå University

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