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Administrators Summit: Birth to Five
Gayle Stuber, Early Childhood Coordinator Carol Ayres, Section 619,Part B Coordinator Janet Newton, PAT Coordinator Tiffany Smith-Birk, Part C Coordinator
Agenda Welcome Early Childhood (Birth to Five) Program Descriptions
Connections: How we get children ready for school Local Presentation: Community at Work LUNCH Small Group Discussion: Your community at work Next Steps
Getting what you need How can a teen parent find support?
How does a family new to the community find out what programs are available for their preschooler? How can a family find help for a child who has an identified special need—or a child who MIGHT have an identified special need?
Early Childhood Options
What are the options at each age group? Who are the authorizing agencies? How does a parent get into a program? How can parents/families find out about options available?
Early Childhood at a Glance
Programs have different funding sources, purposes and requirements. Programs collaborate and coordinate services to meet the needs of families and children.
IV. Kansas Early Childhood: Direct Service programs
Early Childhood Birth to age 8 Includes ALL children
Focuses on children within the context of their family and community Focuses on the WHOLE child (all developmental domains) Language/literacy/communication Social/emotional Physical Health and Development Cognitive
Birth to Three programs
Parents As Teachers Early Head Start Part C (tiny-k) Healthy Families Healthy Start
Parents As Teachers A universal home-based parent education program for families with children Prenatal to Age 3 designed to support parents in their role as their child’s first and most important teacher. Provides children the best possible start in life Prepares children for school success Supports the board mission to ensure that all students meet or exceed high academic standards and are prepared for their next steps by providing a solid foundation early foundation for families. About 225 USD’s include Parents As Teachers as an effective program in the continuum of education services. KSDE funds local school districts and consortiums through grants to provide Parent Education Prenatal to Age 3. Local districts provide $0.65 for every state $1.00 to provide services. ( State $7,539,500). The statute was expanded in 2008 to include children to kindergarten entry, however, state funding to expand PAT to include 3-5 year olds was not provided. A few local school districts have provided funding or received other foundation or grant funds to provide Parent Education for families with 3 to 5 year olds.
quality early education parent education
Kansas EARLY HEAD START is designed to individualize the unique strengths and needs of each child and family. Program services include: quality early education parent education comprehensive health and mental health services, including services to women before, during, and after pregnancy nutrition education family support service child care for families who are employed, attending school or a job training program
IDEA Part C, Early Intervention program
Housed at the Kansas Dept. of Health and Environment 37 local early intervention networks provide services to identified children and families. Growth over the past 15 years with over children and families being served in
Part C: Mission Part C early intervention builds upon and provides supports and resources to assist family members and caregivers to enhance children’s learning and development through everyday learning opportunities.
Part C: Key Principles 1. Infants and toddlers learn best through everyday experiences and interactions with familiar people in familiar contexts. 2. All families, with the necessary supports and resources, can enhance their children’s learning and development. 3. The primary role of a service provider in early intervention is to work with and support family members and caregivers in children’s lives.
Key Principles (continued)
4. The early intervention process, from initial contacts through transition, must be dynamic and individualized to reflect the child’s and family members’ preferences, learning styles and cultural beliefs. 5. IFSP outcomes must be functional and based on children’s and families’ needs and family-identified priorities.
Key Principles (continued)
6. The family’s priorities, needs and interests are addressed most appropriately by a primary provider who represents and receives team and community support. 7. Interventions with young children and family members must be based on explicit principles, validated practices, best available research, and relevant laws and regulations.
Birth – 3: natural environment
Refers to settings that are typical for infants and toddler without disabilities or delays. Natural environments include: Families’ homes, Early care and education programs Other community settings where families spend the most time with their children
Natural environments--
The context for intervention, which is the child and family’s typical and valued activities and events. Includes parents and caregivers as partners in the child’s communication. Natural environments refer to “the process”: children learn through participating in their everyday activities and meaningful experiences with their family and caregivers.
3-5 year old Programs Head Start (3-5) Four Year Old At- Risk
Pre-k Pilot (4’s) Part B, Section 619 (3-5)
Head Start Provides comprehensive services, including early learning experiences to children and families that meet the criteria for participation: poverty Collaborative partner with many other pre-K programs 3-5 year olds are targeted. Has performance outcomes and program standards that must be met by programs.
Four Year Old At-Risk Program
Initiated in 1998 to provide a high quality pre- kindergarten experience to children who meet at least one of eight at-risk criteria: Poverty Single parent families SRS referral Teen parents Either parent is lacking a high school diploma or GED Child qualifies for migrant status Limited English proficiency Developmentally or academically delayed based on validated assessments. In general, these criteria are based upon research that shows children who have one or more of these risk factors in their lives are more likely to enter kindergarten without the skills they need to be successful.
Pre-K Pilot Program Purpose: Programs collaborate with community partners to provide a high quality early learning experience so that children will enter school ready to succeed. The Pre-K Pilot requires existing programs to work together to meet the needs of young children and their families. At least 50% of the children participating must be at-risk (meet at least one of the criteria). The collaboration is being done through local early childhood councils/groups. There are 12 sites across Kansas: Shawnee County Douglas County Wyandotte County Geary County Riley County Reno County Crawford County Kingman, Greensburg, South Barber (Kiowa County Finney County Sedgwick County—2 sites
Early Childhood Special Education, Section 619 Part B
Section 619 of Part B of IDEA, defines the preschool program which guarantees a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to children with disabilities age three through five. Under this program preschool children who have disabilities are entitled to Special Education and Related Services in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). The IDEA Preschool Program (Section 619) supports education services for young children with disabilities when they turn 3. It addresses individual needs within the context of developmentally appropriate activities, including early learning experiences in language, pre-reading and writing skills, play, and other social emotional areas.
EI/ECSE Child Outcomes
Percent of children who demonstrate improved: Positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships). Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication and literacy for preschool). Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.
Kindergarten to 3rd Grade
All Day, Every Day Kindergarten : 80% of Kindergartners attend all-day, every day kindergarten All Day, Every Day kindergarten is NOT funded for school districts. Kansas Data show that in all day, every day format: Teachers use more best practices Children learn more (KELI) across the year
How we get children ready for school
Connections: How we get children ready for school
Plan revisions in 2008 to reflect progress so far and new developments since the original plan was created. Plan is a “living document,” and will be updated as necessary to reflect the progress that we’ve made. ELCC provided guidance and input, detailed review of the plan and revisions. Also, Expanding Opportunities group reviewed for inclusive language. Things to note about the revisions: Added year of revisions to folders and plan for easy reference Target Populations was changed to Key Partners Goals were not changed at all – the framework is unchanged.
CONNECTIONS: SPP/APR Every state has to develop on an annual basis:
A State Performance Plan (SPP) An Annual Performance Report (APR) Both Part C and Part B have to develop an SPP and APR Collaboration provides a strong foundation for a better SPP and APR
Connections—state and local
Kansas Early Learning Guidelines and Standards provide structure and continuity across early childhood settings—and are aligned with the K-12 content standards. The Kansas Early Learning Standards provide a common language across all settings and early childhood providers/educators.
School Readiness Project
What we know about the skills and abilities of entering Kindergartners Data driven decisions: Programs using the data to improve child and family outcomes Over the past few years we have learned a lot about the skills and abilities of entering kindergartners.
Instruments Used Child Assessment Classroom Practices
Kansas Early Learning Inventory ( ) Standardized assessments ( ) Classroom Practices Kindergarten Teacher Practices ( ) CLASS (Classroom Assessment scoring System) ( ) Parent and Family Reports Administrative Structures Information
Top 3 skills of entering Kindergartners
Work habits, Oral communication, Attentive behavior Oral communication, social emotional skills, work habits Social emotional, oral communication, work habits
Lowest skill area Entering kindergarten children show the lowest level of skill in written language. This is appropriate because it is not expected or developmentally appropriate to expect 5 and 6 year old children to write short words.
Are there differences in skill level at Kindergarten entry?
Children from low-income families, those who speak English as a second language, and those with IEPs do not have as high a level of skills in all domains of learning. Children who attended preschool for a greater number of years prior to Kindergarten scored higher on many of the more academic areas. Children who were read to by an adult (before Kindergarten) every day had higher literacy scores ( ) and scored higher on all academic achievement areas ( ).
Early Childhood Special Education makes a difference
Children with diagnosed disabilities (EX: autism, ED, hearing impairment) who received ECSE services score higher in academic areas than their peers who are identified during the Kindergarten year. ECSE programs have a positive effect on children’s entry level skills in the following areas: Symbolic development General knowledge Written language Math skills
Parent Survey: 3 year results
Most children were in some sort of child care during the year prior to their Kindergarten year. Approximately 1/3 of parents indicated it was either somewhat or very difficult to find quality child care. Approximately 2/3 of parents reported that they read to their children at home every day 52-60% of the children who attend preschool or child care, received at least 1 or 2 years of care. Most results based upon 3 years of data collection, but some were based upon 2 years.
Parent Involvement Makes a Difference
The more home literacy practices, the better the children did on all KELI domains. Read to child Talk with child about activities Child pretends to read In general, children whose parents read to them on a daily basis had higher literacy scores and scored higher on all measures of academic achievement in Kindergarten. Higher 3rd grade reading scores
Parent Involvement Makes a Difference
The more transition activities the parents used, the better the children did on all KELI areas. Contacted school for Kindergarten information Met with Kindergarten teacher Participated in Roundup activities Took child to school before first day This is for the first two years of the study.
Parent Education Makes a Difference
27-28% of parents indicated that they participated in the Parents As Teachers program. More than one year in PAT positively impacted Symbolic Development, Math Concepts, Written Language, and Oral Communication . Parents who participated in PAT were more likely to read to their children. Children who are read to every day enter Kindergarten with higher literacy skill levels.
Preschool Experiences: 2007-08
Parents were asked if their child participated in Early Head Start. 23% of children attended. Early Head Start (23%): Significant differences on all scale scores on all KELI domains. Academic domains Social domains
Preschool Experiences: definitions & % of children (2007-08)
Formal (33.3%) Center-based Preschool (including Head Start) Informal (19.3%) Family Child care Relative Care Mixed (24.5%) Both Formal and Informal No Experiences in child care (22.8%) For the data collection, preschool experiences were defined as above. About 1/3 of the parents said their child was in a center or preschool (formal) Almost 20% put their child in family child care or relative care (informal) Almost 25% of the children had both formal and informal child care experiences. Just under 23% of children were not in child care during this year.
Formal Preschool Experience Makes a Difference
Children (58%) who were in either formal (preschool or center-based) or mixed (formal and informal), were rated significantly higher in the academic areas on the KELI than children (42%) who only participated in informal care (family child care, relative care) or were not in child care at all.
Preschool Experiences: # of Years
Children attending preschool or childcare for a greater number of years prior to Kindergarten tended to score higher on Math, Written Language, and General Knowledge. Children attending a fewer number of years of preschool & child care tended to score higher on the Attentive Behavior scale. For all three years, preschool supports higher skill levels in the academic areas: Mathematical knowledge; literacy; writing; general knowledge. In general, all children scored quite high on oral communication. We are still figuring out the reason for second statement-not as much one-on-one? Developmental readiness???
Preschool attendance Greatest effects were found for children attending preschool or child care for 4 or more years. Prior experience with preschool or child care did NOT promote skills in the areas of social emotional development or work habits (06-07). NOTE: in , prior experience did not promote skills in attentive behavior also.
School Readiness Project: 4 year At-Risk & Pre-K Pilot
Three years of data on Four year Old At- Risk program One year of data on Pre-K Pilot Three years from Children’s Cabinet Use data to: Help develop Kansas Preschool Program Use to develop training and professional development
Preliminary: Four Year Old At-Risk (2006-08)
FALL Lower Skill areas Social emotional Symbolic Development Oral Communication Written language Higher skill areas General knowledge Attentive behavior Work Habits SPRING Lower Skill areas General Knowledge Math Symbolic Development Higher Skill areas Social Emotional Written Language Oral communication Work Habits
Impact of Four Year Old At-Risk Program
Children (325) from Kindergarten cohort who attended at- risk program. Matched for risk factors with children (440) who did not attend at-risk program ESL Poverty (data proxy—free/reduced lunch) Migrant status
Results: Comparison of entry/exit scores
Children who attended at-risk program scored higher at Kindergarten Entry in all areas but General Knowledge. Children who attended at-risk program continued to be significantly higher in several areas: Oral communication Work habits Attentive behavior Social development
Evidence-based Classroom Practices
Best Practices that research suggests should be used on a daily basis. Use of centers Availability of more hands-on materials Multiple instructional methods Student choice Time is allowed for children to complete tasks and to show learning Time is allowed to learn through play exploration From the list of classroom practices, research suggested that 20 were ‘best practices’ that should be found in the kindergarten classroom on a daily basis. The frequency of the practice as seen in the classroom made an impact on child learning
Using Centers Makes a Difference
Kindergarten classrooms that use centers on a daily basis promoted greater learning (greater change scores) across the Kindergarten year in math, general knowledge, symbolic development, and written language than those classrooms that did not have centers.
Best Practices Makes a Difference
Best practices are more frequently seen in full day kindergarten classrooms Best Practices have a significant positive effect on: literacy skills, writing skills, and oral communication and a marginal positive impact on math and general knowledge. Together--Best Practices and Full Day schedule have a significant positive effect on all academic areas of learning. BEST PRACTICES TAKE TIME!!!
Kindergarten Makes a Difference
All domains of learning improved scores across the Kindergarten year. Children in full-day/every day Kindergarten classrooms had higher spring scores in academic areas. All children improve over the year, but the gap between those who come in with lower skills and those with higher levels of skills, while narrowing, does not disappear.
Teacher Training Makes a Difference
Teachers provide strong emotional supports to the children in their classroom. Teachers are reasonably good at organizing their classroom instruction: behavior management, productive time (on task) Teachers need training and support for more in- depth instructional strategies: Concept Development Language modeling Providing specific feedback In 2008, 40 classrooms were observed using a research-based Observation tool: CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT SCORING SYSTEM. This tool looks at teacher-child interactions—a critical piece of quality early learning programs.
3rd grade State Assessment
Children who enter Kindergarten with high skills levels, maintain that higher skill level in comparison to peers. Children who entered Kindergarten with higher literacy levels maintained that higher level on 3rd grade reading assessment. For both 3rd grade math and 3rd grade reading scores, the academic scores on the KELI are better predictors of results than the social skill scores.
The vision for early childhood in Kansas is simple:
Make high-quality, early learning programs and services available on a voluntary basis for all families with children under the age of five. It is our responsibility to ensure that these services are part of a comprehensive system that results in improved results for young children and their families. We know that such factors as poor nutrition, infections and drugs are serious threats to a child’s developing brain. We must ensure they have access to high-quality environments from birth to the day they start school. Dr. Alexa Posny, Kansas Commissioner of Education (2009)
Quality Early Learning Experiences
Provided by knowledgeable, trained teachers/providers Focus on the WHOLE CHILD Provide opportunities for active learning and positive interactions with caring adults Children learn best when their physical needs are met and they feel psychologically safe and secure.
Early Childhood Improve teacher and provider quality through
Collaborative professional development on topics of mutual interest Aligning standards, curriculum, assessments and child outcomes across settings and programs.
Early Childhood in Kansas
Use data to change practices by promoting evidence-based practices Analyze data jointly Require evidence-based and research-based practices to be used across settings (2005) Prepared for Kindergarten: What does ‘readiness’ mean? NIEER
Early Childhood in Kansas
Promote coordination at the state and local levels Sharing data through a joint data system Include Early Childhood professionals on state and local teams Ready Schools Community collaboration Sharing of community resources and supports
Your Community at Work Improve teacher and provider quality
Use data to change practices by promoting evidence-based practices Promote coordination at the state and local levels
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