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Space-assisted optimization in integrated irrigation water management M. Anna Osann, Alfonso Calera Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain OPTIMA Regional.

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Presentation on theme: "Space-assisted optimization in integrated irrigation water management M. Anna Osann, Alfonso Calera Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain OPTIMA Regional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Space-assisted optimization in integrated irrigation water management M. Anna Osann, Alfonso Calera Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain OPTIMA Regional Workshop, Malta, 29 May 2007 Definitions Projects overview Examples

2 Efficient & effective water management for a sustainable agriculture Participatory water management Optimized water productivity through New Technologies: Earth Observation satellites Geographical Information Systems Information & Communication Technologies

3 P articipatory multi- L evel E O-assisted tools for I rrigation water management and A gricultural De cision- S upport PLEIADeS Leading- edge technology (facilitates active participation) Participatory management (requires spatialized information & networked distribution) synergy

4 3 main pillars (projects) * ERMOT (since 1997) * DEMETER (2002-2005 + ) * PLEIADeS (2006-2009) *** & a number of other projects

5 D E M E T E R D E M E T E R Project co-funded by the European Commission EVG1-CT-2002-00078 DEM E TeR DEMonstration of Earth observation Technologies in Routine irrigation advisory services

6 D E M E T E R Objectives To improve the efficiency in the use of water for irrigation at farm scale To assess, develop, and demonstrate how to improve the performance and cost-effectiveness to improve the performance and cost-effectiveness of IAS by incorporating EO techniques in daily operations of IAS by incorporating EO techniques in daily operations; to make information easily available to IAS and farmers to make information easily available to IAS and farmers (end-users) by integrating leading edge ICT in the information generation and distribution. Tools to increase crop water productivity

7 On-line Space-Assisted Irrigation Advisory Service e-SAIAS®

8 e-Servicio de Asesoramiento de Riegos Asistido por Satélite e-SARAS ®

9 DEM onstration of E arth observation TE chnologies in R outine irrigation advisory services Caia (Portugal) Barrax (España) Destra Sele (Italia) Zone piloto e di trasferenza Thessalia (Grecia) Chaves (Portugal)

10 MAPyA..... Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación INEA…….…….... Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria IDRHa….. Instituto de Desenvolvimento Rural e Hidráulica DEMETER is user-driven CoreUsers ITAP...............Instituto Técnico Agronómico Provincial DxSele…….................Consorzio di Bonifica Destra Sele ABCaia..................Associação de Beneficiários do Caia DEM onstration of E arth observation TE chnologies in R outine irrigation advisory services DEMETER is policy-oriented National Core Users

11 DEM onstration of E arth observation TE chnologies in R outine irrigation advisory services Irrigation Advisory Service (Current situation) DEMETER Information Communication Technology Module Weather and climate information: rainfall (previous dates predictions), other data Information Communication Technology Earth Observation Module Kc Advanced products Remote Sensing Field work Agrometeorological stations Kc ETo Crop Water Requirement (FAO procedure) End user (farmer) On-line Space-Assisted Irrigation Advisory Service e-SAIAS

12 Plot: 00722 Crop Water Requirement 6 mm/day IAS Quality Control Satellite data assimilation Field work GIS tools EO Module Basic Processing Products Spatialized, Personalized Information On-line Space-Assisted Irrigation Advisory Service e-SAIAS

13 Earth Observation Module Kc Advanced products Remote Sensing Methodology Kc-NDVI Kc analytical MSSEBS METRIC ground truth extensive and intensive campaign) … Virtual constellation Intercalibration multisensor User´s Requirements Spatial Resolution Frequency coverage Products delivery time Basic Processing Products Generation EO real time operation during 2004 and 2005 campaigns Space segment vulnerability

14 Information Communication Tecnology Module Prototype Developed Based on internet actual technology Arquitecture of client-server Open code. Mobile phone facility EO maps assimilation Integration of other sources: aerial photography, cadaster weather, precipitation ICT User´s Requirement Flexible design, integrated into IAS procedure Farmer´s friendly Accesibility System manager: IAS Personalized/General Prototype real time operation during 2005 campaign. Implementation has started!

15 weekly, Space segment vulnerability e-SAIAS User´s Requirements Summary Spatial Resolution 10 m, 20-30 m Frequency coverage Delivery time after image satellite acquisitions: 2 days Timeliness, Availability for users Internet, mobile phone, e-mail, paper

16 DEM onstration of E arth observation TE chnologies in R outine irrigation advisory services Real-time operations 20 July 2005 (Spanish Info-Day) 10:54 GMTLandsat 5 overpass 13:15 GMTimage on Eurimage FTP server 15:15 GMTimage in IDR PC 18:30 GMTbasic processing: geometric and atmospheric correction, Quality control 19:30 GMTproducts generated (Kc, ETc maps), Quality control 21 July 2005server up-loading and distribution to users (IAS & farmers)

17 On-line Space-Assisted Irrigation Advisory Service e-SAIAS ® e-SAIAS prototype The beginning of a new concept! Put the satellite in the farmer´s hand


19 e-SARAS prototipo

20 e-SARAS











31 Informe para el agricultor, generado automáticamente por e-SARAS

32 Evaluation: criteria precision/qualityat least as good as current added valueprovides new and useful information and/or functionality confidenceat least as reliable as current costless than current, reasonable, brings more benefits benefitssave water, water productivity impactenvironmental, social, economic

33 BEFORE DEMETER Long delivery & processing times Insufficient revisit time of hi-res satellite Methodology in R&D state Huge gap EO user NOW 2 days max. Virtual constellation Operational processing & product generation "satellite in user's hand" EO for irrigation

34 Spain: at IAS Albacete since 2006; Portugal: starting in 2007 (Alqueva); Italy: spin-off company as IAS provider; more starting in 2007… Implementation after project end (Nov 2005)

35 Harvest: Lessons Learned - 1 "Satellite in hands of users" is feasible; Satellite opens access to spatial dimension; opens way to personalized information and enables active participation of all; Application is mature for implementation; User receives real-time information (<2 days);

36 Harvest: Lessons Learned -2 User uptake is a process & takes time, can be accelerated by easy-to-use intuitive tools;

37 Harvest: Lessons Learned -3 Space segment vulnerability: minimize risk (use full virtual constellation) & mitigate effects (use data & knowledge base).

38 Condiciones / requisitos de implementación 2 niveles principales de transferibilidad Manejo de tecnología Proceso de aprendizaje social y económico lento y participativo Tecnología: Sistema de riego, técnicas de riego, tecnologías de información y comunicación, internet e-SAR (sin satélite) e-SARAS completo datos clásicos de SAR (campo o tablas FAO) proveedor de datos satélite puede estar a distancia

39 PLEIADeS Participatory multi-Level EO-assisted tools for Irrigation water management and Agricultural Decision-Support Proyecto de investigación y desarrollo Sexto Programa Marco, contrato 037095 15 Sept 2006 – 14 Sept 2009




43 from DEMETER/e-SARAS to PLEIADeS Efficiency of water use + Social, economic & environmental efficiency Centered in IAS (addressing farmers through IAS) Centered in Europe + regions/cultures: Latin America, South & East Mediterranean + focus on irrigation scheme, with direct link to farm & river basin: farmers & water managers integrate with other methodologies, e.g. IRRIMED,AGRASER


45 Multiple matrix structure - 1 2 parallel strands of sci-tech development * EO * ICT * modeling 2 consecutive technical action blocks * Trials 2007 * Pilot campaigns 2008

46 Multiple matrix structure - 2 efficiency concept* technical * environmental * economic * social water management scales * irrigation scheme * downlink farm * uplink river basin

47 Multiple matrix structure - 3 active user participation at all stages: * user requirements & system design * interactive system design * evaluation

48 NT > Integrated efficiency concept - 1 Social: * active participation of all stakeholders * enables transparence * empower users / tool for self-regulation * community monitoring of exploitation plan * enhance social learning * tool for education & capacity building

49 NT > Integrated efficiency concept - 2 Economic: * system cost <1% of water/energy * water saving potential 10-30% * equivalent energy saving potential * water productivity & yield optimization

50 NT > Integrated efficiency concept - 3 Environmental: * monitoring of exploitation plan * aquifer stabilization * water saving potential 10-30% * monitoring of key pollutants * feed spatial river-basin model

51 NT > Integrated efficiency concept - 4 Technical: * personalized irrigation advisory * weekly monitoring & forecast * per plot across large areas * intra-plot heterogeneity * monitor entire river-basin

52 Horizontal issues * gender * quality control * training & education new generation of water managers * ethics SPIDER is power tool

53 Gender & Water Hierarchy fosters (over-)exploitation & scarcity Community fosters sharing & abundance

54 S P I D E R participatory tool shared by all social actors in pilot area System of Participatory Information, Decision support, and Expert knowledge for irrigation and River basin water management

55 Caia (Portugal) Vegas del Guadiana (España) Cuga, Sardegna (Italia) PLEIADeS in Europe Pinios (Grecia) P articipatory multi- L evel E O-assisted tools for I rrigation water management and A gricultural De cision- S upport

56 PLEIADeS in the world Perú México U.S.A. Brazil Morocco Turkey


58 Caia (PT)

59 Pinios (Greece)


61 Pilot river-basin of Tensift (Morocco) Université Cadi Ayyad de Marrakech Maroc Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Marrakech Maroc ORMVAT Marrakech Tensift River Rheraya River Seksaoua River NFis River Zat River Takerkoust Dam Rdat River Imintanout River El Mehl River Ourika River Canal Haouz plain High Atlas Jebilet


63 CUENCADEL RÍO LURÍN, LIMA, PERÚ CUENCA DEL RÍO LURÍN, LIMA, PERÚ Cuenca del río Rímac Cuenca del río Mala > 5000msnm La Molina Océano Pacífico Cuenca del río Mantar o


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