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A. ʾaʾa aleph-a (can be long or short) e )i)i aleph-i (can be long or short)

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Presentation on theme: "A. ʾaʾa aleph-a (can be long or short) e )i)i aleph-i (can be long or short)"— Presentation transcript:

1 a

2 ʾaʾa aleph-a (can be long or short)

3 e

4 )i)i aleph-i (can be long or short)

5 u

6 )u)u aleph-u (can be long or short)

7 b

8 b

9 g

10 g Hard g as in get

11 d

12 d

13 c

14 ḏḏ th th sound as in this

15 h

16 h

17 w

18 w

19 z

20 z

21 H

22 ḥ hh

23 j

24 ḫḫ ch ch as in loch

25 T

26 ṭ hard, emphatic t

27 Z

28 ẓ zz sound of s in measure

29 y

30 y

31 k

32 k

33 l

34 l

35 m

36 m

37 n

38 n

39 s

40 s

41 S

42 s̀ su as in Susanna

43 '

44 ( ʿ ayin like Hebrew ע

45 G

46 ǵ gh Hardly distinguishable from hard g ghost

47 p

48 p

49 x

50 ṣ ts sound

51 q

52 q

53 r

54 r

55 C

56 šš sh sound Can correspond to Hebrew s8 or s\

57 t

58 t

59 D

60 ṯṯ th as in thin

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