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1 Achievements after 1 year… Dirk Vantyghem, Chair, Executive Committee Brussels, 8 June 2009

2 © ANIMA-Invest in Med 2009 Objectives of the programme Facilitate FDI and business in the Mediterranean  By making Med a safe and attractive destination Develop sustainable partnerships between the two rims of the Mediterranean  Euro-Med enterprises developing north-south and south- south synergies Develop a new economic networking cooperation model between  Public and private organisations from EU and Med  Stakeholders of Mediterranean Business Development  Budget 12 million€ /3 years (75% financed by the EC)  Beneficiary countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia June 09 2

3 A unique consortium: MedAlliance © ANIMA-Invest in Med 2009 June 09 3 Programme subventionné par / Programme funded by

4 Governance © ANIMA-Invest in Med 2009 June 09 4 Executive Committe Management Team (Marseille) In Med Board In Med Alliance/Network

5 Technical approach Selection of high potential niches for Mediterranean countries, with specific focus  E.g. Agro-food Demand driven : Every eligible partner can submit initiatives, using various intruments proposed by i n med  Studies, workshops, technical assistances, staff exchange, B2B, etc.  i n med lauches around 15 initiatives per semester Central Actions: strategic/complementary actions implemented through the consortium Organic agriculture Cereals Horticulture Med products (olive oil) Catering (tourism, airlines) Cooked recipes Fisheries etc. Transversal topics Privatisation/concession Access to business from diasporas, youth, women… Franchise Branding, image Acces to finance etc. + © ANIMA-Invest in Med 2009 June 09 5

6 April 2009 © inMed / ANIMA 2009 6 Operational impact after 1 year Results  34 operations fully completed in Year 1; 120 in progress  Via 4 BtoB meetings, 825 appointments organised, 30 deals  778 Med FDI or partnerships identified in 2008, >200 in 2009 Partners, network mobilisation  Numerous contacts and projects with around 100 different organisations in the Euro-Med area  100 partners involved, 1/3rd as initiative leaders  Well balanced CCI –IPA –BizFed participation  Over 2,000 participants associated in the various events  270 trainees so far (MedAcademy), 90% satisfied Audience  117 articles quoting Invest in Med  Over 2.5 million readers /auditors  113 600 downloads of Invest in Med studies or documents

7 31 initiatives Round 1 (launched)  Med-Water (Addressing Med water challenges)  Med Industrial Partnerships I (North- South SME industrial companionship)  Med-Sustain (Partners for sustainable development)  Med-Biz (Reinforcing the services to members by Enterprise federations)  Med-Franchise (Development of franchise for women)  E-3m (ICT Maghreb Forum)  Novel Euromed Post Services (Money transfers & hybrid post)  Med-Women Entrepreneurship (Intégrales maghrébines de l’investissement)  Med-Tracking (Follow-up of containers and maritime logistics )  PLATO Egypt (Mentorship programme for SME managers)  Agroalimed (Bilateral co-operation on agrifood)  Med-Zones (Best practices for industrial zone development)  Med-Energy (Development of renewable energy) Round 2 (selection)  Mag-Trace (Agrifood safety and traceability in the Maghreb)  TexTechMed (Interconnections on technical textile)  Med Industrial Partnerships II (Companionship and coaching)  Start-up International (Mediterranean network for young entrepreneurs)  BestMed (Tourism value-added niches in the Med.)  MovieMed (Marketing the Med cinema industry)  Etinet (Euromed tourist investment network)  Building insulation in Maghreb (Energy savings)  Regional investment attraction guide (Template investor guide for an Algerian region)  MedFinance (Guide on public financing for companies)  PaperMed (Mechanical equipment for paper industries)  Med-IT (Events and partnerships in the ICT field)  Furnish from Mashreq (Develop furniture concepts and exports)  Young Entrepreneurs (Support to Maghreb emerging companies)  Business Networks (Setting & management of industrial clusters)  Batimed (Construction partnerships between Poland and Maghreb)  EnviroFoodTec (Smart food processing and water waste treatment in Med countries)  Tech Fruits and Vegetables (Events and partnerships for fresh agrifood sector) © ANIMA-Invest in Med 2009 June 09 7

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