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Findings for Australia Findings for Philippines 1
2 Study Design PopulationSampling FrameInterview length Adults or children and adolescents diagnosed with nasal allergies or allergic rhinitis, symptomatic or being treated for nasal allergies in the past 12 months Telephone* and in-person # screening of national or major city sample of households Range:10 - 90 min. Mean: 34.9 min. Country Number of Households Screened Completed Sample Philippines1,285 # 100 Australia China Korea Hong Kong Malaysia Singapore Taiwan Vietnam 3,534* 19,580* 608 & 2,118* 491 # 2,002 # 1,780* 2,588 # 303 325 300 100 107 TOTAL:33,9861,535 & Korea used a different methodology – physician referral.
3 Philippines: Adults and Children Adults, N=80 Children, N=20
4 Ever Diagnosed with Nasal Allergies, Hay Fever, Sinus Disease, Allergic Rhinitis S1a. Has a doctor ever diagnosed (you/your child) as having… N = 100
5 Taken Medication to Treat Allergies in Past 12 Months S2. In the past 12 months, (have you/has your child) taken medication to treat (your/his/her) nasal allergies, (hay fever), sinus disease or allergic rhinitis? N = 100
6 Q1. In general, would you say (your/your childs) health is excellent, very good, good, fair, poor or very poor? N = 100 General Health
7 Diagnosed with Asthma Q6a. (Have you/has your child) ever been diagnosed with asthma? N = 100
8 Had Symptoms or Exacerbations in Past 12 Months Q6b. (Have you/has your child) had asthma symptoms or exacerbations in the past 12 months? Base:Diagnosed with asthma N=31
9 Mean Age at Diagnosis with Nasal Allergies, Sinus Disease, Allergic Rhinitis Q10. At what age (were you/was your child) first diagnosed with nasal allergies, (hay fever), sinus disease or allergic rhinitis? N = 100 Mean Age: 23 years old
10 Q11. What was the medical specialty of the doctor who FIRST diagnosed (you/him/her) with nasal allergies? Q35. What is the medical specialty of the doctor that (you see/your child sees) most often for (your/his/her) nasal allergies? N = 100 Type of Physician Used for Allergies
11 Q12. (Were you/was he/she) given a skin test to see what (you were/ he/she was) allergic to? Q13. (Were you/was your child) given a blood test to see what (you were/ he/she was) allergic to? N = 100 Allergy Testing
12 Seasonal or Persistent Allergies Q14. Would you describe (your/his/her) nasal allergies as seasonal or intermittent or do they occur throughout the year (persistent)? N = 100
13 Allergy Symptoms More Frequent or Worse During Particular Season Q15a. In the past 12 months, have (your/his/her) nasal allergy symptoms been more frequent or worse during a particular season or time of year? N = 100
14 Worst Months for Nasal Allergies Q15b. During what particular months of the year are (your/his/her) nasal allergies the worst? Base: Reported seasonal allergies N = 82
15 Q16. Are (your/his/her) nasal allergy symptoms worse when (you are/ he/she is) outdoors or inside, or is it about the same? N= 100 Allergy Symptoms Worse Outdoors or Indoors
16 Q17. During the worst one month period in the past year, did (your/your child) have (SYMPTOM) every day, most days a week, a few days a week, a few days a month, or less than that? N=100 Repeated Sneezing: Symptoms During Worst Month
17 Q17. During the worst one month period in the past year, did (you/your child) have (SYMPTOM) every day, most days a week, a few days a week, a few days a month, or less than that? N= 100 Watering or Tearing Eyes: Symptoms During Worst Month
18 Q17. During the worst one month period in the past year, did (you/your child) have (SYMPTOM) every day, most days a week, a few days a week, a few days a month, or less than that? N= 100 Red or Itching Eyes: Symptoms During Worst Month
19 Q17. During the worst one month period in the past year, did (you/your child) have (SYMPTOM) every day, most days a week, a few days a week, a few days a month, or less than that? N=100 Nasal Congestion or Stuffed-up Nose: Symptoms During Worst Month
20 Q17. During the worst one month period in the past year, did (you/your child) have (SYMPTOM) every day, most days a week, a few days a week, a few days a month, or less than that? N=100 Nasal Itching: Symptoms During Worst Month
21 Q17. During the worst one month period in the past year, did (you/your child) have (SYMPTOM) every day, most days a week, a few days a week, a few days a month, or less than that? N=100 Throat Itching: Symptoms During Worst Month
22 Q17. During the worst one month period in the past year, did (you/your child) have (SYMPTOM) every day, most days a week, a few days a week, a few days a month, or less than that? N=100 Headache: Symptoms During Worst Month
23 Q17. During the worst one month period in the past year, did (you/your child) have (SYMPTOM) every day, most days a week, a few days a week, a few days a month, or less than that? N=100 Runny Nose: Symptoms During Worst Month
24 Q17. During the worst one month period in the past year, did (you/your child) have (SYMPTOM) every day, most days a week, a few days a week, a few days a month, or less than that? N=100 Coughing: Symptoms During Worst Month
25 Post Nasal Drip: Symptoms During Worst Month Q17. During the worst one month period in the past year, did (you/your child) have (SYMPTOM) every day, most days a week, a few days a week, a few days a month, or less than that? N=100
26 Reduced Sense of Smell: Symptoms During Worst Month Q17. During the worst one month period in the past year, did (you/your child) have (SYMPTOM) every day, most days a week, a few days a week, a few days a month, or less than that? N=100
27 Q18. When (you have/your child has) nasal allergy attacks, how bothersome are the following symptoms usually: extremely bothersome, moderately bothersome, slightly bothersome, or not bothersome? Base: Had symptom at least a few days a month How Bothersome are Symptoms: All AIAP Countries
28 Repeated Sneezing: How Bothersome Q18. When (you have/your child has) nasal allergy attacks, how bothersome are the following symptoms usually: extremely bothersome, moderately bothersome, slightly bothersome, or not bothersome? Base: Reported symptom at least a few days a month N=93
29 Watery or Tearing Eyes: How Bothersome Q18. When (you have/your child has) nasal allergy attacks, how bothersome are the following symptoms usually: extremely bothersome, moderately bothersome, slightly bothersome, or not bothersome? Base: Reported symptom at least a few days a month N= 73
30 Red or Itching Eyes: How Bothersome Q18. When (you have/your child has) nasal allergy attacks, how bothersome are the following symptoms usually: extremely bothersome, moderately bothersome, slightly bothersome, or not bothersome? Base: Reported symptom at least a few days a month N=57
31 Nasal Congestion or Stuffed-up Nose: How Bothersome Q18. When (you have/your child has) nasal allergy attacks, how bothersome are the following symptoms usually: extremely bothersome, moderately bothersome, slightly bothersome, or not bothersome? Base: Reported symptom at least a few days a month N = 89
32 Nasal Itching: How Bothersome Q18. When (you have/your child has) nasal allergy attacks, how bothersome are the following symptoms usually: extremely bothersome, moderately bothersome, slightly bothersome, or not bothersome? Base: Reported symptom at least a few days a month N = 85
33 Throat Itching: How Bothersome Q18. When (you have/your child has) nasal allergy attacks, how bothersome are the following symptoms usually: extremely bothersome, moderately bothersome, slightly bothersome, or not bothersome? Base: Reported symptom at least a few days a month N = 59
34 Headache: How Bothersome Q18. When (you have/your child has) nasal allergy attacks, how bothersome are the following symptoms usually: extremely bothersome, moderately bothersome, slightly bothersome, or not bothersome? Base: Reported symptom at least a few days a month N = 72
35 Runny Nose: How Bothersome Q18. When (you have/your child has) nasal allergy attacks, how bothersome are the following symptoms usually: extremely bothersome, moderately bothersome, slightly bothersome, or not bothersome? Base: Reported symptom at least a few days a month N = 79
36 Coughing: How Bothersome Q18. When (you have/your child has) nasal allergy attacks, how bothersome are the following symptoms usually: extremely bothersome, moderately bothersome, slightly bothersome, or not bothersome? Base: Reported symptom at least a few days a month N = 64
37 Reduced Sense of Smell: How Bothersome Q18. When (you have/your child has) nasal allergy attacks, how bothersome are the following symptoms usually: extremely bothersome, moderately bothersome, slightly bothersome, or not bothersome? Base: Reported symptom at least a few days a month N = 70
38 Post-Nasal Drip: How Bothersome Q18. When (you have/your child has) nasal allergy attacks, how bothersome are the following symptoms usually: extremely bothersome, moderately bothersome, slightly bothersome, or not bothersome? Base: Reported symptom at least a few days a month N = 64
39 Q19. Which of these symptoms was the MOST bothersome to (you/your child)? Base: Had at least one extremely or moderately bothersome symptom, N = 89 Most Bothersome Symptom of Nasal Allergy
40 Q20. In general, when (you have/ he/she has) a nasal allergy attack would you say that (your/his/her) discomfort is usually such that (you/he/she) can tolerate it or such that (you/he/she) cant tolerate it without relief? N=100 Discomfort During Nasal Allergy Attack
41 Q21. What things usually trigger or make (your/his/her) nasal allergy symptoms worse? N= 100 Allergic Triggers:
42 Q24a. (Have you/Has your child) missed (work/school) in the past 12 months due to his/her nasal allergies? N=298 Q24b. How many (work/school) days in the past year (have you/has he/she) missed? Base: Missed work/school due to allergies N=4 Q25a. Aside from actually missing (work/school), have (your/his/her) nasal allergy symptoms in the past 12 months interfered with (your/his/her) performance at (work/school)? N = 98 Allergy Interference with Work or School Mean Work/School Days Missed: 7.1
43 Q26. Thinking about (your/your childs) ability to do the things (you want/ he/she wants) to on a scale from 0 to 100, where 100 means 100% able, where would you rank (your/his/her) ability on days when (you dont have/he/she doesnt have) nasal allergy symptoms? N = 300 Q27. Where would you rank (your/your childs) ability to the things (you want/he/she wants) to do on the same scale of 0 to 100, where 100 means 100% able, when (your/his/her nasal) allergies are at their worst? N = 100 Mean Work or School Productivity
44 Activity Limitation Q28. How much do you feel that (you/your childs) allergies limit what (you/he/she) can do in the following areas? Do you feel (your/his/her) allergies restrict (you/him/her) a lot, some, only a little or not at all in…? N = 100
45 Q29. During the worst month of allergy symptoms, how often (do you/does your child) feel (ITEM) – frequently, sometimes, rarely, or never? N=100 Patient Feelings During Allergy Season: Symptoms Experienced Frequently or Sometimes
46 Impact of Nasal Allergies on Daily Life Q30. During the worst one month period, would you say the condition impacted (your/his/her) daily life a lot, a moderate amount, some, a little or did not really impact daily life? N = 99
47 Allergy Interference in Past Week Q31. How troubled (have you/has your child) been by each of these symptoms during the last week as a result of (your/his/her) nasal symptoms? (Were you/was he/she) not troubled at all, somewhat troubled, moderately troubled, quite a bit or extremely troubled by…? N = 100
48 How Well Nasal Allergies Have Been Controlled in Past 4 Weeks Q33. Overall, how well would you say that (you/your childs) nasal allergies have been controlled in the last four weeks? Would you say it was...? N = 100
49 Q36a. (Have you/has he/she) seen a doctor about (your/his/her) nasal allergies in the past 12 months? Q36b. How many times (have you/has he/she) seen a doctor primarily for (your/his/her) nasal allergies in the past 12 months? N=100 Seen a Doctor about Nasal Allergies in Past 12 Months Number of visits in past 12 months: 3.01
50 Q37a. (Have you/has your childs) doctor ever given (you/him/her) desensitization or immunotherapy? Q37b. When was the most recent time (you/he/she) had desensitization or immunotherapy? N=100 Most Recent Time Given Desensitization or Immunotherapy
51 Most Recent Time Ever Given Allergy Drops To Treat Nasal Allergies Q38a. Has (your/your childs) doctor ever given (you/him/her) allergy drops or extracts by mouth or under the tongue to treat his/her nasal allergies? Q38b. When was the most recent time (you/he/she) had allergy drops or extracts by mouth or under the tongue? N = 100
52 Last Time Doctor Had Shown Patient How to Use Nasal Spray Q39a. Has a doctor ever shown (you/your child) how to use a nasal spray for (your/his/her) nasal allergies? Q39b. When was the most recent time a doctor showed (you/him/her) how to use a nasal spray for (your/his/her) nasal allergies? N=100
53 Q42a. (Have you/has your child) seen an Allergist, ENT or Respiratory Specialist about (your/his/her) nasal allergies in the past 12 months? Q42b. How often (do you/does he/she) see a specialist about (your/his/her) nasal allergies? N = 100 Frequency of Visits to Allergist
54 Q43a. (Have you/Has he/she) been to a pharmacy or drug store to get advice about (your/his/her) nasal allergies in the past 12 months? Q43b. How many times (have you/has he/she) been to a pharmacy or drug store primarily for advice about (your/his/her) nasal allergies in the past 12 months? N = 100 Visits to Pharmacy for Allergy Advice
55 Q44a. In the past four weeks, (have you/has your child) used any steroid nasal spray for (your/his/her) nasal allergies? Q44b. When was the most recent time that (you/he/she) used a steroid nasal spray for (your/his/her) nasal allergies? N = 98 Most Recent Time Used Steroid Nasal Spray
56 Q45c. Does (your/his/her) current steroid nasal spray give (you/him/her) relief from all of (your/his/her) symptoms, most symptoms, some symptoms, or no symptoms? Base: Use steroid nasal spray. N = 29 Symptom Relief from Current Steroid Nasal Spray
57 Q45e. Does (your/your childs) current steroid nasal spray lose effectiveness over the course of the day or night, or does it remain as effective as when (you/he/she) first took it? Base: Use steroid nasal spray, N=29 Ability of Current Steroid Nasal Spray to Provide 24 Hour Relief
58 Q45f. How long after taking (you/his/her) current steroid nasal spray does it begin losing effectiveness? Base: Spray loses effectiveness, N=13 Duration of Steroid Nasal Spray Effectiveness
59 Satisfaction with Steroid Nasal Spray for Nasal Allergies Q45h How satisfied are you with the steroid nasal spray for (your/your childs) nasal allergies in the past 4 weeks? Would you say that you are very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied? Base: Use steroid nasal spray, N = 29
60 Q46. Why (havent you/hasnt your child) used a steroid nasal spray for (your/his/her) nasal allergies in the past 4 weeks? Base: Did not use steroid nasal spray recently, N = 72 Reasons Did not Use Steroid Nasal Spray
61 Q47a. How often (do you/does your child) change steroid nasal sprays – several times each year, once a year, every few years, only rarely, or never? N=96 How Often Changed Steroid Nasal Spray
62 Q47b. Why (have you/has your child) changed steroid nasal sprays? Anything else? Base: Have changed steroid nasal sprays. N = 5 Why Changed Steroid Nasal Sprays
63 Asked Physician to Change Steroid Nasal Spray Q48a. Have you ever asked the doctor to change (your/your childs) steroid nasal spray because (you were/he/she was) dissatisfied with it? N = 97
64 Q48c. Why (were you/was he/she) dissatisfied with that medicine? Base: Have asked doctor to change steroid nasal sprays. N = 6 Why Dissatisfied with Steroid Nasal Spray
65 Q44a. In the past four weeks, (have you/has your child) used any steroid nasal spray for (your/his/her) nasal allergies? Q49a. ( Have you/has your child) taken any other prescription medications for (your/his/her) nasal allergies in the past 4 weeks? Q50a. In the past four weeks, (have you/ has your child) used any over-the-counter, non-prescription medicine to give (you/him/her) relief from nasal allergy symptoms? N= 100 Current Medication Use for Nasal Allergy Symptoms
66 Satisfaction with OTC Medication for Nasal Allergies Q50f How satisfied are you with the over-the-counter medication (you have/ he/she has) used for (your/his/her) nasal allergies in the past 4 weeks? Would you say very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied? Base: Use OTC medicine, N = 52
67 Used Homeopathic or Alternative Treatment for Nasal Allergies Q52a. In the past four weeks (have you/has he/she) used any homeopathic, herbal or alternative treatments for (your/his/her) nasal allergies? N = 99
68 Type of Homeopathic or Alternative Treatment Used Q52b. What kinds of homeopathic, herbal or alternative treatments (do you/does he/she) use? Base: Used homeopathic meds, N = 19
69 How Much Patient Knows about Steroid Nasal Sprays Q53. How much do you know or have heard about steroid nasal sprays for nasal allergies? Would you say…? N = 100
70 How Quickly Steroid Nasal Sprays Should Provide Symptom Relief Q54. How quickly are steroid nasal sprays supposed to begin providing symptom relief for nasal allergies? Base: Taken steroid nasal sprays N = 46
71 How Long Steroid Nasal Sprays are Supposed to Provide Symptom Relief Q55. How long are steroid nasal sprays supposed to provide symptom relief for nasal allergies? Base: Taken steroid nasal sprays N = 46
72 24 Hour Relief Steroid Nasal Spray Began Wearing Off Earlier than Promised Q56a. Have you ever found that the effectiveness of a steroid nasal spray that promised 24 hour relief for nasal allergies began wearing off earlier? Q56c. About how long after (you/he/she) started taking it does a steroid nasal sprays allergy medicines effectiveness begin wearing off? Base: Taken steroid nasal sprays N = 42
73 Found the Effectiveness of Steroid Nasal Spray Wears Off Over Time Q57a. Have you ever found that a steroid nasal sprays effectiveness in treating (your/your childs) nasal allergy symptoms wears off over weeks or months even when (you are/ he/she is) taking the medicine as prescribed? Base: Taken steroid nasal sprays N = 46
74 Steroid Nasal Spray Caused Nose Bleeds Q58a. Have any of the steroid nasal sprays that (you have/your child has) taken for nasal allergies ever caused nosebleeds? Base: Taken steroid nasal sprays N = 46
75 Commonly Reported Side Effects of Steroid Nasal Sprays Q59. How many of the steroid nasal sprays that (you have/your child has) taken for nasal allergies had the following types of side effects – all, some or none? Base: Taken steroid nasal sprays N = 49
76 Severity of Commonly Reported Side Effects Q60. How bothersome are the following side effects of steroid nasal sprays for nasal allergies – extremely, moderately, slightly, or not bothersome? Base: Taken steroid nasal sprays, N = 49
77 How Bothersome Other Treatments Are Compared to Steroid Nasal Sprays Q61. Compared to steroid nasal sprays, would you say that other treatments for (your/his/her) nasal allergy symptoms have more bothersome side effects, less bothersome side effects, or about the same? Base: Taken steroid nasal sprays N = 28
78 Reason Stopped Taking Steroid Nasal Spray Q62. (Have you/has your child) ever stopped taking a steroid nasal allergy spray prescribed by (your/his/her) doctor because…? Base: Taken steroid nasal spray, N = 28
79 Most Important Factors in Choosing Steroid Nasal Spray Q63. In choosing a steroid nasal spray for (you/your child), which would be most important? Base: Taken steroid nasal spray N = 27
80 Expected Time Until Symptom Relief in Successful Treatments Q64. On a scale of 0 to 100 percent what percent symptom relief would you expect from a steroid nasal spray for it to be considered successful treatment? Base: Taken steroid nasal spray, N=44 Q65. How quickly after taking would a steroid nasal spray have to begin relieving symptoms for you to consider it a successful treatment? Base: Taken steroid nasal spray, N = 49 % symptom relief to be considered successful treatment: 87.1%
81 Duration of Symptom Relief in Successful Treatments of Steroid Nasal Spray Q66. How long after (you take/your child takes) a dose of steroid nasal spray should symptom relief last for you to consider it a successful treatment? Base: Taken steroid nasal spray N = 28
82 Q67. People with allergies sometimes fail to follow their physicians instructions about their medicines for their nasal allergies. (Have you/Has your child) ever failed to take a nasal allergy medicine as prescribed because of..? Base: All respondents except those who never took steroid nasal spray at Q58a N = 83 Failed to Follow Physician Instructions Due To:
83 Agreement with Statements Q68. Now I am going to read you a series of statements. As I read each statement, please tell me whether you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly with the statement. N = 100
84 Risk Factors of Nasal Allergies Q69a. Do you have pets living in your house? Q70. Does anyone in your household smoke? N = 100
85 Type of Health Insurance: D4. Do you have coverage for your medical care costs through private health insurance or public plans? N= 100
86 For additional information, please visit: Supported by:
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