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The Future of Access Charges Tom Evslin EVSLIN Consulting

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Presentation on theme: "The Future of Access Charges Tom Evslin EVSLIN Consulting"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future of Access Charges Tom Evslin EVSLIN Consulting

2 EVSLIN Consulting We are NOT at a tipping point We are at a FLIPPING point

3 EVSLIN Consulting Its All Software! Over 100,000,000 downloads!

4 EVSLIN Consulting email and telephony Their beginnings couldnt be more different Their future is the same No responsible MIS department will ever trust its companys email to the Internet. Delivery isnt even guaranteed. – unnamed AT&T Executive, 1993

5 EVSLIN Consulting email access charges What would you say if your ISP tried to charge the sender for each email you RECEIVE? How come you dont say the same thing to your local phone company?

6 EVSLIN Consulting quick history of access charges Domestic US: legacy of the breakup of the Bell System International: legacy of the old accounting rate schemes Wireless: because they can Arbitraging helped VoIP

7 EVSLIN Consulting current rationale for access charges Owner of a network should be compensated Needed to support universal service We need the money Legal status VoIP-to-VoIP is making the debate irrelevant

8 EVSLIN Consulting the cost of free email Internet access Hardware Endpoint software A mail host No INCREMENTAL cost per message

9 EVSLIN Consulting the cost of free phone calls BROADBAND Internet access Hardware Endpoint software A phone host No incremental cost per call Skype v. Vonage models

10 EVSLIN Consulting lessons from email The middle gets hollowed out The intelligent network is an oxymoron Proprietary networks and protocols dont last (Skype?) Interoperability happens SPAM!

11 EVSLIN Consulting who gets the access charges? You do! You deserve them You need them to protect you from SPAM Advertisers need you to get them

12 EVSLIN Consulting charging for access to you You set the rate You set the free access list Not new! Media advertisers pay with content Sites pay for registrations Contests VoIP leads email SPAM becomes your profit center

13 EVSLIN Consulting the retail telco of the future Looks more like Skype or Vonage than AT&T, SBC, MCI, or Qwest Charges hard or soft dollars for services provided PSTN connectivity VM Identity Access charge collection and disbursement

14 Thank You Tom Evslin EVSLIN Consulting

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