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Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for Document, Technological, and Quantitative Literacy With Lin Kuzmich Senior Consultants International Center for Leadership in Education Model Schools Conference, Orlando June 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
1. Introduction Check in: State of Literacy at your school
Who are we? Who are the participants? State of Literacy at your school Name assets and positive data trends Name challenges and issues in your data What is the difference between prose and non-prose reading skills? Kuzmich, 2008
The World is Changing Constantly
So are our students So is the research about students’ brains Watch the video clip Complete a Video Snapshot Share your Video Snapshot with an intelligent partner at your table Kuzmich, 2008
Video Snapshot: A Four Corner Foldable for Boasting Rigor in Technological or Media Based Literacy
1. Write a question that could be answered by watching this video clip. The question must be at analysis, synthesis or evaluation levels 2. Write a second question, also at higher levels of Bloom’s Knowledge Continuum 3. Write a few words to remind you of the most important thing you learned in the clip. Important to you or your situation. 4. Draw a picture or symbol to remind you of the important idea you described in #3. Kuzmich, 2008
Bloom’s Review for Your Video Snapshot Questions
Evaluation Judgment using a criteria Justify or defend Persuade Pros and Cons Analysis Same and Different Compare and Contrast Cause and Effect Synthesis Summary Create or design Integrate with prior knowledge Kuzmich, 2008
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy
Agenda Introduction 21st Century Literacy What is Document, Technological and Quantitative (DTQ) Literacy DTQ Strategies Next Steps and Closing Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy
How Well do Adults in the United States Perform on Workplace and Life Style Literacy Tasks? Are We Ready to Participate in the Global Workforce? Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy
2. 21st Century Work Force Literacy: The Knowledge Economy As much as 80% of all literacy tasks at work require document and quantitative information, text, media and responses to nonfiction prose text. Who in your school is responsible for teaching document, quantitative and technological literacy? Where is it assessed in your curriculum? A 1982 study showed that high schools spend only 2% of instructional time on this type of literacy. There is an increase, largely due to Internet use; however, such instruction is still under 30%. Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
What We Spend Time Doing Gets Done…
Schools now focus on: Learning Literacy (learning to read, write, speak and listen) – part of the top of our Triage Plan Literacy Learning (content area literacy) – our primary focus last year We need to spend time, much more time, on: Literacy to Do (using documents and electronic sources to take action, perform well on assessments and problem solve) – our focus this year Kuzmich, 2008
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy
Literacy for Student Growth in Grades K-12: A Framework for Results 1. Functional Literacy Learning to read, write, speak and listen 3. Technological Literacy Using reading, writing, speaking and listening in multimedia venues to create products and demonstrations of learning 2. Content Literacy Reading, writing, speaking and listening to demonstrate content area learning 4. Innovative Literacy Reading, writing, speaking and listening to do or solve something complex, invent something unique or produce something innovative Adapted from Gregory and Kuzmich (2005a and 2005b) Differentiated Literacy Strategies for Grades K-6 and 7-12 Published by Corwin Press, Inc. Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Report on Adult Literacy
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy Report on Adult Literacy 43% of adults performing below basic levels of literacy on a national assessment were living in poverty, compared to 4% of those at the highest levels of literacy. Non-literate adults average $240 per week in wages and highly literate individuals $681 per week. 7 in 10 prisoners in the US performed at very basic or below basic levels of literacy. From the NAAL Report 2003 Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy
Skills of Literacy from NAAL Individuals with Below Basic Literacy Skills Can perform: Sign one’s name Identify a country in a short article Locate one piece of information in a sports article Locate the expiration date information on a driver’s license Total a bank deposit Cannot perform: Locate eligibility from a table of employee benefits Locate intersection on a street map Locate two pieces of information in a sports article Identify and enter background information on a social security card application Calculate the total costs of a purchase from an order form Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy
Startling Facts 25% of adults in the United States cannot understand their pay stub. 58% cannot determine the differences between two medical benefit options. 78% of adults in the United States cannot figure out how much interest is paid on a loan. 71% cannot figure how many miles per gallon their vehicle gets. 55% of adults in the United States cannot determine the correct dosage of liquid aspirin substitute to administer to their child, given a label with ages and weights. From the 1992 NAL, similar results for 2003 NAAL Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
International Adult Literacy Results
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy International Adult Literacy Results 20 Nations in 1995 16 to 65 years olds across all demographic groups were tested Prose Literacy – 9th Document Literacy – 14th Quantitative Literacy – 13th The OCED now has 30 nations and the last test administration was Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Current International Comparisons as of 2003
Literacy Numeracy Norway Bermuda Switzerland Canada 293 285 274 281 290 270 272 United States 269 261 Italy 228 233 Score is significantly higher than the U.S. average Score is not significantly higher than U. S. average Score is significantly lower than the U. S. average Kuzmich, 2008
Have We Improved Nationally?
From NAAL, 2007 Kuzmich, 2008
The Edge of the 21st Century: A Moral Imperative for Literacy
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy The Edge of the 21st Century: A Moral Imperative for Literacy We don’t stack up well to other nations, even when comparing like segments of our population. Our students will retrain more than 7 times in the 15 years after high school. Our economy, our technology, our communication is global. ARE WE READY? Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy
Sample Prose Question At what age did Chanin begin swimming competitively? 75% of Adults answered correctly Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy
Sample Document Task Hours REGULAR 2nd SHIFT OVERTIME TOTAL 50 PERIOD ENDING 3/15/05 REGULAR OVERTIME GROSS NET PAY CURRENT 625 00 459 88 YEAR TO DATE 4268 85 TAX DEDUCTIONS CURRENT FED WH STATE WH CITY WH FICA 108 94 13 75 38 31 YEAR TO DATE 734 98 82 50 261 67 OTHER DEDUCTIONS CR UNION MS CODE UNITED FD PERS INS MISC NON-NEGOTIABLE OTHER DEDUCTIONS CODE TYPE AMOUNT 07 DEN 4 12 What is the gross pay for this year to date? 60% of Adults answered this correctly Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Sample Quantitative Task
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy You need to borrow $10,000. Here is the ad for Home Equity loans on page 2 in the newspaper. Explain to the interviewer how you would compute the total amount of interest charges you would pay under this loan plan. Please tell the interviewer when you are ready to begin. Only 22% of Adults got this item correct Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
3. What is Document, Technological, and Quantitative (DTQ) Literacy?
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy 3. What is Document, Technological, and Quantitative (DTQ) Literacy? Welcome to the Global Workplace Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy
Three Aspects of DTQ Literacy Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy 1. Previewing the Document or Source 2. Understanding the Task Document, Technological, and Quantitative Literacy Skills 3. Completing the Process These 3 aspects are comprised of 14 Core Skills for DTQ Literacy Adapted from: Mosenthal, Kirsch, Guthrie, deGeus, Reitman, and Kuzmich Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Prose versus Document Literacy
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy Prose versus Document Literacy Document Literacy is not the Same as Prose Literacy Prose has two continuous text forms: Fiction Non-fiction Newspapers contain both continuous prose in the form of articles and document literacy in the form of maps, charts, photos, tables, etc. Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Understanding Document Literacy
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy Understanding Document Literacy What Document Literacy Includes: Non-continuous text Charts, maps, graphs, forms, sites, films, tables, interactive technology, etc. Array-based Form-based Media-based Requires knowledge of format, understanding of tasks, and completion of tasks or actions using documents Technological Literacy Quantitative Literacy Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Other Forms of Document Literacy
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy Other Forms of Document Literacy Quantitative Literacy Form of Document Literacy Requires mathematical action, problem solving, and/or calculation Requires the demonstration of numeracy skills Technological Literacy Requires the use of media and technology to accomplish tasks Requires the demonstration of technological navigation, technical language use, and production Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Comprehending Literacy in a Global Era
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy Comprehending Literacy in a Global Era Quantitative Literacy Identify numerical representations and ideas Perform computations and solve problems either alone or sequentially Use numbers embedded in printed materials Act with mathematical intent to complete tasks Technological Literacy Navigate and search using electronic sources Production and problem solving Compare and use ever-changing media and information Act upon media and technology based information Prose Literacy Search Comprehend Use continuous text Reflect Documents Literacy Act upon Use non-continuous text in various formats Kuzmich, 2008 Kuzmich, 2007 for ICLE Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Taking Action with Text, Media and Writing
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy Taking Action with Text, Media and Writing Quantitative Literacy Checkbook balancing Tip calculation Order form completion Interest calculations Benefit and nutrition comparison calculations Advertisement comparing prices and other data Technological Literacy Filing taxes online Travel arrangements Photo management Document assembly and creation “Personal digital libraries” of music and other media Prose Literacy Editorials News stories Brochures Instructional materials Document Literacy Job applications Payroll forms Transportation schedules Maps Tables Drug or food labels Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy
It is not OK… when only 42% of adults can explain the difference between benefits. Source: NAAL Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy
It is a national catastrophe…when less than 45% of adults can tell which dosage of medication to give a seven year old child of a given weight. Source: IAL Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Part I: Skills for Previewing the Document or Source
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy Part I: Skills for Previewing the Document or Source Understanding the structural complexity Understanding the organization Understanding the amount of information Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Part II: Understanding the Task
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy Part II: Understanding the Task Determining the relationship between the task and the document Comprehending the question, purpose or prompt to initiate task Identifying given and requested information Setting an action goal Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Part III: Completing the Process
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy Part III: Completing the Process Locate information Cycling through the document Integrating information Generating inferences Formulating and calculating* Taking action Evaluating results * For Quantitative Documents Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy
The graph of a line that contains the points (–1, –5) and (4, 5) is shown to the left. Which best represents this line if the slope is doubled and the y-intercept remains constant? A. Lexile Level is hard for an 8th grader and easy for a 10th grader. Quantiles will put it in the above 1000 range which is usually toward the end of Algebra I. PMOSE/Kirsch is 10 which is moderately difficult for a 12th grader or higher. B. This is a 9th grade item on a state test in March. C. D. Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Current Brain Research
This generation struggles with: Context Transfer Parts to Whole Relationships Inferential Thinking Why? Our brains are shaped by the world around us This is the media generation Thinking by “remote control” builds a different set of skills Kuzmich, 2008
New Generation Means a New Definition of Relevance
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy New Generation Means a New Definition of Relevance Use of real world documents, media and technology in classroom instruction increases both rigor and relevance. Motivation and interest increase with the use of technology, real world documents and authentic and engaging tasks. The more engaged the student and the more thinking and relevance in the learning, the more parts of the brain work to form lasting and retrievable memories. Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Want to be Globally Competitive?
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy Want to be Globally Competitive? We need to raise the level of document, technological and quantitative literacy. Content area literacy strategies are only a starting point. Science and math performance in other countries goes up when document, technological and quantitative literacy is taught. What is your next step? Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Our Session is Based on the Following Resources: Please see us later for more information if you wish… By Lin Kuzmich Comes with DVD introducing the ideas behind the Kit CD with useful and adaptable examples to teach students Organized to address your data driven concerns Download an excerpt from the ICLE website: Kuzmich, 2008
4. DTQ Strategies for Non-Prose Documents and Sources
PAR Attribute Charts Inference Proof Notes Mail Hunt Cause and Effect Analysis for Documents Unpacking State Assessment questions that call for document or quantitative literacy Kuzmich, 2007 for ICLE
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy
K-W-L for Prose What do you know already? What do you want to know? What did you learn? Kuzmich, 2008 Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
K-W-L for Documents = P-A-R (Purpose, Action, Results)
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy K-W-L for Documents = P-A-R (Purpose, Action, Results) What is the purpose of this document? What do you want to accomplish or what actions do you need to take? What were the results of your actions? Kuzmich, 2007 for ICLE Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
K-W-L for Quantitative Documents = P-A-R (Purpose, Action, Results)
Redefining Literacy in Grades 7-12: Strategies for DTQ Literacy K-W-L for Quantitative Documents = P-A-R (Purpose, Action, Results) Why did the creators of this document set it up in this format or array? What do you know about the format and how can this help you accomplish your task or calculation? What are the pros and cons of your solution or conclusion? Kuzmich, 2007 for ICLE Copyright, Kuzmich 2008
Attribute Chart: Variation on Semantic Feature Note-taker
What is the part? What is its purpose? What is its function? Kuzmich, 2007 for ICLE
Attribute Chart for DTQ
Kuzmich, 2007 for ICLE Attribute Chart for DTQ Document or Source? Attributes or Characteristics Function or Purpose Actions that you could take EBSCO Website Searchable along more than one factor Very Current Multiple Sources Research Find articles Find articles related to my science project Coordinate Plane 2 axis Positive and Negative numbers Can plot data Plot data points and sets of points Note change in data Plot slope of roof Plot change in acceleration Historical Map Key Time Scale Symbols Color coding Capture actions, events, or other data that occur over a geographical area Find where an event started Note resources on both sides during a war Relate to map today Kuzmich, 2008
List Conventions of Organization, Searchability and Uses of the Conventions
Maps, both print and electronic Travel Websites Chart, Table and Graph, both print and electronic Fill-in Forms, both print and electronic Video and photograph Financial software List other non-prose formats in your content area and the conventions and uses for the conventions. Kuzmich, 2008 Kuzmich, 2007 for ICLE
Uses for a Document or Source: T-Charting
Likely Information Travel website Grocery ad Movie Guide Auto Lease Agreement airfares, places to visit prices for food and other grocery store products ratings for movies, descriptions, reviews, times, locations Length of lease, interest rates, payments, mileage allowed Kuzmich, 2007 for ICLE
Inference - Proof Notes
Why it is so effective? How it works with both prose and non-prose materials Inference, Guess or Estimate Proof Kuzmich, 2007 for ICLE
What can you infer from this map? What is your proof?
Kuzmich, 2008
Tips for Locating Information in Print Documents
Mail Treasure Hunt Directions: Bring in a week worth of junk mail and newspapers Sort by similar items like catalogs, credit card applications, sections of the newspaper (in math class look for items involving finance and other real world applications of math) Assign students to groups by type of mail or section of the newspaper List similar conventions in labels, taglines, organization between documents from multiple companies Each group develops rules on chart paper for making searches easier and shares with others – this activity is like a jigsaw Kuzmich, 2007 for ICLE
Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer for DTQ
Desired Purpose or Effect 2. Actions that Will Cause that Effect or Fulfill that Purpose: (how will you do the work, what is your plan?) 3. Evaluation of Success Kuzmich, 2007 for ICLE
More On Cause and Effect for DTQ
1. Reason (Cause) 2. Possible Choices 3. Choice Made and Why 4. Result (Effect) Kuzmich, 2007 for ICLE
Teach Students to Look at the Question Words and Identify What is Asked
Level One: Who? or What? Requires the identification of persons, animals, or things Level Two: How Much? How Many? Where? Requires the identification or use of amounts, times, attributes, actions, types of something, locations Level Three: How? Why? Requires the identification or use of manner, goal, purpose, alternative, attempts, conditions, dealing with pronouns—not just things and descriptors of things (nouns) Level Four: Why? What For? What If? Requires the identification or use of cause and effect, reason, result, evidence, similarity, and extrapolation of information or other data Level Five: With What? If/Then, So What? Requires identification or use of equivalency, difference, creativity, and theme or main idea Kuzmich, 2007 for ICLE
5. Next Steps and Closing How will you share what you learned?
When will this occur? How quickly can you put this in place? What are the three or four most valuable strategies you learned today? Kuzmich, 2008
May Your Moments be Many!
“Educators are addicted to the moment when a student’s eyes light up, when the teaching becomes learning. May your days be filled with such moments.” Philip Patrick Horenstein Kuzmich, 2008
Kuzmich Consulting Services, Inc.
How to Reach Us: Lin Kuzmich Kuzmich Consulting Services, Inc. KCS International Center for Leadership in Education Phone (518)
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