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EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 1 María Luisa Martínez-Conde Subdirectorate General for Library Co-ordination Digital Libraries in Spain: Policies.

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Presentation on theme: "EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 1 María Luisa Martínez-Conde Subdirectorate General for Library Co-ordination Digital Libraries in Spain: Policies."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 1 María Luisa Martínez-Conde Subdirectorate General for Library Co-ordination Digital Libraries in Spain: Policies and Initiatives of the Ministry of Culture

2 EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 2 SG for Library Coordination  The main Spanish administrative body concerned with library issues  Activities include:  Promotion of cooperation between Spanish libraries.  Description, preservation and dissemination of Spanish bibliographic heritage.

3 EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 3 SG for Library Coordination: Ongoing Projects  Virtual Library of Historical Newspapers  Virtual Library of Bibliographic Heritage  LDAP Directory and Harvester of Digital Resources

4 EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 4 SG for Library Coordination: Ongoing Projects: Objectives  Preserve Spanish Bibliographic Heritage;  Give users direct access to contents;  Coordinate Spanish digitization projects;  Contribute to Europeana

5 EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 5 Virtual Libraries: antecedents  Union Catalog of Bibliographic Heritage (1986-) http://ccpb.mcu.es  It describes 831.767 editions and 2.259.278 holdings from 729 libraries

6 EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 6 Virtual Library of Historical Newspapers (2003-)  4.300.000 pages from more than 2000 titles from 47 of libraries of all type all over Spain  unique collections  from a broad chronological period: 1777 to late 20th century  public domain + agreements with publishers

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8 8 Virtual Library of Bibliographic Heritage (2006-)  730.414 pages  2533 manuscripts and rare and old-printed books from 15 libraries  2008: 1500 new titles, 300.000 pages and other bibliographic materials (engravings and maps)  public domain

9 EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 9

10 10 Virtual Libraries of the Ministry of Culture: standards  MARC XML, Dublin Core / ISO 15836, METS, METSRigths, MADS, MODS  METS provides a format for encapsulating or ingesting preservation metadata: PREMIS, based on ISO 14721/OAIS  METS/ALTO (newspapers)  256 grayscale (newspapers) and 16.7 Mcolors JPEG images. TIFF 6.0 security copies

11 EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 11 Digital Libraries of the Ministry of Culture: standards  OAI/PMH repositories  SRU/SRW servers

12 EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 12 Multilingual access  authority file for multilingual headings: Basque, Castillian, Catalan, Galician, Valencian and English  updated online by means of fields for equivalent headings of MARC21 format for authority data : 7XX  records are downloaded from the National Library, Regional Libraries and the Library of Congress

13 EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 13

14 EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 14 Directory and Harvester of Digital Resources (2005)  Objectives  Facilitate the digitization projects coordination  Avoid duplicates  Standards  Dublin Core  OAI/PMH

15 EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 15 Directory and Harvester of Digital Resources  Figures:  March 2006:  55 digitization projects  25 OAI-PMH repositories  access to near 120.000 digital resources  June 2008:  196 digitization projects  55 OAI-PMH repositories  access to more than 300.000 digital resources

16 EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 16 Directory and Harvester of Digital Resources: new version (2008)  formats added:  MARC XML  EAD  ePrints

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19 EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 19 Broadening the project (2007-)  Work programme and call for proposals for funding digitization projects  2M euros / year  Above-mentioned metadata must be adopted  OAI-PMH compliant repository must be implemented

20 EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 20 Broadening the project  Expected results (1st call for proposals)  Over 4M pages from 32 libraries will be digitized  Regional libraries (10)  University libraries (12)  School libraries (2)  Private cultural institutions (8)  22 OAI-PMH compliant repositories will be implemented

21 EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 21 2008-2009 objectives  Large-scale OCR for newspapers  Records generation according METS/ALTO  PDFs (prototype in VLBH) ISO/DIS 32000  Indexing PDFs and PDF/A generation  Jhove validation and PREMIS generation for ingesting in OAIS

22 EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 22 2009-2010 objectives Capitalize on the multilingual headings by means of cooperative projects Implement the DRIVER guidelines Define a Spanish metadata profile

23 EDLocal kick off meeting June 26-27, 2008 23 Mid-term objectives  Funded digital objects metadata will be integrated in virtual libraries of the MC via METS.  SRU/OAI synergyes will be enhanced.  OAIS/ISO 14721 preservation repository will be implemented.

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