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Complex problems. EXPERT ADVICE. Western Pennsylvania HFME 2014 Spring Conference Learn from Leadership’s “Missing Manual” David Wildebrandt.

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Presentation on theme: "Complex problems. EXPERT ADVICE. Western Pennsylvania HFME 2014 Spring Conference Learn from Leadership’s “Missing Manual” David Wildebrandt."— Presentation transcript:

1 complex problems. EXPERT ADVICE. Western Pennsylvania HFME 2014 Spring Conference Learn from Leadership’s “Missing Manual” David Wildebrandt

2 2 BRG Introduction Healthcare Provider Practice Areas Clinical Economics Corporate Compliance Financial Advisory Disputes and Investigations Healthcare Policy and Reform Hospital Performance Improvement Healthcare Construction Berkeley Research Group (BRG) is an expert services consulting firm with over 400 professionals and 19 offices. BRG’s Healthcare consultants have worked on engagements at hospitals and health systems throughout the United States.

3 3 Transformational Performance Improvement BRG helps hospitals improve operating performance and plan for tomorrow’s healthcare environment

4 Let’s Relate Not Compare

5 Terminal Uniqueness

6 Presentation Objectives When your done you should be able to say………

7 Presentation Objectives

8 The Answer is You We are a team of passionate leaders

9 Our problem is not just

10 Nor is our issue just the loss of funding

11 Our challenge is


13 There is hope! Table exercise

14 Who will make this happen?

15 Our People Are we a manufacturer Are we a retail organization Aren’t we really a service organization “Human beings taking care of human beings”

16 YOU

17 Leadership :Who volunteers ?


19 Leadership’s Missing Manual 1.Create & communicate vision & strategy 2.Create a true sense of urgency 3.Create “the team” 4.Empower team to remove obstacles 5.Find short term wins 6.Win over their HEARTS & Minds 7.Hardwire the Culture

20 Describe the “Big Picture”

21 “If you don’t know where you’re going, you might end up someplace else.”

22 Which way do you go? Group Activity

23 Set the bar low enough and everyone is exceptional

24 2. Create a true sense of urgency To change you need a true Sense of Urgency – Take ACTION - Make something important happen TODAY – Shed low priority activities to move faster and smarter NOW

25 Albert Einstein “Vision without execution is a hallucination.”

26 Leadership’s “Missing Manual” 3. Create the guiding team It’s all about the “team” J Kotter

27 Everyone must contribute

28 How we are accomplishing it

29 Leadership’s “Missing Manual” 4. Empower team to remove obstacles – Align team with vision – Tight-loose-tight – “Make it happen” – Take risks- use some non-traditional thinking or don’t do what you’ve always done

30 “Coach the Team”




34 Conflict is painful




38 “The difference between involvement and commitment is like bacon and eggs. The chicken is involved but the pig is committed.”




42 5. Find short term wins Identify early wins & tell over & over Reward and Recognition

43 Leadership’s “ Missing Manual” 6. Win over their HEARTS & Minds Check you ego at the door

44 All administration cares about is ________.

45 “A true expert learns from others mistakes and not their own” Learn what NOT to do


47 “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” John Maxwell Aim For the Heart ……….

48 Visibility Purposeful Rounding Hardwire into your schedule Follow up on feedback

49 Do you have Blind Spots

50 Blind Spots

51 Leadership’s “Missing Manual” 7.Hardwire culture with systems & accountability J Kotter

52 Improve results by avoiding performance punishment

53 Responsibility & Authority Authority can be defined by an organizational chart

54 The Problem with Authority… Problems do not self organize into our organizational charts. V

55 Look back at the end of the year not the end of the week

56 Perseverance… Even the Pros Mess Up

57 What is the end game?

58 American Hospital Association Survey 55% of patient’s entering hospitals feel something bad will happen to them

59 Gallup Perception Poll September 2011 Health Care third from the bottom IRS Oil and Gas Industry Good news- we are up one spot!

60 How do we stay connected to the patient?

61 Have you lost connection to the patient? …… to your team?

62 Will I have an impact

63 Can you think about health care finance differently? We are ensuring the future of health delivery

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