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Global Business Improvement Consultant GAMBARAN BESAR STANDAR PENGELOLAAN.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Business Improvement Consultant GAMBARAN BESAR STANDAR PENGELOLAAN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Business Improvement Consultant GAMBARAN BESAR STANDAR PENGELOLAAN

2 Global Business Improvement Consultant Feedback/Learning Source: Thomas L. Wheelen & J. David Hunger, Strategic Management & Business Policy, Prentice Hall International, Inc. Model Sistem Manajemen Strategis: Vision What do you want to be in the future Value Proposition Audit Internal Pengukuran Kepuasan Laporan Kinerja Rapat Tinjauan Manajemen Tindakan Peningkatan Tindakan Pencegahan Tujuan Sasaran Mutu ANALISIS LINGKUNGAN FORMULASI STRATEGI IMPLEMENTASI STRATEGI MONITORING EVALUASI Kebijakan Mutu SWOT Analysis What do you do

3 Global Business Improvement Consultant TRIZ

4 Global Business Improvement Consultant Translating a Mission into Desired Outcomes: What we do Mission Why We Exist Values What’s Important to Us Vision What We Want to Be Strategy Our Game Plan Strategy Map Translate the Strategy Balanced Scorecard Measure and Focus Targets and Initiatives What We Need to Do Personal Objectives What I Need to Do Strategic Outcomes Satisfied Shareholders Delighted Customers Efficient and Effective Processes Motivated and Prepared Workforce School AchievementStudent Achievement

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