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The Task Is for All Christians – Where They Are Deployed.

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Presentation on theme: "The Task Is for All Christians – Where They Are Deployed."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Task Is for All Christians – Where They Are Deployed

2 Part 4 The Primary Mandate – Disciple Nations Session 4.17 The GREAT CO-Mission Overview Session 4.18 Christ Announces His Reign Session 4.19 Reawakening the Cultural Mandate in the Great Commission Session 4.20 The Task Is for All Christians – Where They Are Deployed Session 4.21 The Primary Task – Make Disciples of All Nations!

3 The Text Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28: 18-20

4 Outline Therefore! What is the word “therefore” there for? A call for professional missionaries? No! As you go! The task is for all Christians No dichotomy! The Church – The local expression of the Body of Christ The Gates of the City – To all of every nation

5 Therefore Go! Questions: –# 1 What is the word “therefore” there for? –# 2 Who is this not addressed to? Who is it addressed to?

6 A Call for Professional Missionaries? No!

7 Evangelical Gnosticism Moral *Faith *Grace *Missions *Ethics Sacred * Theology * Evangelism * Discipleship * DevotionsNatural G OD Physical * Works * Reason * Business * Politics Secular * Science * Economics * Mass Media * The Arts Physical’ Ministries ‘Physical’ Ministries Social Justice Weekdays Spiritual Disciplines Spiritual WarfareSundays Spiritual

8 Living in Two Worlds Profession Secular “Part-time” Christian Service Accountant Artist Carpenter Cook Farmer Homemaker Nurse Poet Tree Trimmer Less Spiritual Sacred “Full-time” Christian Service Church Planter Evangelist Missionary Pastor more spiritual

9 GO OVERSEAS! more spiritual Living in Two Worlds Deployment STAY HOME less spiritual

10 STAY HOME less spiritual GO OVERSEAS more spiritual Living in Two Worlds Deployment WORK AMONG UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUPS! much more spiritual

11 The Old Paradigm Dualistic/Gnostic Bridge The Call Carpenter Mechanic Teacher Musician Artist Caterer Nurse Housewife 10% Religious Carpenter Mechanic Musician Teacher Artist Housewife Nurse Church Planter Preacher Theologian Theologian Church Planter Church Planter Preacher Preacher Theologian 90% Secular

12 Gnostic Bridge

13 As You Go! The task is for all Christians.

14 “Go” – Greek word - poreuomai Not a command Literally - “going” or “as you go” Questions: –Who goes? –Where are they going?

15 Coram Deo before the face of God

16 Christ’s Sovereignty “… there is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: ‘Mine!’” Abraham Kuyper Free University's inaugural convocation, 1880

17 Living in ONE World Coram Deo: before the face of God Accountant Artist Carpenter Church Planter Cook Entrepreneur Evangelist Farmer Film Maker Homemaker Missionary Nurse Pastor Philosopher Poet Tree Trimmer VOCATION Consecration Un- Sanctified Deployment Home Cross- cultural

18 The New Paradigm Biblical Worldview Bridge The Call Theologian Church Planter Preacher Carpenter Mechanic Teacher Musician Artist Caterer Nurse Housewife “Kingdomize” all Carpenter Mechanic Musician Teacher Nurse Church Planter Preacher Theologian Artist Housewife Caterer

19 Kingdom Bridge

20 From Every Nation to Every Nation

21 The Church The Local Expression of the Body of Christ

22 The Church and the World Read John 17: 15-19 Question: What is to be the relationship between the church and the world?

23 Disengaged In the Church and Out of the World

24 Conformed Indistinguishable from the World

25 Impacting the World In the World but not of the World

26 Gathered and Scattered Gathered for worship & equipping Scattered for service & discipling the nations

27 The Church and the World “The church is the only society on earth that exists for the benefit of its non-members.” William Temple Archbishop of Canterbury 1945

28 The Church and Society “The Church is only the Church when it exists for others.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer Flossenburg concentration camp 1945

29 The Gates of the City – To All of Every Nation

30 Salt and Light Read: –Set # 1: Matt. 5: 13; Mark 9: 50; Luke 14: 34-35 –Set # 2: Matt. 5: 14-16; Mark 4: 21; Luke 11: 35 Christ uses everyday metaphors to describe how we are to relate to society. Questions: –What is the nature of salt and light? –What do these scriptures reveal about how we are to relate to society?

31 Gates of the CitySocialCommunication Business & Economics Arts Health Government & Law Science & Technology Education Kingdomizers

32 The Circles of Influence Individual

33 “Kingdomizers” Truth Beauty Goodness Truth Beauty Goodness Truth Truth Truth Beauty Beauty Beauty Goodness Goodness Goodness

34 The task is for all Christians where they are deployed.

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