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Partnerships - Making a Difference for Children Affected by HIV/AIDS in Zambia WORLD AIDS DAY CONTRIBUTION TO HIV/AIDS TALK WITH AMBASSADORS At The Boston.

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Presentation on theme: "Partnerships - Making a Difference for Children Affected by HIV/AIDS in Zambia WORLD AIDS DAY CONTRIBUTION TO HIV/AIDS TALK WITH AMBASSADORS At The Boston."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnerships - Making a Difference for Children Affected by HIV/AIDS in Zambia WORLD AIDS DAY CONTRIBUTION TO HIV/AIDS TALK WITH AMBASSADORS At The Boston University School of Public Health Center for International Health & Development Boston University African Studies Center December 1, 2003 By H.E. Dr. Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika Ambassador Of The Republic Of Zambia To The United States Of America

2 African Proverb... When you want to go fast, go alone. When you want to go far, go together.



5 Impact of HIV/AIDS In Kenya & Zambia (as of end 2001) KENYA Adult HIV prevalence: 15% Kenyans living with HIV/AIDS: 2.5 million Kenyan women living with HIV/AIDS: 1.4 million AIDS deaths in 2001: 190,000 Cumulative AIDS orphans: 890,000 ZAMBIA Adult HIV prevalence: 21.5% Zambians living with HIV/AIDS: 1.2 million Zambian women living with HIV/AIDS: 590,000 AIDS deaths in 2001: 120,000 Cumulative AIDS orphans: 570,000 Source: UNAIDS 2002 (Debrework Zewdie) Global HIV/aids program World Bank

6 Number of Double Orphans in Kenya & Zambia is Increasing due to HIV/AIDS

7 Future Projections of AIDS Orphans for Selected Countries

8 Dr. Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika November 19, 2003 POVERTY 75% - 80% of people below poverty lines of one US$1 per day. Some regions as high as 90%. Declined economy due to sale of copper mines & other services Rapid and wholesale privatization Diversification (Agriculture, tourism, small- scale mining). Food Production – Bumper harvest 2002/2003.

9 EDUCATION Successes COMMUNITY SCHOOLS. Program for the Advancement of Girls Education (PAGE). Move towards Free Primary Education. Pregnant girls can continue education. Challenges Decline in Adult Literacy Programs. Fewer teachers in rural areas. Longer distances in rural areas. Increase in female drop-out rate by 4 th Grade. Dr. Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika November 19, 2003

10 HEALTH IMR (2001) Under 5 – 164 per 1,000 MMR – 729% PER 100,000. Malaria Incidences – doubled from 235 to 375 per 1,000 in 10 years. Malaria Fatalities – from 10.6% (1976) to 51.3% (2001) Health facilities Fee-paying Patients have to bring their own treatment supplies. Hospitals, Clinics -More than 10 miles walk in rural areas. Exodus of health workers to other countries Decline in outreach services and training of TBA Ministry of Health(Zambia) 2002.

11 HIV/AIDS Drop in youth infections from 20% to 16%. Involvement of Youth, Faith-based, NGOs, Government. Awareness Campaigns – radio, theater. Women – affected/infected, care givers. Orphans - 570,000; 11.5% (1990) to 65.4% (2001) (UCSF Aids Research Institute, USA) Strain on care givers and families Depleting workforce National AIDS Council Report 2003 (Zambia).

12 Current Zambian Scenario 16% of Adult Population (15 to 49) is HIV + 16% of Adult Population (15 to 49) is HIV + Infection rate is higher in women (18%, men- 13%) [NAC Report 2003] 73% of the population lives under the poverty line [SCOPE OVC Notes May 2002] 73% of the population lives under the poverty line [SCOPE OVC Notes May 2002] By the end of 2001, there were an estimated 570,000 AIDS orphans (ages 0 to 14) living in Zambia By the end of 2001, there were an estimated 570,000 AIDS orphans (ages 0 to 14) living in Zambia % of AIDS orphans rose from 11.5% in 1990 to 65.4% in 2001 [UCSF AIDS Research Institute, USA] % of AIDS orphans rose from 11.5% in 1990 to 65.4% in 2001 [UCSF AIDS Research Institute, USA] BISHOP JOSHUA H.K. BANDA


14 PARTNERSHIPS Government NGOs Religious Institutions Schools Bilateral Financial Institutions Multilateral Gender Policy Women Groups Youth Groups Dr. Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika

15 Partnering & Leveraging is KEY to success Churches Para-Church Orgs Faith-Based Media Inter-Faith Partnerships Local Partners Communities Government CBOs Natl NGOs International Partners Global Fund World Bank UN Agencies Bilaterals NGOs WIDOWS & OVCs BY HIV/AIDS COLLABORATION MODEL BISHOP JOSHUA H.K. BANDA

16 THE LAZARUS PROJECT A Partnership of Northmead Assembly of God Church, Crossroads Christian Communication, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), and UNICEF Zambia. BISHOP JOSHUA H.K. BANDA AN EXAMPLE

17 BISHOP JOSHUA H.K. BANDA Lazarus Project Located in Lusaka with 2 residences for rescued Street children: Chudleigh home (25 boys, 7-12 yrs) Chudleigh home (25 boys, 7-12 yrs) Project Farm house (30 boys, 13-18 yrs) Project Farm house (30 boys, 13-18 yrs)

18 BISHOP JOSHUA H.K. BANDA HIV/AIDS - The Greatest Orphan Maker In Africa 75 000 Street kids in Zambia, More than 46% orphaned by AIDS

19 Program Thrust Outreach Rehabilitation Integration BISHOP JOSHUA H.K. BANDA

20 Inspired by Lazarus (below) who came to us in 1999 from a dysfunctional home with alcoholic parents, who have since 2001, died of AIDS Lazarus is now in school & making remarkable progress The Lazarus Name

21 BISHOP JOSHUA H.K. BANDA Impact 25 boys (7-12 yrs) sheltered & placed in School 25 boys (7-12 yrs) sheltered & placed in School 30 boys sheltered at Lazarus Farm & engaged in skills training 30 boys sheltered at Lazarus Farm & engaged in skills training 13 boys graduated, assisted through micro-finance & integrated in society 13 boys graduated, assisted through micro-finance & integrated in society Reaching 150 boys each month through soup days Reaching 150 boys each month through soup days Dec. 2002 – in partnership with UNICEF- targeted 500 house-holds with love packages Dec. 2002 – in partnership with UNICEF- targeted 500 house-holds with love packages



24 MWANAWASA CALLS FOR THE CARING OF ORPHANS We need to re-invent a tradition practice that has no place for orphans, President Levy Mwanawasa said yesterday. Addressing a conference on the role of chiefs in the fight against HIV/AIDS at Lusakas Mulungushi International Conference Centre, President Mwanawasa said there was need for traditions to look at every orphan as a child to everyone. President Mwanawasa said this was the first time that the chiefs had come together to build a coalition to fight HIV/AIDS since it was acknowledged in the 1980s


26 ZAMBIAS CHALLENGE IS TO AVOID DUPLICITY IN FIGHTING HIV/AIDS, SAYS CHITUWO Zambias challenge is to harmonize resources to avoid duplicity in the fight against HIV/AIDS, Health Minister, Dr. Brian Chituwo has said.


28 HIV IS A SERIOUS WAR THAT HAS INVADED HUMANITY - CHITALA HIV/AIDS is a serious war that has invaded humanity, Finance Deputy Minister Mbita Chitala said yesterday. Contributing to the debate to adopt the report of the committee on legal affairs, governance, human rights and gender matters, Chitala said HIV/AIDS had robbed Zambia of her sons and daughters. The ARVS (Antiretroviral drugs) we have introduced are only enough for 7,000 people he said The world should hear us, we are pleading. Chitala said the task of resolving the HIV/AIDS problem remained with leaders in promoting prevention. All of us in this House should go for testing first so that we can spread this approach to the constituents, he said. Chitala said those who went into compounds and deliberately infected innocent people when found out must be punished severely. HIV/AIDS must be stopped, he said.

29 A STRATEGY TO HIV/AIDS Improve Maternal Health Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases Ensure Environmental Sustainability Develop a Global partnership for Development MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS/NEPAD Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger Achieve Universal Primary Education Promote Gender Equality Reduce Child Mortality

30 FEMALES APPOINTED AUDITOR GENERAL CLERK OF NATIONAL ASSEMBLEY HOLD CRITICAL PORTFOLIOS CHAIR/ Electoral Reform Com. Double # Permanent Secretaries Double# Members Parliament Triple # Local Government AMBASSADOR USA & CANADA Women in Decision-Making

31 Fair Trade Privatization that Benefits Local People Support to Local female Entrepreneurs Girls & Womens Education And Training Translation of local Resources to Cash FACTORS IN ACHIEVING MDGS NEPAD (African Union) Dr. Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika

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