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Theorizing Participation and Citizenship of Children: Towards an Embedded Approach of Legal Rights of Children Wouter Vandenhole Rudi Roose Belgium.

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Presentation on theme: "Theorizing Participation and Citizenship of Children: Towards an Embedded Approach of Legal Rights of Children Wouter Vandenhole Rudi Roose Belgium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theorizing Participation and Citizenship of Children: Towards an Embedded Approach of Legal Rights of Children Wouter Vandenhole Rudi Roose Belgium

2 2 Legal Rights of Children Debate on children's rights often on “implementation of the UNCRC” Dominance of participation rights! ▫Idea that children automatically benefit from legal rights ▫Idea that “more participation of children” is “better for children” (e.g. participation ladders)

3 3 Towards a discussion on the meaning of rights Critical legal studies – critical pedagogy: ▫What is the meaning of legal rights? ▫Demands that we look at reality (embedded theory) ▫Conclusion that participation and citizenship are complex, layered concepts and not evidently positive concepts  E.g. the right to participation of poor children in their care program  E.g. European youth policy and active citizenship

4 4 Conclusion Importance of: ▫A view on rights as a starting point of dialogue instead of and end of dialogue ▫A contextualised approach of the analysis of participation and citizenship (e.g. concepts in paper) ▫From implementation towards strategic mobilization ▫Children as co-actors (also those that do not seem to “participate”)

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