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The American Cancer Society and Our Efforts in Palliative Care December 2005 Tom Burish, PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "The American Cancer Society and Our Efforts in Palliative Care December 2005 Tom Burish, PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 The American Cancer Society and Our Efforts in Palliative Care December 2005 Tom Burish, PhD

2 2 Todays Presentation Introduce the American Cancer Society Our Current Work in Palliative Care

3 3 Cancer rarely mentioned in public Cancer steeped by fear and denial 75,000 lives lost in US alone Information and knowledge desperately needed The Early 1900s 15 business leaders and physicians in NY begin the American Society for the Control of Cancer (ASCC) Then, in 1913….

4 4 Society helps establishes link between tobacco and cancer Nationwide Cancer Prevention Study I (CPS-I) begins -1 million participants enrolled 1950s 1960s 1970s Dr. Papanicolaou research funded - leads to Pap test development Surgeon Generals Report on Smoking issued National Cancer Act signed Making History ASCC becomes the American Cancer Society Cancers Seven Danger Signals launched – later became CAUTION 1940S

5 First downturn in cancer mortality and decrease in incidence America adopts 2015 Nationwide Objectives National Cancer Information Center and website launched 1990s 2000s ACS Research funds 38 Nobel Prize winner Breast cancer awareness - early detection guidelines, mammography campaigns CPS-II Study,1.2 million participants – link between diet, exercise & cancer 1980s

6 6 The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy, and service. Our Mission

7 7 Principles of Operation Mission-based Constituent-focused Science-based & Evidence-driven Independent Work Collaboratively Accountable

8 8 The American Cancer Society Serves Millions 24/7/365 access to the most trusted source for cancer information 1.3 million calls to 1-800-ACS- 2345 each year 15.1 million visitor sessions in 2003; 64% growth in last 3 years Programs like Quitline, Cancer Survivors Network, Look Good- Feel Better and TLC serve millions of patients and families

9 9 Some Highlights of Our Work 1 in every 100 Americans is involved in Relay For Life. In 2005… 4,400+ communities; 3 million participants worldwide 500,000 survivors $1.5 billion since 1985 Making Strides against Breast Cancer – 400.000 walkers; 100 events; $160 million raised since 1993 Great American Smokeout – 29 years in 2005! International Activities have grown in past five years. ACS University has trained over 200 cancer leaders from more than 60 countries. Relay for Life is in X countries now!

10 10 American Cancer Society 2015 Goals 50% Reduction in Age-adjusted Cancer Mortality Rates 25% Reduction in Age-adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates Measurable Improvement in the Quality of Life from the Time of Diagnosis and for the Balance of Life of All Cancer Survivors

11 11 Quality of Life Programs ACS ProgramPeople Served/Contacted Look Good...Feel Better60,000 + Served TLC Magalog100,000+ Orders Reach to Recovery55,000+ New Patients Contacted I Can Cope10,000 + Served Man to Man33,000 + Served Cancer Survivors Network1.3 million visits in FY04/05 Transportation370,000 + Rides Housing16,000 Stayed in Hope Lodges

12 12 Palliative Care The goal of palliative care is to help people with cancer and their families experience the best quality of life possible throughout the course of the disease, even when there are symptoms to manage, grave concerns for survival, and practical issues to attend to. The approach includes competent and compassionate management of symptoms such as pain, sleep loss, fatigue, and functional change. Philosophy behind palliative care – that people with cancer need not suffer.

13 13 Palliative Care – American Cancer Society Research Cancer Control Science Advocacy International

14 14 Palliative Care – American Cancer Society Research Cancer Control Science Advocacy International Our Behavior Research Center implemented a program of research to assess quality of life and psychosocial functionality of cancer survivors.

15 15 Palliative Care – American Cancer Society Research Cancer Control Science Advocacy International Identifies emerging science and trends, translating applied research and formulating science based public health strategies. Co-authored When the Focus is On Care: Palliative Care and Cancer.

16 16 Palliative Care – American Cancer Society Research Cancer Control Science Advocacy International Over the past four years, weve focused efforts to change U.S. national and state laws and regulations to improve access and knowledge of pain management.

17 17 Palliative Care – American Cancer Society Research Cancer Control Science Advocacy International We are applying what we know and have learned about improving access to pain management and more broadly to palliative care. We are excited to have the opportunity to work with our global partners to advance access to palliative care.

18 18 Possible Directions for the Future Research Delivery of excellent palliative care Training of professionals to provide palliative care Provide accurate and complete information to the public Advocate for changes in policies that govern access to palliative care

19 19 Thank you

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