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Stages of Leadership Learning 4Sponsorship(Providing)From personal excellence to system excellence 3Reliability(Being)From reliable discipline to intuitive.

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Presentation on theme: "Stages of Leadership Learning 4Sponsorship(Providing)From personal excellence to system excellence 3Reliability(Being)From reliable discipline to intuitive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stages of Leadership Learning 4Sponsorship(Providing)From personal excellence to system excellence 3Reliability(Being)From reliable discipline to intuitive personal excellence 2Action(Doing)From experimental action to widespread, valuable action Purpose, deep practice, and coaching 1Insight(Knowing)From inquiry to new understanding 0Arrogance(I already know)From unconscious complacency to awareness of “fast past matching” 4Sponsorship(Providing) From personal excellence to system excellence 3 Reliability(Being)From reliable discipline to intuitive personal excellence

2 Conversation is at the core of culture and Leadership contribution “Dialogue is the core of culture and the basic unit of Leadership work.” Ram Charan Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done

3 “Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast” Peter Drucker

4 Cultural Moments of Truth 1.What leaders pay attention to, how they behave day-to-day… both formal and informal… moment to moment… 2.How leaders react to critical incidences 3.Deliberate role modelling, teaching, and coaching – by leaders 4.Observed criteria by which leaders allocate scarce resources 5.Observed criteria by which leaders allocate rewards and status 6.Observed criteria by which leaders recruit, select, promote, retire, and terminate organisational members 7.Organisation design and structure 8.Organisation systems and procedures Impact


6 The core of conversations… All humans have purposes (for), concerns (against), and circumstances (facts). Connect with those! If I think you understand what really matters to me I will be much more likely to connect and collaborate… if you don’t show understanding, resistance or lukewarm collaboration is likely

7 The intersection

8 The intersection in real life

9 The conversation meter © 2011 Conversant.

10 Pretence Listening Focus: Avoid difficulty

11 Pretence at work

12 Sincerity Listening Focus: Express and defend my sincere opinion

13 The product of sincere domination

14 The Shift Begins With Listening

15 Accuracy Listening Focus: Reveal facts and compare explanations for value

16 FactsExplanations Mutually observable and acceptable data Interpretations, deductions, or stories that account for the facts © 2011 Conversant. Shift to accuracy: Separate facts from explanations

17 Authenticity Listening Focus: Clarify essential purpose and reveal intersections for action

18 The Shift Begins With Listening – Curious!

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