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Authors: Tarasenko Elizabeth, Spiridonovа Lada, Zhestovskaya Julia. 5 "A" class.

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Presentation on theme: "Authors: Tarasenko Elizabeth, Spiridonovа Lada, Zhestovskaya Julia. 5 "A" class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Authors: Tarasenko Elizabeth, Spiridonovа Lada, Zhestovskaya Julia. 5 "A" class.

2 The flag was founded in 832 by King Angus II in case of a victory on the battlefield. Legend has it that before the battle, he prayed to God for the victory. In the morning he saw the battlefield sign of the cross. And winning made ​​ a flag with a picture of the cross.

3 Located on the east coast of Scotland on the south bank of the Firth of Forth. The capital of Scotland since 1437. The city's name comes from the Breton name fortress Din Eidyn - ie Fortress Aydin - which is on the ground of the ancient Brythonic kingdom Gododin.

4 The heart of the city is the legendary Edinburgh Castle, Scotland's main stronghold. Castle stands proudly above the city, and it is impossible not to notice. Sure to visit here, and then be able to say with confidence that were in the heart of Scotland

5 The second most popular is the castle of Edinburgh Holyroodhouse. Of it is famous road called the Royal Mile, Holyrood connecting to Edinburgh Castle. Around the base of the abbey in this place and the construction of the castle steeped in legend, but the true cause remains hidden. Holyrood is translated from the local language means the Holy Cross.

6 One of the most beautiful streets, not only in Scotland but throughout the world, is the Royal Mile. It connects the Palace of Holyroodhouse and Edinburgh Castle. It is here that there is the greatest accumulation of tourists, lots of souvenir shops, restaurants and cafes.

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