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Implementing Digital Storytelling in the Classroom Rhonda Gibson EDUC 7101 Dr. Willis.

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1 Implementing Digital Storytelling in the Classroom Rhonda Gibson EDUC 7101 Dr. Willis

2 Need for Digital Storytelling Digital stories include media such as animation, video and audio clips to tell a story Digital storytelling brings content alive Students enhance their technology and writing skills when they participate in and create digital stories Teachers and students can create digital stories to share information

3 Digital Storytelling in the classroom offers: The implementation of Digital storytelling inables more students to be reached because the stories engage both visual and auditory learners. The learners are seeing and hearing information about a specific topic. Implementing Digital storytelling into lessons will enable the learner to take a more active role in the learning.

4 Research University of Houston: The Educational uses of Digital Storytelling. Retrieved December 30 from: Center for Digital Storytelling. Retrieved December 30 from: Digital Storytelling in Scott County Schools. Retrieved December 30 from: Digital Storytelling from Wikipedia. Retrieved December 30 from:

5 Development Lack of equipment necessary to produce digital stories Digital stories can be rather time consuming Lack of training on software used to produce digital stories Lack of software such as PhotoStory 3, Movie Maker/i-movie (video stories), Premiere Pro (video stories),

6 S-Curve Digital storytelling began in the 1990s. It began when a group of media artists, designers and practitioners got together to merge elements of storytelling with new digital media. Digital storytelling hasnt reached full potential or complete adoption due to its newness.

7 Digital Storytelling software- PhotoStory 3 Compatible for PC and Mac users Allows users to breathe life into your digital photos by adding music, narration, motion, and more. When you save a story, Photo Story 3 compresses your digital photos into a single small file that automatically preserves the great picture quality. E-mail it to family and friends. Then watch it on a computer, TV, or portable devicewithout the hassle of large file sizes.

8 Movie Maker for Windows Creates movies and slideshows that can be easily shared with audiences. Movie Maker is a free download that can be utilized with all Windows programs.

9 Adobe Premiere Pro Capture, edit, and deliver video online, on air, on disc, or on device Tell your story with maximum impact using Adobe® Premiere® Pro CS4 software, the start-to-finish video production solution that includes Adobe OnLocation CS4 and Encore® CS4 software.Adobe OnLocation CS4 Encore® CS4

10 Outline for creating digital stories Stage 1- Storycircle and script development Stage 2-Voice and image capture Stage 3- Production(Photoshop and titles) Stage 4- Video editing Stage 5- Presentation Image Retrieved from:

11 Examples of Digital stories narchbutterfly.htm narchbutterfly.htm ogy/digitalstorytelling/ ogy/digitalstorytelling/ -stories.htm -stories.htm

12 Intended Audiences Anyone who desires to spice up stories they tell using media Effective in K-12 classrooms and beyond Students

13 Early Innovators and Adopters of Digital Storytelling To prepare students for digital storytelling, it would be helpful to incorporate these and other lessons into a unit of study. Feel free to modify, expand or eliminate any section of these lesson frameworks for your own curriculum, time frame and resources. Lesson Plan Ideas Ancient man will lead you back to the homepage Scott County Schools- Georgetown, Kentucky Lees Summit, MO R-7 School District Poway Unified School District: EdTech Central

14 Attributes of Digital Storytelling for Teachers Uses a variety of learning styles Applicable in all grade-levels Teachers can implement digital stories to introduce lessons Digital stories expose students to multimedia Digital stories make difficult content easier to understand

15 Attributes of Digital Storytelling for Students Encourages collaboration Improves writing, organizational, and technology skills Increases research skills Students become more active in the learning when creating digital stories

16 Commercialization K-12 teachers, administrators, and school personnel Students in K-12 and beyond All audiences interested in telling stories using media to enhance their story

17 Decentralized Approach Teachers feel a sense of control when implementing digital storytelling in their classrooms. Teachers share successes and problems with the implementation of digital storytelling. Teachers gain knowledge through experience and collaboration with peers. Teachers focus on individual needs for success with their students.

18 Key Change Agents for Digital Storytelling School systems desiring to increase the use of technology Teachers who desire to impact student achievement Students in 21 st century classrooms

19 References: Windows Movie Maker and PhotoStory 3- ng/digitalphotography/PhotoStory/defau lt.mspx Adobe Premiere Pro /?sdid=ETRZR&

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