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Co-Teaching as a Model of Student Teaching: Common Trends and Levels of Student Engagement Co-Teaching as a Model of Student Teaching: Common Trends and.

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Presentation on theme: "Co-Teaching as a Model of Student Teaching: Common Trends and Levels of Student Engagement Co-Teaching as a Model of Student Teaching: Common Trends and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Co-Teaching as a Model of Student Teaching: Common Trends and Levels of Student Engagement Co-Teaching as a Model of Student Teaching: Common Trends and Levels of Student Engagement

2 Presentation Outcomes -- Describe common trends of the co-teaching model of student teaching from the Teacher Candidate and Cooperating Teacher perspective; Explain the levels of student engagement in co-taught and traditional student teaching classrooms; Determine initial impact of the co-teaching model of student teaching on pre-teachers, teachers, K-12 classrooms, and students.

3 Co-Teaching – General Definition An effective, evidence-based instructional strategy in which two or more caring professionals share responsibility for a group of students and work collaboratively to add instructional value to enhance their efforts – Chapman & Hart Hyatt (2011)

4 Co-Teaching – MSU Student Teaching Structure A Cooperating Teacher + an MSU Teacher Candidate are the two caring professionals who share responsibility They work collaboratively, add instructional value, and work to enhance learning for diverse groups of students

5 Co-teachers…. Jointly decide how to best offer instruction – engage in substantive co-planning. Consider The Adults, The Students, & The Curriculum Content as they co-plan. Use a range of approaches/models. Collaborate for best results. Have strong administrative support. Discuss logistical issues to improve teaching and learning.

6 Program Program Why are we using the Co-teaching Model?

7 MSU Vision and Rationale for Co- teaching We have moved from a traditional model of minimal time in observation and direct planning/instruction – Sink or Swim approach Innovative model is an apprenticeship where extended time is spent co-planning/co- teaching with your partner The emphasis is on providing greater opportunities for enhanced K-12 student learning and bridging the achievement gap

8 Research and Experiential Support Improve teacher to K- 12 student ratio Increase instructional options student achievement Strengthen teacher professional development Encourage quality MSU student mentoring 1 + 1 > 2

9 So – what has happened? Cooperating Teacher & MSU Teacher Candidate trainings each semester since Jan. 2010 TOSA & university supervisor observations Surveys, co-teaching logs, focus group interviews = initial research data

10 MSU Co-teaching Research Jan. 2010 – May 2011 Research themes across three semesters – Value – the value of working in a co-teaching model & what it provides for all students increases over time for Cooperating Teachers & Teacher Candidates. The comfort level of TCs working with others in the classroom increases greatly across time. Planning – joint planning time is necessary for the co-teaching partnership to teach well together

11 MSU Co-teaching Research Jan. 2010 – May 2011 Communication – having time to communicate well as co-teaching partners on all aspects of planning & teaching is important Teaming – Cooperating Teachers and Teacher Candidates engage in more varied roles together as they develop as a team

12 Purpose of the Pilot Study - To examine the academic engagement of students in secondary schools who are in co- teaching student teaching settings compared to more traditional student teaching classrooms Academic engagement has been linked to academic achievement and is therefore an important factor to consider in assessing the teaching environment for students. Dr. Renata Ticha, Jill Brink and Susan Devro

13 Assessment - Traditional assessments - measures of student performance and ability - are considered when evaluating a students progress in an educational program. An assumption of ecobehavioral assessment suggest a students performance is at least partially determined by the nature and type of interactions the student has with the environment and people in the classroom

14 EBASS - EcoBehavioral Assessment System Software (EBASS) is a computer software package that may be used to assess environment-behavior interactions as well as the ecological contexts in which student behaviors occur: It can be used to measure engagement - (Greenwood, Carta, Kamps, Terry & Delquadri, 1994).

15 EBASS, continued… It facilitates the recording of variables related to thirteen factors within the three overall categories of student behaviors, teacher behaviors, and classroom ecology. Data are collected PDA using a momentary time sampling procedure.

16 Research Questions - 1. What are the ecological events (instructional grouping, physical arrangement, task) that describe the classrooms observed in this study? 2. What teacher behaviors are most typical in the classrooms? 3. To what extent do the behaviors of the target students represent the following categories: academic, task management, or competing responses?

17 Research Questions - 4. Are there differences in teacher behaviors or student responses when comparing students in co-teaching student teaching settings compared to more traditional student teaching classrooms?

18 Participants - Cooperating teachers and teacher candidates in 6 classrooms (three co-teaching and threetraditional student teaching classrooms) There were 14 students who participated in both Time 1 and Time 2 data collection. Students ranged from 7 th to 12 th grade MAZE

19 Training and Reliability - Graduate students conducted the classroom observations. They participated in an EBASS training class and studied the EBASS Practitioners Manual and computerized tutorial (Greenwood et al, 1994). Inter-observer agreement was calculated using the MS-CISSAR Calibration video. Inter-rater reliability with the expertly coded video was achieved at.90

20 Data Collection - Each student observation lasted 20 minutes with two observation sessions taking place during one class period, per observer. Cooperating teacher/teacher candidate observations lasted the duration of 40 minutes.

21 Teacher Position

22 - Means for Teacher Behavior in Exemplar Classrooms -

23 Blue = Traditional Green = Co-Teaching

24 Summary of Pilot Study - Worth pursuing… Need larger sample in similar content areas Gather data on teacher location Revise EBASS system to better reflect discussion/lecture Add achievement measure Add co-teaching (or teacher role) checklist

25 Next Steps - Add K-12 achievement measures to co- teaching models/methods Add co-teaching (or teacher role) checklist to teacher position information in classroom observations

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